Chapter 870 Dream Bubbles, Disappeared

The second son sneered, "If I had this ability, I wouldn't be in this situation."

The movement can only be used twice, the first time they appeared in the car when they tied up Shen Yu, and the second time they took Shen Yu to transfer safely after they fainted.

If this super-technological thing can be used indefinitely, wouldn't the world be in chaos?

Regardless of time and space, the principle of "conservation of all things" must be followed.

"Where did things come from?" This is the second time.

The man's eyes flickered slightly, but he still chose to remain silent.

Shen Yu frowned, and approached him with a knife, and the edge of the knife stuck to his face. With just one swipe, there was a bloodstain: "Is this question hard to answer?"

The second son didn't move, and there was a deep light in his eyes: "I can tell you everything else, but not this one."



"You don't plan to die, do you?" The blade pierced into the flesh, cut the skin, and a bloodstain appeared in an instant.

The warm and thick blood snaked along the cheeks to the chin, Er Zi could smell the rust inside.

Pain and fear surged towards him, but the persistence and determination in the man's eyes never wavered, even in death...

Will not speak on this issue.

"If you don't want your own life, don't you even want your brother's life?" Shen Yu glanced in the direction where the third son was being carried away.

He remains unmoved.

Shen Yu suddenly laughed, retracted the knife, stepped back, and looked down at him condescendingly: "You have strong bones and can hold on, but the other one may not be as tolerant as you. There are thousands of ways, and there is always one that can make him speak obediently."

"No." The man's tone was firm, his face was still bleeding, but he looked at Shen Yu brightly, "Third son is indeed greedy for life and afraid of death, but he will never give in on this issue."

"Really?" Shen Yu sneered, and slightly nodded towards Shao Anheng.

The latter understood and strode away.

A second and a minute, a quarter of an hour.

Time passed quickly, and it seemed to be very slow. The incision on the man's face had begun to coagulate blood, and no longer rolled down bright red drop by drop, hitting the concrete floor.

Finally, Shao Anheng came back, his white cuffs were stained with crimson red, and the contrast between the two colors made it even more eye-catching.

He walked to Shen Yu's side: "...Sorry."

Did not ask out.

The woman's cold eyes moved slightly: "Have you tried all the methods?"

"Five." And each of them is deadly enough, far more bloody than what Shen Wan did before.

A method more brutal than cutting off the ears, but still unable to pry open the weak mouth of the third son?

If Shao Anheng hadn't said it in a serious manner, Shen Yu wouldn't have believed it at all.

In the next second, he turned his head suddenly, and his sharp eyes fell on the second son's face, just in time to see the beguiling smile on the corner of his mouth that was too late to restrain.

Shen Yu kicked him on the chest, turned and left without saying anything.

Shao Anheng stood on the spot and gave him a cold look, and said, "Life is really great." He also left immediately.

On the cold concrete floor, the man was lying on his back, staring blankly at the incandescent lamp hanging from the top, and suddenly laughed, "Hehehe..."

Trembling all over.

The frozen wound on his face opened again, and blood splattered down.


By the pier, Shen Yu was sitting in the co-pilot, and Shao Anheng was in no hurry to start the engine.

"Those two people, what are you going to do with them?"

If he remembered correctly, Shen Yu promised to let them go.

Shen Wei: "Continue to close it, don't let him die."

"The one who was punished?"


For such a result, Shao Anheng was not surprised.

The other party failed to give the answer she wanted, so Shen Yu could naturally go back on his word and not let her go.But some questions are indeed answered, so save your life and not let you die.

Reasonable, reasonable, and moral, people can't fault it.

Of course, no one can find fault with her.

The red-eyed Shen Yu is a respected female evil god, who kills ghosts when she sees ghosts, and kills Buddhas when she encounters Buddhas.

After asking clearly, Shao Anheng made a phone call, and then drove back to Dongli Villa.

The first thing Shen Yu did when he entered the door was to go upstairs to take a shower.

Shao Anheng thought she had figured it out, and finally decided not to torture herself and planned to take a good rest, but within half an hour, she saw that she had changed into clean clothes, brushed her hair to a half-dry state, and went straight to the underground consultation room.

Shao Anheng had a headache. Seeing her entering the elevator, he immediately dialed Zou Lian: "She's coming down, watch carefully, don't expect any accidents."

"'s already one o'clock in the morning, why..." Still not stopping?
"She won't give up until she sees Lao Liu wake up." Shao Anheng has also seen Shen Yu's cruelty, not only towards others, but also towards himself.

In fact, before Shen Hou's trip, he had already interrogated the two people in the warehouse, and knew all the details of the kidnapping process, including Shen Hou intentionally hurting himself and using pain to stimulate the nerves, thereby training the body to resist drugs.

This cannot be done in a day or two, it takes a long time and uninterrupted, that is to say, she had this awareness as early as the beginning of her capture, she persisted and finally succeeded.

When Mr. Zou was bandaging her elbow, Shao Anheng was beside him, so he naturally saw the wound. Although it was not inflamed and festered, there were obvious scratch marks around it, which she dug with her nails.

How hard-hearted does a woman have to be to dare to do such a ruthless hand?
"Oh—" On the other end, Mr. Zou sighed in a deep voice, "What a crime! How did you come to this point?"

The corner of Shao Anheng's mouth tightened: "Fatality tricks people."

"Then next..."

"Proceed as planned."

"But it's not fair to Shen Yu..."

Shao Anheng reminded in a deep voice: "According to what Lao Liu said, no matter what aspect is considered, it is the best arrangement for any of them."

"Oh... she's down."

Shao Anheng heard the sound of the elevator ding-dong from the other end, and immediately ended the call.

He walked to the window and stared at the boundless night, and when the sun came out, everything would go in a good direction.


Shen Yu didn't remember falling asleep, but she did wake up on the bed in the consulting room.

hospital bed...


There is only one hospital bed here, she is lying here, what about Quan Hanting?

Where did Quan Hanting go?
Confused eyes swept around, the white walls were still cold, and the lights were as miserable as before.

Quiet, like dead silence.

She could even hear the echo of her heartbeat, thump-thump--

One after another.

"Mr. Zou?" She lifted the quilt, got out of bed, and looked around, but there was no one there.

"Five masters?"

Still no response.

Shen Wei searched everywhere, all the instruments, medicines, and injections were there, except for no one.

She took the elevator to the first floor, and the moment the metal door opened, the sun also jumped into her eyes.

It was only by blocking it with my hand that I was able to adapt to such brightness.

There are no curtains to cover the floor-to-ceiling windows, and the sunlight slantly shines into the room, turning the floor into a warm orange.

Shen Yu froze in the elevator and forgot to get out.

It took a long time before he took a step, but his mind was still in chaos. He didn't know what time it was, what time it was, and was she in a dream, or outside the dream?
Until you see the wall clock on the wall, the hour hand points to 6 impartially.

So, it was evening, and the sun was setting.

But why did her memory only stay in the middle of the night?
Ningjiang Wharf, Warehouse No. [-], the third son was interrogated at night, and the second son was forced...

There are also ultra-technical instruments... teleportation...

Then she came back in Shao Anheng's car, went upstairs to take a shower, changed into clean clothes, and went to the basement clinic to accompany Quan Hanting.

And after that?
She got out of the elevator and saw Mr. Zou, asked about Quan Hanting's condition, and asked him to bandage the unhealed elbow wound.

A medicinal powder in a bottle, after sprinkling it on, she felt a tingling pain that she didn't have before.

Before Shen Yu could ask a question, Mr. Zou took the initiative to explain—a new medicine was added, which hurt a little, but the effect was very good.

She didn't think much about it.

After that, Shen Yu had no memory.

Wake up again, this is the moment, the whole day is about to pass!
Her heart was suddenly gripped by panic, something was going away from her.

Shen Wei rushed up to the second floor like a madman, and knocked open the door of the master bedroom with a bang.

How she wished she could see the smiling expression of a man; the scene of him just coming out of the bathroom in a bathrobe; or standing by the bed, holding a hair dryer and waving to her...

But right now, there is nothing, it is empty.

The bed was still the same bed, the cabinet was still the same cabinet, but no one could find it anymore.

Shen Yu ran over and opened the closet. If it wasn't for Quan Hanting's clothes still hanging in it, she might have wondered if the encounter and love between the two of them was a sweet dream woven for her by heaven. Was ruthlessly beaten back to reality.


Fortunately, these things are there.

 【Ningcheng Scroll】Entering the countdown

(End of this chapter)

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