Chapter 813 You Deceived My Guess, Miao Miao On Vacation

"...Is there still no news?" The woman stood in the mess, her back tensed.

The slightly raised jaw line reveals a bit of coldness.

In a blink of an eye, she seemed to have turned back to that calm and rational Shen Wan, as if the person who vented wantonly and nearly lost her temper just a second ago was not her.

Chu Yujiang's voice was dull: "...No."

He lowered his head, from this angle he could only see the woman's hands on the edge of the table, motionless, but the raised veins on the back of the hands were clearly discernible.

Silence struck again.

After a long while, Shen Wei stood up straight and said in a calm tone, "...Continue to investigate, and Zhan'ao will find a way to get in touch. I don't believe that if Quan Hanting is alive, they will know nothing about it..."

Liangliang hooked his lips, his eyes were cool: "It's just hiding it from me."

I also want to know who instructed it.

Quan Hanting didn't want her to worry, so he suppressed all news, but it made her more anxious.

Self-defeating fool!
Shen Yu secretly gritted her teeth, wanted to scold but couldn't find the person being scolded, instead a burst of bitterness stuck in her chest, sore and swollen.

Chu Yujiang's Adam's apple rolled slightly. In fact, he noticed the deliberate concealment earlier than Shen Yu.

Otherwise, how could there be no news at all?

It is true that Zhan'ao is heavily guarded, but the intelligence system in Quan Hanting's hands is Anjia's. This is equivalent to using internal staff to investigate internal intelligence - no matter how difficult it is, it will not be so difficult!
But after so many days, there is no valuable feedback at all.

The Sixth Master was certainly strategizing, but Shen Wei was not easy to be fooled. If there is still no clue, then she is not worthy of sitting in the study and giving orders.

These two people are thousands of miles apart but they played the "guessing game"?
Chu Yujiang felt dizzy just thinking about it.

Both of these are not fuel-efficient lamps. He is caught in the middle and he may be instantly reduced to scum in the process of fighting between the two sides...

It's not easy to be a subordinate, and it's even more difficult to be a subordinate of Liu Ye!

Hai Province, Crescent Bay.

The blue sky is like washing, and the white clouds are floating like cotton candy.

In the distance, the sea and the sky are in a line, and the nearby beach is golden under the sunshine.

Under the umbrella and on the beach chair, there is a beauty in bikini lying on the beach at the moment.

Miao Miao just woke up, a little thirsty, reached for the drink next to her, but she was covered by a shadow before reaching it.

She paused, raised her head, and looked at the... man in front of her through the sunglasses?
"What's up?"

The man was only wearing a pair of beach shorts. He was 1.8 meters tall by visual inspection, with long hands and long legs, six-pack abs and less obvious mermaid lines.

His appearance is not stunning, but he can be called handsome. On the whole, he does have more capital than ordinary men.

"My name is David. I live next door to you. Come over to say hello." While speaking, he handed her the drink.

This hotel ranks among the top three in Hai Province, and it focuses on "small villa private beach". When you go out from the balcony, you can see the sea.

But the person in front of me...

"Break into a private area without permission, sir, I'm afraid it's impolite?"

"Hey, as I said just now, we are neighbors." He pointed to the small villa next to him, indicating that he lived there.

"So? It's good for you to act in your own territory, what are you doing here?"

The man was not angry either, and spread his hands together: "OK, I apologize for my recklessness. I was rude to my beautiful woman, Sorry."

Miao Miao didn't make a sound.

In such a situation, normal people will be more or less embarrassed, and walking away is the best choice.

But this person didn't like it. He first sized Miao Miao up. He was far away before and couldn't see clearly. Now the distance is just right for him to have a panoramic view of everything.

It's been a long time since he met Xiao Jiaojiao with such an appetite.

Miao Miao frowned, and pulled the bath towel to wrap herself up the first time the man's gaze swept over her, covering her tightly.

Then, stretching her long legs, she got up from the beach chair and stood still.

The man was forced to take half a step back by the aura emanating from her body.

"David?" The beautiful eyes swept from top to bottom, with a bit of pickiness and harshness.


"Are you a foreigner?"

"A quarter."

Miao Miao let out a long "Oh": "Then your figure is not very good."

The man's smile froze.

Miao Miao turned around and walked in: "I've seen better ones. Also, strangers are not welcome here, please leave immediately."

The voice fell, and the person disappeared behind the glass door.

David can only see the fluttering white curtains, but the beautiful figure has long been hidden in it and is no longer seen.


He hooked his lips, lowered his head, and glanced from his chest to the instep of his feet, looking at himself like this for the first time.

Finally let out a snort: "Better? How about cheating ghosts?"

Miao Miao didn't take this unexpected guest to heart, she had seen a lot of peacocks like this.

After sunbathing all afternoon, I went back to my room to do skin care.

After the end, the time was just right, she changed into a polka dot dress and went to the restaurant for dinner.

Passing through a sandy beach on the way, looking at the afterglow of the setting sun, the sea surface is dotted with golden yellow, and the tall coconut trees cast shadows, shaking gently with the salty sea breeze.

At that moment, her heart was extremely peaceful.

Before coming, Miao Miao regarded this vacation as a healing trip; but after coming, she realized that it was not necessary at all.

In front of the beautiful scenery, her subconscious reaction is not to use it to comfort anything, nor to use it to distract depression or divert attention, but pure appreciation.

There are so many beautiful things, why does she still feel sorry for herself?
In the past, she was just a small receptionist with low self-esteem and low self-esteem. If she was thrown in the crowd, she would only attract strange eyes from the surroundings because of her overweight body; but now she is the secretary of the president and an alumnus of Qihang. After unremitting efforts, she finally succeeded in losing weight.

You can take a casual trip, you can stay in the top three resort hotels in Haiti, and you can enjoy sunbathing on the beach without being disturbed. All of this is a bit tacky because of money.

Just imagine, a cash-strapped traveler, carrying a heavy backpack, sits on the cheapest hard seat, and lives in a youth hostel with a room of more than a dozen people. In the name of "youthful blood", it is actually just a pleasure in bitterness. poor travel.

In the past, Miao Miao was only worthy of the latter, but now she is enjoying the former.

Still because of money!
And where does the money come from?


Therefore, as a human being, love is just an adjustment after food and clothing, and what remains unchanged is to feed yourself.

While supporting yourself, you can try to make your life better.

After getting better, it can be even better.

Thinking of this, Miao Miao felt suddenly enlightened.

The depression accumulated in his heart and the distress caused by Shen Chunhang became insignificant.

"...Miss, do you want to order?" The waiter's inquiring voice pulled back her drifting thoughts.

"Okay." He raised his hand and took the menu card.

"One Australian dragon, one vegetable salad."

"Do you need a drink?"

"A glass of coconut water, at room temperature, thank you."

"Okay, please wait a moment."

Dinner, music, the sea view in the distance, the slightly cool sea breeze, everything makes people feel very comfortable.

Comfort seemed to seep out from every pore, making her unconsciously relaxed.

After dinner, Miao Miao put on her shawl and went for a walk on the beach, which has become her habit during this time.

Just today, something unexpected happened...

Miao Miao stood three steps away, sizing up the man standing in front of her with shrewd eyes.

The beach shorts have been replaced with another pair, and the upper body is no longer naked, but a white T-shirt, a pair of flip flops, and a trendy brand cap.

Not to mention, such a dress looks much younger, like a college student in his twenties, youthful and full of vigor.

It's a pity that those sentimental peach blossom eyes exposed the old driver's nature.

"Hi, beauty, we meet again!" He smiled and waved his hand.

Miao Miao calmly looked away and chose to take a detour.

Unexpectedly, just two steps away, he blocked him again: "Don't be so indifferent, everyone is out on a trip, how about just making friends?"

"No way. Please get out of the way, blocking my way."

It was an obvious refusal, but any normal person could hear it.

The man's smile faltered, he thought he understood, but he didn't intend to back away, instead he stepped forward and approached...

(End of this chapter)

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