Chapter 837 Yan Jin's Whereabouts, Ergouzi

When Shen Hou returned to Dongli Mountain Villa, the rainstorm was all over and the sky cleared completely.

The sky is floating in orange, burning like a flame.

"Are you back?" As soon as Fu stepped into the living room, he met the man's smiling eyes.

She smiled: "Well, I'm back."

"Are things going well?"

"According to the plan, there is no deviation." As he said, he walked to him and sat down.

Quan Hanting's nose moved slightly, and he frowned suddenly: "Did you see blood?"

"How do you know?" Shen Yu was slightly surprised.



When Shen Hou entered the bathroom and was about to take a shower, she realized that a drop of blood had been splashed on the hem of the skirt at some point, and it had dried up and turned dark red.

"Tsk, dog nose..."

After taking a shower and changing into clean clothes, Shen Yu went downstairs, but she didn't see Quan Hanting in the living room. She thought about it and walked towards the study.

"...Don't blame our people for being careless, it's because Yan Jin is too cunning to hide under our noses blatantly!" Hu Zhibei snorted coldly, gnashing his teeth.

Ling Yun: "The most dangerous place is the safest place."

"That's good, at least we can now confirm that the other person is in Ningcheng. As long as we guard the three exits of water, land and air, we can catch a turtle in an urn!"

With Quan Hanting's management and power in Ningcheng, it doesn't take too long to find someone.

Even if he goes to the sky and enters the ground, as long as he wants to, even if he digs three feet into the ground and goes straight to the sky, he can still find people out!
"Sixth, what do you say?"

"The premise of catching a turtle in a urn is that you have to be sure that the other party is a turtle. If it's a dog, it will jump over the wall if you are in a hurry." Quan Hanting's eyes darkened.

After Hu Zhibei listened, he was thoughtful.

"...Then according to what you mean, I can't use force?"

"The sea shark is strong enough, but the hunting order has been issued for so long, is it useful?"


Even if the "Blood Prison" was besieged, Yan Jin was still alive and well, and he was still able to take orders from the Shen family and attack Shen Yu.

"This person cannot be underestimated."

Button button -

"Shall I come in?" It was Shen Wan.

Quan Hanting withdrew his cold expression, "Come in."

Shen Yu pushed the door open and entered, then froze for a second, and glanced at Hu Zhibei and Ling Yun: "Did I interrupt your discussion? I'm sorry."

After finishing speaking, we must exit.

"Siblings stay here," Hu Zhibei got up, "We've already discussed it, you can come in."

After saying that, he took Ling Yun and left.

In a blink of an eye, only Quan Hanting and her were left in the huge study room.

"Come here." The man said heavily.

Shen Yu walked to his side, and in the next second, her wrist was clasped, and she fell into a warm embrace.

Quan Hanting hugged her and sat on his lap, and sniffed a couple of times: "Well... it's clean, it smells delicious."

The woman couldn't help laughing: "Do you really think you are a dog?"

"That's also your second dog."


Two dogs?
Shen Yu suppressed a smile: "Where did you learn these words?"



Shen Wei: "We were talking about something just now?"


"It's about me?"


"Can you tell me exactly what it is?"

"Small things, don't worry about them."

Shen Yu didn't ask any more questions.

This side is full of affection and sweetness; the other side is repressed and cold.

Jingping, a private hospital, VIP ward.

"...Miss, we really tried our best, but the other party used some crooked methods to forcefully stabilize the stock price. Today's opening, it has risen back to the original price, no surprises, it will continue tomorrow rise."

The man was wearing a white shirt. After speaking, his back was already wet with sweat, and the fabric was tightly attached to his skin, feeling suffocated and stuffy.

Although it was summer, the air conditioner was turned on in the ward, and the room temperature was not high.

The person on the hospital bed didn't move. In fact, she couldn't move either. She could only judge whether she listened to the words by whether her eyes were still moving.

But it was reported that the man didn't dare to look up at all.

He was originally Shen Chunhe's assistant, but about two weeks ago, he was suddenly notified to work with the young lady Shen Fei.

He had only heard of this name before in the company. It is said that the boss trusts and loves this daughter extremely, even far more than his son.

At that time, he was still curious, but he didn't expect that one day he would meet this legendary "Miss" with his own eyes, and even listen to her orders and do things for her.

I thought that the daughter who could be favored by Shen Chunhe must be very good. Facts have proved that good is good. She is very familiar with the two fields of financial market and company management. However, her temper and personality are also unusual.

Like now-

After a long silence, a cold rebuke suddenly broke out, mixed with disdain and contempt: "Trash! Both of them are trash!"

The man didn't dare to refute a word, but lowered his head even lower, as if listening to scolding respectfully.

"The penalty notice from the China Securities Regulatory Commission came first, and I spent a lot of money to let you do it later, but finally told me that Mingda's stock price is rising? And you don't know the reason?!"

"Feel sorry……"

Shen Fei lay flat on the bed, staring at the ceiling, her chest heaving violently due to emotion.

"I really don't know what my dad is doing for raising you bastards! Get out—get out of here—"

As if a man has been pardoned, he can't escape.

 Recommend a friend with a long-sleeved fan dance and a warm and cute modern article "Talking about the little fierce wife, I will give you a safe life".

  Tang Song rescued the school girl Yan Ge with a mop, and was hired as a bodyguard by Gege's brother Yan Wuyu with a lot of money.

  Tang Song: But I seem to be a woman?Uh, it doesn't matter, as long as the monthly salary is [-], I can also be a man.

  The legendary song brother: independent, strong, righteous and progressive... Complimentary words +10086.

  Yan Wuyu: So who is this person who loves to chatter, is chivalrous but reckless, is a money fanatic and a nympho, and is swaying the wall?
  【small theater】

  The big boss Yan Wuyu was expressionless: "Where were you last night? It's your duty to be on call."

  Tang Song habitually smiled with the boss: "Now everyone is discussing that the 996 working system is exploitation..." Boss, are you going to become a vampire?

  Yan Wuyu continued to be paralyzed: "Your working hours are 007, I don't agree to leave."

  Tang Song blinked, is there nothing behind?In the past, it was a two-way choice. Boss, if you are so stingy, it is difficult for us to be friends.

  Yan Wuyu lived up to expectations: "If you agree... I will give you a lifetime of peace."


(End of this chapter)

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