Chapter 808 Still no news, Shen Qian's will

Zhou Qingfu hesitated again and again, but finally accepted.

500 million, no matter how kind the boss is, he has never been wrong in his life.

After Shen Chunhang handed over the check, he stopped talking and ordered the driver to take Zhou Qingfu to the airport.

Then, strode out of the house.

He didn't have so much time to bid farewell, and he didn't dare to slack off in the slightest. Now that the Shen family needs him, Mingda needs him even more.

Shen Chunhang has never been so conscious of the responsibility on his shoulders as he is now.


Dongli Villa, study room.

Chu Yujiang lowered his eyebrows and narrowed his eyes: "...According to the above information, the forces behind Shen Fei have shown signs of dying down after the failed assassination at the funeral parlor. Not surprisingly, it should be to preserve their strength and recuperate in order to launch another counterattack .”

Shen Yu raised her eyes: "So, you think that the continuous limit drop of Mingda's stock price is not the hand of the other party?"

Chu Yujiang pondered for a moment, "...From the perspective of acting style, it doesn't look like it."

"Really?" Xiumei raised her eyebrows slightly and smiled softly.

"At least, judging from what has been found so far, there is no direct evidence pointing to Shen Fei."

After a long silence—

"Keep staring." Shen Yu said lightly.

Although she changed her original intention and gave up the plan to destroy Mingda, but now the initiative is no longer in her hands, and even if she wanted to help, she still has the energy to spare.

I only hope that Shen Chunhang can listen to her words and show some real skills, otherwise if he falls like this again, even if he has monstrous skills, it will be difficult to save the situation.

"Yes." Chu Yujiang took the order and left.

"Wait..." Shen Yu suddenly said, calling people to stop.


"There is still no news from Zhan'ao?"

Chu Yujiang's expression was solemn for a moment, and he slowly shook his head: "No."

What should be known and what should not be known, Shen Wei knows everything from him.

From then on, Chu Yujiang had nothing to hide.

Shen Yu suddenly turned to look out the window.

Due to the fast movement, Chu Yujiang had no time to catch the worry and anxiety in her eyes, and they disappeared with tears.

"How many days is this?" Zhang Ruo murmured softly.

"...the third day."

"Yeah... three days..." There was no news at all.

Whether Quan Hanting is alive or dead, in danger or in safety, he doesn't even give her any clues to speculate.

Shen Wei's heart was like being hung on the edge of a cliff, and she didn't know when it would fall.

"Okay, nothing else, you go out first." The tone remained unchanged.

But Chu Yujiang heard something strange.

I glanced subconsciously from the corner of my eye, but I could only see a profile silhouette, looking against the light, with a slight lift of the chin, as if born with arrogance—stubborn, unyielding.

But the more so, the more people feel her depression and pain.

Silent but heavy, silent and tragic.

Chu Yujiang didn't dare to look any further, so he hurriedly looked away, turned and left.

If Master knew, I'm afraid it would hurt even more than Shen Yu.


With the sound of closing the door, Shen Yu was the only one in the huge study room.

These days, the place where she spends the most time is not the bedroom or the shooting range, but here.

Sitting on Quan Hanting's chair, using the pen and paper he used, looking out of the window from his usual perspective, Shen Yu couldn't help recalling the sweet time between the two of them again and again.

Like poisoning, completely out of control.

She was eager to know his news, but she couldn't do it at all. It wasn't until this moment that Shen Wei realized that the connection between her and Quan Hanting could be cut off so easily——

As long as he doesn't take the initiative, she has nothing to do!

I can only slowly wear down my patience while waiting, and gradually lose my calm in the wild thinking that I know I shouldn't but I can't help it.

Shen Yu twitched the corners of his mouth and smiled coldly.

In the next second, he buried his face in his palm, and his bowed back began to tremble slightly.

No sobs, no sobs.

After 1 minute, she raised her head. Although the sockets of her eyes were slightly red, the expression in her eyes was firm and decisive like never before.

It's not that a strong person can't cry, but after crying, he can continue to move forward on the original road, and even walk more steadily and faster!
Just then, the phone rang suddenly.

The incoming call shows an unknown number.

Shen Wei swiped the answer button: "Hello." The tone remained the same, and the tone remained the same.

"Hello, is this Miss Shen Yu Shen?"

"Well, who are you?"

"I'm Shen Qian's personal lawyer."

Shen Wei paused.

The moment she heard the name "Shen Qian", her heart tightened suddenly, and she had the illusion that he was still alive.

"...Hello? Miss Shen? Can you hear me?"

"I'm here."

The other end breathed a sigh of relief: "I'm sorry for Mr. Shen's accident this time, please forgive me. In addition, he had made a will before his death, and the main purpose of my call today is to fulfill this will, you see When are you free, come to my law firm..."

"A will?" Shen Yu interrupted him with a strange tone: "Is it related to me?"


She opened her mouth, and it took a while to make a sound: "When?"

"Of course the sooner the better."

"I'm asking about this will. When did he make it?"

There was no word.

Shen Wei: "Is this question difficult?"

 Yu wants to change the text, a lot of changes, so there is no second change, sorry, I will compensate everyone after all the problematic chapters are changed

(End of this chapter)

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