Chapter 814 It's Good to Be Rich, Li Fu Saves the Beauty

"Don't be so ruthless, beauty." The man twitched the corners of his mouth, showing a bit of anger, "If you put it nicely, it's called Gao Leng, but if you put it badly, it's just pretending."

Looking her up and down a few times, the man's smile became more and more solemn, and his low voice almost lingered in Miaomiao's ears——

"Everyone is an adult, some things are just tacit, but if you take Joe too much, you will become disrespectful."

Pretending to be profound, meaning something.

Miao Miao immediately became amused: "Take Joe? It's up to you? Don't take a pee to see what kind of thing you are, is it worthy?"

After following Shen Yu for a long time, not only did she learn ten-tenths of her vigorous and resolute style of doing things, but she also learned the true skills of hurting others.

The man's face suddenly darkened, cloudy: "You are fucking shameless, aren't you?"

Miao Miao took a few steps back, instinctively driving her away from possible danger.

These days, is there less news about people killing people if they disagree with each other?

The world is so big, there are all kinds of weird things, she never jokes about her life, especially this man is still furious and fierce, as if he will rush to strike in the next second.

So, Miao Miao ran away.

Turning his head and stepping his legs, his back was like the wind, leaving the man with a sluggish expression, as if... didn't react?


The next day, David didn't give up and went to the restaurant to block people during breakfast time.

Unfortunately, Miao Miao didn't come at all.

He went back to his small villa, stood on the beach, stretched his neck, and tried his best to look at the next door, but after yesterday, the surrounding guardrails were raised, as if to completely surround the residence, let alone turning over, now even It's hard to peek.

He didn't believe that the woman shrank inside and couldn't come out.

So he went to the restaurant to squat during lunch and dinner, his neck stretched out, his eyes were sore, and finally returned without success.

"Isn't it already checked out?"

But after nightfall, I stood on the balcony and looked around, only to find that the lights next door were still on.

Miao Miao really doesn’t have to go out, and sun bathing on the beach and sea can be done in the private area. As for eating, it’s even easier. One phone call to the housekeeper, and the delivery will be delivered to your door in less than 10 minutes. After eating, just ring the bell , room service will come and collect it immediately.

Fruits, snacks, and local specialty snacks, as long as she dares to order, the other party can deliver them.

Miao Miao can only sigh with emotion: You can really do whatever you want with money.

She chose not to go out, not because she wanted to hide from David, but because she really didn't want to go out.

In this season in Hai Province, people can be exposed to the sun during the daytime, and it is more suitable to go out for a walk after the sun goes down. As for surfing and so on, Miao Miao has already played all of them in the first few days since she came here.

Right now, all she wants is to eat well and sleep well, and to keep in good health.

Therefore, when not going out, Miao Miao either sleeps, practices yoga, or calls a beautician for maintenance, and occasionally plays stand-alone games as a pastime, so that her life should not be too beautiful.

Don't care about David, Xiaowei, just ignore him.

The sun was setting, and Miao Miao decided to go to the nearby night market while it was still dark.

In order to avoid running into fake foreign devils, she walked directly through the back door of the villa. Before that, she contacted the smart butler to buy a bodyguard service, and it was the highest level of protection.

She just walked forward, and those bodyguards followed behind, mingling among the crowd, Miao Miao didn't even know who they were.

Because of this, I don't feel burdened, and hypocritically wonder if I'm being followed.

David knew that Miao Miao had gone out, and he had gone through the back door. He stood on the roof and used a telescope to see clearly.

"Oh, little boy..." Want to avoid him?You have to have that skill too!

Immediately followed her up, at the moment she was only 50 meters away from Miaomiao.

Stopping and stopping, occasionally visiting small street shops and buying street food, Miao Miao is like an ordinary tourist, full of curiosity and exploration of everything around her.

Soon, she came to the Internet celebrity check-in spot - Bar Street. It is said that there have been many pop singers who have dominated the Chinese music scene.

She picked one at random and walked in.

Less than 2 minutes after sitting down, the cocktail I ordered hadn't been delivered, but the phone rang.

Miao Miao left her seat and found a relatively quiet corner.


"I'm Li Fu?"

Miao Miao's first reaction was Shen Yu's instructions, otherwise, why would Li Fu contact her?

"What happened?"

A low laugh came from the other end: "Don't be nervous, it's a private matter."

"?" Miao Miao became more and more confused.

What's the private matter between her and Li Funeng?
But the voice didn't show at all: "Say."

"I'm also in Hai Province, do you want to meet for a drink?"

Miao Miao had told him about her vacation here, but she didn't expect Li Fu to come here too.

"Hiss... are you also on vacation?"

"Of course. Didn't Mr. Shen give us all a holiday?"

"How long have you been here?"

Li Fu: "I just arrived yesterday. I was transiting from Macau and Hong Kong. I stopped by to visit Hai Province for two days. It sounds a little noisy over there, are you outside?"

Miao Miao reported the place name.

"Hiss! Coincidentally, I'm also here. Share your location and I'll come over soon."

"it is good."

After the call was over, Miao Miao returned to her seat. On the stage, there was already a young lady holding a guitar and started singing. The tune was warm and soothing, and the lights became softer.

Soon, the bartender delivered the cocktail: "Please use it slowly."

Miao Miao thanked her, while drinking and listening to the song, her right hand beat rhythmically.

It’s true that you’re really enjoying it. This kind of comfort and coziness from the inside out cannot be pretended.

David poked and watched secretly, getting more and more itchy.

Gritting her teeth, she didn't care about it, and rushed to Miaomiao, pulled away the chair before she opened her mouth to chase her away, and sat down.


Miao Miao suddenly lost interest, and her smile faded at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Are you a ghost?"


"The ghost doesn't go away."

David couldn't hold back his face, "I won't beat around the bush anymore, the journey is lonely, why don't we be a companion."

"Oh?" Miao Miao raised her eyebrows, seeming to be a little interested, "How can I be a companion?"

The man's smile came back to his face, and his eyes overflowed with a bit of spring: "They are all mature men and women, what do you think?"


"It seems that the beautiful woman is also a kindred spirit." David had a clear expression on his face, but he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

I have a little more certainty about what will happen next.

Miao Miao stared at him with beautiful eyes.

Under such gaze, the man took it as a hint, and climbed up the back of the woman's hand bit by bit with his fingertips.

In the next second, the cold wine poured him a chill.

David wiped his face in a daze, taking in the woman's mocking smile, and immediately, he was furious: "You bitch, I fucking—"

The hand that was raised in the air was caught, David turned his head: "Get out! Mind your own business..."

Not only did Li Fu not lose his strength, but he overturned violently, almost throwing him out.

Then, he turned slightly sideways, forming a protective posture invisibly.

And the object of protection, needless to say, is naturally Miaomiao behind her.

"Are you okay?"

She shook her head: "You came quite quickly."

Li Fu: "..." It seemed that he wasn't very frightened.

Next, there was no scene of the two men fighting as imagined, nor the scene of the wine being smashed and chickens flying around.

When David saw someone standing in for Miao Miao, he was still a tall and big man, so he stopped for a moment, and only put down a few ruthless words to save his respect, and slipped away.

Li Fu curled his lips, without Miao Miao opening his mouth, he consciously sat in David's previous seat, and raised his hand to call the waiter: "A draft of cold beer."

Compared with the cocktails that women love, he prefers beer that smells like food stalls——

There are not so many bells and whistles, and it is boring!

"Thanks." When the beer came, Miao Miao took the initiative to touch his glass.

Li Fu raised his head and drank most of the bottle: "Why don't I sound distracted?"

"How can it be?" Miao Miao opened a new bottle for him with a screwdriver, and pushed it over, "I will never forget the grace of saving my life."

The man snorted and didn't know if he believed it or not.

Speaking of which, the two were not familiar. Before Li Fu surrendered to Shen Wei, Miao Miao took the lead in pushing him out for a while.

The confidential core is not allowed to be touched, and all the dirty work is given to him.

However, neither of them mentioned it, and it was meaningless to pursue the past.


At the same time, the office of the president of Mingda Group.

After dark, the lights are bright.

Shen Chunhang dialed the internal line: "Secretary Li, come in."


Soon, the secretary pushed the door open and walked in, standing in front of the desk: "Mr. Shen?"

After finishing writing and signing the last document, Shen Chunhang raised his eyes and looked at the person who came: "Send these to various departments, and besides, if you have time from the day after tomorrow to the weekend, help me book a ticket to Hai Province. "

"The day after tomorrow until the weekend?" The secretary was stunned, thinking silently, three full days!

"What, is there a problem?" Shen Chunhang's voice turned cooler, as if switching from the scorching summer to the ice and snow in a second.

(End of this chapter)

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