Chapter 809 Leave the money and the company to her

"...Sorry, I was looking at the specific time just now."

Shen Wei said yes, waiting for the next step.

A year, month, and day were reported on the other end.

"Two months ago?"


Shen Yu's eyebrows tightened suddenly.

If she remembers correctly, it happened that Shen Chunjiang broke the news of cancer two months ago, trying to use public opinion to force her to agree to a liver transplant.

Later, Shen Yu became the largest shareholder on the condition of transferring shares.

In the eyes of the outside world, this is what she bought with her organs, and she is betting her life.

Shen Qian also thought so, and persuaded her many times to give up this idea.

Shen Yu couldn't help thinking, how did she reply to him at that time?
He agreed on the surface, but secretly signed a share transfer agreement with Shen Chunjiang.

By the time Shen Qian knew about it, everything had already been settled.

Shen Yu has forgotten what he said in detail at that time, but he still remembers the man's angry, disappointed, worried and distressed eyes.

So, he made a will at that time?
Shen Yu thought a lot, but couldn't figure it out.

She asked the lawyer: "You just said that this will is related to me, so can I know the specific content?"

"Of course. However, according to the formal process, I need to confirm that it is you before I can tell you the specific content."


Tan Zheng Law Firm.

When Shen Yu arrived, a middle-aged man with a pot belly was already waiting at the door.

Seeing her, his eyes lit up, and then he smiled and walked forward: "Miss Shen, I'm Tan Zheng, we talked on the phone earlier."


"Inside, please." He stepped aside to make way, with a respectful but not tactful attitude.

Shen Yu nodded slightly, without refusal.

The two bodyguards behind her also entered with her.

Tan Zheng led her into a small conference room, "Miss Shen, please sit down."

Then he himself sat down, opened the briefcase, took out a sealed kraft paper bag from it, and opened it in front of Shen Yu.

The content of the will is very simple, because there is only one beneficiary, Shen Wei.

Regardless of the property or the company, there is no need to split it up, and leave it all to her.

For this result, Shen Wei actually expected it.

Wills and wills, in the final analysis, are the distribution of property after death. Since it was said to be related to her before, it must also be linked to money.

It's just that she didn't expect that Shen Qian would leave everything to her.

So where are Yang Lan and Shen Ru placed?

One is his biological mother and the other is his biological sister.

"...The above is all the content of Mr. Shen's will. There are two documents that need your signature, one is the real estate transfer agreement, and the other is the equity transfer letter of Tianshui Real Estate."

Shen Yu looked at the pen handed over by the man, but didn't take it.

Lawyer Tan looked puzzled.

Shen Yu didn't intend to help him solve his doubts, and asked directly: "You are his personal lawyer, when you made this will, you should have been there, right?"

Tan Zheng nodded.

He must be present, otherwise, how will the will be effective?
"In addition to the content above, does he have any other explanations?"


Shen Yu raised her eyes and looked straight into the man's eyes, with a bit of scrutiny and oppression: "For example, why did you make this will? And why did you leave everything to me?"

Under such gaze, the lawyer couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat.

Taking a deep breath and calming down, he said slowly, "To tell you the truth, I was surprised when I heard that Mr. Shen was going to make a will. He is young, and he is not sick or in pain. From a normal point of view, I can't imagine what he has. The reason is that he is eager to plan his own affairs. In a responsible manner, I have repeatedly confirmed, but he still insists."

Shen Yu's lips were tightly pressed, and her eyes, which were already cold, seemed to be even colder.

Tan Zheng: "In the end, I couldn't bear it anymore, and I asked him why."

The woman's eyes tightened, and she heard the man continue to say——

"But he didn't answer directly, he only said one sentence: be prepared."

plan early...

This is indeed in line with Shen Qian's cautious style of doing things.

But Shen Yu didn't believe that he would do this without any warning.

Since Shen Qian did it, it means that he had a premonition of something in advance!
But what kind of clues actually made him have such a premonition, with Shen Qian's death, there is no trace to be found anymore.

"As for why Mr. Shen left everything to you, I didn't ask, and he didn't say anything. But I believe that he is such a calm and rational person, and he has his own reasons for whatever he does."

"With Tianshui Real Estate, it may be that you have the ability to let it continue to live and shine; the gift of money may be a reward, or it may simply be to compensate you. Of course, these are my personal guesses, and they cannot be taken seriously. .”

Shen Yu didn't speak, but looked at the two contracts laid out in front of her, her eyes were deep and she didn't know what she was thinking.

The lawyer tried again to put the pen in front of her.

This time, Shen Wei picked up the phone, swiped down his name, got up and left.

Lawyer Tan only felt a gust of fragrant wind blowing past him, and when he raised his eyes, he could only see the back of the woman going away.

He sighed heavily.

Suddenly he understood where Shen Qian's specialness towards her came from.

May I ask, which man would not want to conquer such a beautiful, indifferent and almost ruthless woman?
Especially those favored ones who have never tasted failure in their relationship.

The higher the snow mountain, the more attractive it is...

Some people make it up, while others are... smashed to pieces.

 On the second day after I edited the article, there was only one feeling—the cars I drove were all tears left behind now. [Live and live]

(End of this chapter)

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