Chapter 839 Found Missing, Master Six Is Jealous

The disappointment in Shen Chunhe's eyes was no longer concealed, and it was just exposed in front of Shen Fei.

"Judgments without factual basis are like mirages. You can see them, but they don't exist. You think that Shen Hou is operating insider and using connections to get through the back door. Such judgments are completely groundless. You just can't afford to lose."

Shen Fei's pupils shrank suddenly: "If she didn't take shortcuts, why did Mingda's stock price rise in a short period of time?"

"What do you think?" Shen Chunhe's voice sank.

"No...impossible..." Shen Fei obviously thought of something, but she just didn't want to admit it.

"A game of real money, why is it impossible?"

"If you only use money to fill it, do you know how much money you need to invest in order to bring about today's situation?"

Shen Chunhe was startled, and slowly uttered two words——


"Since you understand..."

"But it doesn't mean Shen Yu can't do it." Shen Chunhe interrupted directly.

Shen Fei froze fiercely, the originally angry eyes gradually dimmed, the bright eyes pulled away a little bit, and were replaced by sarcasm: "Really? So, in your eyes, she is so powerful?"

"A Fei..."

"Dad, I'm tired." After finishing speaking, he closed his eyes and stopped talking.

Shen Chunhe stood by the bed, staring at it for a long time, and after a while, a sigh escaped his lips, "...then you have a good rest, Dad will come back another day."

There was only silence in response to him.

Without staying any longer, the man turned and left.

The moment the door of the ward was closed, Shen Fei's closed eyes suddenly opened, how could there be any anger?
Calm like a normal person.

Then, the pitch-black pupils slowly burst into a smile, like ripples on the surface of a lake, rippling the entire pool, leaving behind a mess of water.

"Dad, you didn't think highly of her, you just underestimated me..."

Muttering softly, scattered in the air, barely audible.

After leaving the hospital, Shen Chunhe got into the car.

The secretary was sitting in the co-pilot, and looked carefully at the boss's face through the mirror. Seeing his face sinking like water, and his brows furrowed, his heart skipped a beat.

After a while, Shen Chunhe suddenly said: "... Let people keep an eye on the market, keep an eye on the fluctuation of Mingda's stock price, and report immediately if they find any problems."

"Okay, I will arrange it." The secretary nodded respectfully.

"Also, contact Shen Xu and ask him to go to the company. I'll wait for him in the office."

It is obvious that they are father and son, but they want the secretary to act as a middleman to communicate with each other. This way of getting along is not like relatives, but more like a superior to a subordinate.

In this regard, the secretary is not surprised: "I will contact the young master immediately."

"En." Shen Chunhe closed his eyes wearily, and told the driver, "Let's go back to the company."

On the way, the secretary dialed Shen Xu many times, but the answer was always——

"Sorry, the number you dialed is turned off, please try again later..."

The secretary pressed the hang up dejectedly, raised his eyelids and looked at the boss in the back seat who closed his eyes and rested, hesitant to speak.

When the car stopped in front of the company, the driver said, "Here we are."

Shen Chunhe slowly opened his eyes.

"Mr. Shen," the secretary took a deep breath, "I couldn't get in touch with the young master."

"What's going on?" She frowned slightly.

"Shut down."

Shen Chunhe's first reaction was surprise, because this had never happened before, as long as he contacted Shen Xu, there was never a time when he couldn't get in touch.

Compared with his daughter, he admitted that he cared less about his son, but Shen Xu never complained, Shen Chunhe was quite satisfied with this.

A man should have such a mind and a stomach, so that he can do great things in the future.

Those behaviors that imitate women's rivalry and jealousy, and small-minded behaviors are really unreasonable. His son, Shen Chunhe, should have such a big-picture view and insight.

"Keep calling, you can always get in touch."

Secretary should be.

It's a pity that Shen Chunhe's determination was not realized. After being unable to contact Shen Xu for three consecutive days, the secretary finally realized that something was wrong.

"Boss Shen—"

The moment he opened the door and broke in, the eyes of more than a dozen executives, as well as Shen Chunhe himself, all fell on him.

"Sorry for the interruption." After finishing speaking, he didn't back out, but directly walked to Shen Chunhe's side, whispering in his ear.

In the next second, everyone saw a slight change in the expression of the calm boss.

"...Are you sure you've found them all?"

The secretary nodded with a serious expression: "I've asked everything I should have asked, and I've looked for the places I frequent, but there's nothing there."

Shen Chunhe's thoughts turned sharply, countless possibilities flashed through his mind for a while, but he calmed down soon——

"That's all for today, everyone send the unfinished work to my mailbox in written form."

After dismissing everyone, Shen Chunhe sat behind the desk, stared at the secretary with serious eyes, and said in a firm voice, "Say! What's going on?!"

"The young missing."

Ningcheng, Dongli Villa.

Shen Yu didn't expect Shen Chunhang to come here uninvited.

"...Do you want to let him go?" Chu Yujiang asked for instructions on the other end of the phone.

"No, take him to the gazebo and send a set of tea sets over there, and I'll be there later."

After the call was over, Shen Yu met someone's questioning gaze in a blink of an eye.

Quan Hanting: "Who?"

Shen Wei: "Uncle."

"How did he find it here?"

"I've been here once before."

"You agree?"

"Well, there was an assassination in the mourning hall at that time, in order to avoid going out, I had to invite him over."

"doing what?"

Shen Yu raised her eyebrows, "What are you doing?"

Master Liu snorted coldly, "I know if you don't tell me, he has no choice but to find you with Jingping. But if I remember correctly, you sold all Mingda shares in your hand and gave up the position of president. It was he who made it all happen, yet you still help her?"

It's not like Shen Yu's style to repay grievances with kindness.

She will only fight back with fire.

"I helped Mingda, not Shen Chunhang."

Quan Hanting: "Why do you want to help? Once, you wished to destroy it."

The four eyes met, and Shen Yu bumped into the man's dark and deep eyes, as if he saw a mysterious light, vaguely hidden undercurrents.

Shen Wei lowered her eyes.

"Is this question difficult? Why not answer it?"

She frowned: "Don't you already have the answer in your heart? Why ask me, it's unnecessary?"

"But I want to hear you deny it! You say it, and I believe it."

Shen Yu raised her eyes abruptly, met his Shen Rin's gaze, and neither dodged nor avoided: "To repay kindness."

"Whose grace? Whose love?" If you distinguish carefully, it's not difficult to hear the coldness hidden in the man's words, with a bit of gnashing of teeth.

"Shen Qian."

"You really dare to say it!" Quan Hanting raised his voice, his eyes suddenly fierce, like a wild beast released from a fence, and may eat people at any time.

Shen Wei: "Compared to deceiving myself and others, I prefer to be frank."

Sixth Master: "Even if your frankness will make me feel resentful, like a thorn in my throat?"

She asked back: "I cheated and lied, don't you have a grudge in your heart, like a stick in your throat?"

"...I won't argue with you!"

Shen Yu curled her lips: It's obvious that you can't break it up, but it's unreasonable to beat it up.

O man!

"In short," Quan Hanting stretched out his hands to hold her face, his deep and gloomy gaze seemed to pass through her eyes and look into the soul, "I don't like you doing this for him, you can't even think about it. Can't even mention it!"

Shen Qian handed over the Tianshui Real Estate to Shen Yu in the form of inheritance. Quan Hanting was in Zhanao at the time and only found out after he came back. Otherwise, he would never have agreed to pick it up with Shen Yu.

Fortunately, after she took it, she handed it over to Tan Yao intact.

Quan Hanting just turned a blind eye.

Unexpectedly, a Tianshui is not finished, and there is still Mingda in line.

What is this all about? !

Are those men in the Shen family useless or what?
One wants Shen Yu to inherit the inheritance, and the other wants her to solve the crisis, "When you are omnipotent?"

Shen Yu was frowning at first, but she found it funny to see him blowing his hair.

In fact, she really laughed, "Cough...I'm not omnipotent, you are."

"Stop flattering and talk better!"

"How big is it, is it worth your anger?"

Quan Hanting gritted his teeth: "Isn't this a big deal? One tied you with Tianshui, and the other made you throw money like paper, what a shame!"

"Actually, I did this," Shen Yu cast her eyes into the distance, her smile gradually flattened, "not only for Mingda, but also for Shen..."

The man's eyes sharpened suddenly, and Shen Hou had to take back the words that came to his lips, "It's also for myself."

Quan Hanting frowned.

"After paying it off, I won't owe it anymore. Don't you think I owe him a lifetime?"

"Don't even think about it!" Quan Hanting snorted coldly.

As a man, he knew exactly what Shen Qian was thinking, and it was precisely because of this that he was so angry.

But I can't argue with a dead person, that feeling...

Quite aggrieved!

(End of this chapter)

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