Chapter 838 It's all right, it's a crooked way

The ward was completely silent.

"Shen Wei, what method did you use?"

She subconsciously decided that this could not be achieved by spending money alone, she must have used other methods, maybe she took a shortcut with the Banking Regulatory Commission and the Securities Regulatory Commission...

Suddenly, Shen Fei turned hatred into a smile, "It's okay... the enemy is strong enough, it's more interesting to play, and it's more valuable to win..."

As soon as the nurse on duty opened the door, she heard a strange laugh, and her hair stood on end.

But she can't hide or escape, because Shen Fei is not an ordinary patient, and even the purpose of this hospital is for her.

"...Miss Shen, it's time for an injection." Mustering up her courage, she spoke cautiously.



"I told you to go, didn't you hear me?!"

The nurse slipped away in despair, and immediately contacted the head nurse when she returned to the office: "Sister Liu, that patient refused to cooperate and seemed to be in a bad mood...Okay, I get it...I will do my best to stabilize..."

The head nurse hung up and transferred to the dean: "There is something wrong with that one again..."

Half an hour later, Shen Chunhe, who had ended the meeting in a hurry, appeared outside the ward, sighed heavily, and turned the doorknob.

"A Fei."

"...Dad?" He tilted his head and smiled slightly, "Why are you here?"

Shen Chunhe's eyes were dark, and soon covered by a smile, he walked to the bed and held her hand: "I just finished the meeting, it's still early, come and see you."

"Thank you Dad, you're so kind." She pursed her lips, her eyes were flushed, and she couldn't see the slightest hint of madness.

"You are my father's only daughter. If you are not good to you, you are good to someone."

Only then did Shen Fei show a sincere smile.

"I heard that you met Secretary Jia just now?" Shen Chunhe casually opened his mouth, as if chatting.

The woman's smile suddenly faded, and her eyes turned cold, "Did he sue you?"

"No. The new secretary who arrived early this morning couldn't find the documents needed for the meeting, so he called him and asked him. He said by the way that he was on his way to the hospital. I guess he came to see you. What, you don't like working together?"

Shen Chunhe's tone was gentle and watertight.

Shen Fei: " doesn't fit well."

"what happened?"

"I can't do a little thing well, and I stand there without making a sound, like a log."

"Then..." Shen Chunhe pondered for a moment, "I'll give you another one?"

Shen Fei shook her head, "I've already used it smoothly, in exchange for trouble."

"So, what do you mean?"

Shen Chunhe took the conversation naturally.

Do you really think he doesn't know anything?
Not to mention that Shen Fei was taught by him, just because he lived for decades, he ate more salt than she ate rice, how could he not see through his daughter's plan?
Including her fuss, calling him over through the mouth of the dean, all the foreshadowing, isn't it just for this moment?
Shen Chunhe saw everything in his eyes, but he didn't expose it, he just took pity on her and indulged her.

Shen Fei: "Could you come forward to promote the relationship between the Banking Regulatory Commission and the Securities Regulatory Commission, so that Mingda's stock price will continue to fall, and Shen Yu can't take advantage of this opportunity to take the lead..."

Even Shen Chunhe, who lived to this age, had rich experience and experience, was still shocked by this request.

"The relationship between the China Banking Regulatory Commission and the China Securities Regulatory Commission?!"


"You!" He was gasping for breath, "How could you have such a stupid idea?!"

"Dad, why do you..." She didn't understand why Shen Chunhe looked at her with that look, disappointed and shocked, complicated and difficult to express.

"I have taught you step by step since I was a child, from company structure, to competitive market, to securities investment, and financial risk control. Is this what you have learned?!"

Shen Chunhe is not a good person, but he was able to make the business what it is today, and the company runs well. Although to a certain extent, he has been honored by his descendants, most of them are on his own.

One of the most important points is that he is careful enough and cautious, not only in dealing with the relationship between people, but also in respecting the harmony between people and the market.

In other words, he never does "stupid things" that go against the market.

That's right, in Shen Chunhe's view, interfering in the stock price through non-financial means is stupid, not only will it not succeed, but it may also cause fire.

Apparently, the person being taught didn't realize this: "Evil ways? Heh... she can use Shen Wei, why can't I? Standing behind her is just the declining Shen family of Ningcheng, and behind me is the authentic Jingping collateral family. , don't you have a chance of winning over her?"

Shen Chunhe frowned suddenly, looking at Shen Fei with unfamiliar eyes, as if he didn't know her.

"Before you competed with Ning Cheng, did I say anything? Not only did you not, but you also spent all your resources, and even spent a lot of money to hire 'Blood Prison' killers. I will not stop you from being competitive, because this is what you want to do." It's the attitude that a strong person should have, but you can't use this stupid method of self-destruction."

"But Shen Yu obviously used it too! Moreover, the effect is remarkable. Now Mingda's stock price continues to rise, and the previous punishment from the Securities Regulatory Commission is useless at all!"

"Who told you that Shen Yu did this? Do you have evidence?" Shen Chunhe hit the nail on the head.


Shen Fei paused.


She didn't, but...

"Isn't that obvious?"

 There are not many updates on the weekend, just watch it, and more updates will start tomorrow Monday~
(End of this chapter)

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