Chapter 871 Giving it to her, splashing wealth

But the things are still there, but the people are gone.

The light that had just ignited in Shen Hou's eyes disappeared again.

"Ah Ting..." She searched from the outside to the inside, and from the inside to the outside. She searched the entire master bedroom, but she didn't have the right to defend Ting, "Where are you?"

He murmured softly, his eyes blank.

The other rooms were not spared either. Not only did Quan Hanting disappear, but Ling Yun, Chu Yujiang, who were supposed to be resting in bed, and Shao Anheng, who was the only one in charge at the moment, and Mr. Zou also disappeared.

The entire Dongli Villa was so empty that she was the only one left.

Oh, and Lolita.


"Mistress?" a soft loli voice.

In Shen Hou's ears, it was like the sharpness of a needle piercing, unstoppable.

The real master here is gone, so where is the "hostess"?
The sun was setting and the sun was rising, day turned into night, and night turned into day again. Shen Wei sat on the sofa in the living room for a whole night.

When the dawn breaks, the first touch of golden light passes through the glass and is projected on the floor, which means that a new day is about to begin.

On the woman's pale face, the eyelashes trembled slightly, and the eyeballs that were fixed on one place resumed their rotation.

At this moment, Shen Yu really believed that he was gone.

He didn't leave a single word or explain anything to her, and just disappeared completely.

"Hehe..." She laughed softly.

At first, only the corners of the mouth were raised, and later, the eyes were filled with smiles, and finally even the eyebrows were raised.

Looking around, looking at everything familiar in front of her, Shen Yu's smile became brighter and brighter.

It's just that the smiling eyes are condensed with ice edges that cannot be melted.

"It's... well done."

At ten o'clock in the morning, Phaeton Group.

"Miss, what can I do?" The tall receptionist saw the woman in a red dress walking towards her face to face, and quickly put on the most standard smile.

When people approached, the front desk found that the woman was not only wearing a red dress, but also painted her lips in bright red, outlining the plump lips, and the perfectly filled color, against the background of the extremely white complexion, became more and more gorgeous.

When she walked in front of her, the two looked at each other, and the front desk saw her bloodshot eyeballs.

Crow blue hair, white skin, fiery red.

At that moment, like a demon in the world, come slowly.

The front desk couldn't help being stunned.


Buckle up!

The woman bowed and tapped on the table directly to wake her up.

"Excuse me……"

"My name is Shen Yu." He interrupted her directly.

Shen Wei...

The receptionist was stunned when he heard it for the first time, but he realized after half a second that the expression on his face changed, both his body and his nerves tensed up, like a fully drawn bow: "Miss Shen, Secretary Yan, please take the elevator on the left. top floor."

Shen Yu's eyes moved lightly, without saying a word, she turned and walked towards the elevator.

The receptionist looked at her thin back, the two thin suspenders didn't fit her shoulders, as if they would slip sideways in the next second.

His complexion is white and white, but there is no trace of rosiness, which is almost miserable.

But she was wearing a red dress again...

The color is like fire, and it is as hot as a flame, as if it is going to burn and burn everything.

Until the elevator door closed, the front desk still couldn't look back...

top floor.

The design with the steel skeleton on the outside has the unique domineering and roughness of the "Liu Ye style", while the antique cabinets and bookshelves also show delicacy and delicacy.

"Miss Shen." A man wearing glasses stepped forward, lowered his eyebrows and lowered his eyes, "I'm President Quan's secretary, my surname is Yan."

"You knew I was coming?"

Thinking of "you can run to a monk, but not to a temple", Shen Hou decided to come to Phaeton to have a look.

did not expect……

She curled her lips in sarcasm, someone was already waiting for her.

Secretary Yan: "It's not me who knows, that person knows."

that person?
The corners of Shen Yu's eyes were tearing, he couldn't think, it hurt just thinking about it.

"So?" No matter how ups and downs you have in your heart, you can still be calm and level like a mirror on the surface. Shen Yu is the best at it.

"Please follow me." The man walked ahead and led the way.

Shen Wei stepped up and followed.

Finally stopped in front of a glass door at the corner, Secretary Yan raised his hand to push it away, and turned sideways to invite.

Shen Yu entered, and at the same time the middle-aged man who was sitting quietly and waiting stood up and nodded slightly at her: "Miss Shen, we met once in Dongli Villa before."

Quan Hanting doesn't often go to the company, and almost no work-related people come to the villa.

He controlled a huge group by remote control, and it seemed effortless and easy.

There are only a few times when unfamiliar people come in and out, and this one is among them.

Shen Yu remembered that he seemed to be a lawyer, and his surname was...

"Huang Qi, Liu Ye's special lawyer, and Phaeton's legal advisor." He announced his family name, folded his hands in front of him, and did not intend to shake hands after speaking.

Be well-behaved and stop at a distance.

Naturally, Shen Yu had no intention of being courteous, so she cut straight to the point: "What's the matter?"

His voice was cold, and so were his eyes.

There was an unapproachable chill all over his body, and while his sharpness was exposed, it was also daunting.

"Please sit down." Huang Qi raised his hand.

After Shen Yu sat down, he and Secretary Yan followed closely behind.

"Please take a look at this equity transfer document first. If you have any questions, you can ask them. I will answer them face to face. Please also ask Secretary Yan to be a witness."

As he spoke, he opened the document and turned around and pushed it towards Shen Yu.

Shen Yu didn't read it, but caught the information in his words: "Equity...transfer?"


"What equity."

"Shares in Phaeton."

Shen Yu frowned, and then she turned her eyes to the document, the first page, then turned to the second page, followed by the third page...

In addition to transferring Quan Hanting's shareholding in Phaeton to her, the content of the document also transferred the right to use the pier and the ownership of the warehouse to Shen Yu.

The weight of these thin pages is no less than gold and silver mines.

Seeing her finish reading the last page, Huang Qi said, "You only need to sign in the lower right corner, and all the content mentioned in the document, including equity and property rights, will be transferred to your name."

"Who asked you to bring it to me?" Shen Yu raised her eyes coldly.

Huang Qi paused and smiled: "Who else do you think has the right to control these wealth?"

Only "that person"!

"Since when did he start planning all this?"

"I'm not sure what you mean by 'everything', but if you're asking about this contract, it was a long time ago."

"Very early, how early?"

"Half a year."

Did it start half a year ago?
Shen Yu was stunned, and suddenly a sneer appeared on the corner of her mouth, what is this?
Break up fee?
Still, prostitution?
What is she?
A woman who was loved, loved, and abandoned in the end?

Leaving this wealth to her is to make up for the debt?Or out of guilt?

Or, just a way to trade?Just settle it, write it off?

The more I think about it, the more questions I have, and the more profound the irony on my face.

The next second, the woman raised her eyes and looked at Huang Qi coldly: "What did he say?"


"Not a word?"

"Not a word."


This is Quan Hanting, who is straightforward but also extremely ruthless.

"Miss Shen, you have three days to think about..."

"No need." Shen Yu interrupted him.

Lawyer Huang paused, but the woman continued to speak——

"Don't think about it. I'll sign it."

Huang Qi and Secretary Yan looked at each other with disbelief. After all, they both thought it would be difficult to persuade Shen Yu...

Women are inevitably hypocritical, even if this is "Liu Ye's woman", it is still a woman.

Those with a lower rank, seeing such a large amount of wealth falling on their heads like a pie from the sky, might be so excited that they can't hold their pens steady.

The middle-ranked ones, while being happy, knew how to cover up, put off hypocritically, and then "reluctantly" accepted after repeated persuasion and five persuasion.

The one with the highest rank refused with righteous words, no money, only mercy.In many cases, a man's guilt is more useful than wealth. With the former, is the latter missing?Especially, this is a man who can make money.

But Shen Wan's operation...

To be justifiable and straightforward, it is outrageous.

"Why?" She picked up her pen and sneered into her eyes, "You look surprised."

Secretary Yan looked down.

Lawyer Huang looked at the contract page and did his due diligence.

Under the explicit or covert gaze of the two of them, Shen Yu signed his name.

As soon as he threw the pen away, he pushed it to Huang Qi: "The next transfer procedures and procedures will be troublesome to Lawyer Huang."

"...It should. In addition, there is a property rights transfer contract that needs to be signed." He took out another document and pushed it over.

Shen Wei took over with a blank face. He had experienced it once, but the second time he acted like he was familiar with it.

It is an agreement on the transfer of the property rights of Dongli Villa and the right to use the land where it is located.

(End of this chapter)

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