Chapter 872 He Huai felt distressed when he found fourth master

Shen Yu also signed.

Even crisper than before.

Facing Huang Qi's dazed gaze, she continued to smile, but did not reach her eyes: "Since he dares to give it, I dare to take it."

After saying that, he stood up and left, followed by Qingling's voice: "Please trouble me for the follow-up matters, thank you."

As soon as the ending sound fell, the figure also disappeared by the door frame.

The corner of the red skirt draws a swaying arc in mid-air, like a beautiful rose blooming on the white cotton—the sky is pale, but she is the only one who is stunning.


After leaving Phaeton, Shen Yu drove to He's villa.

The servant stood in front of the iron gate and looked into the car suspiciously through the windshield: "May I ask who you are?"

Shen Hou lowered the car window, revealing half of her face, her eyes were still looking straight ahead, the corners of her eyes and brows were cold: "I want to see Fourth Master."

What she called was "Fourth Master", not "Mr. He", not "Mr. He", and not "Director He".

And this servant is not an ordinary servant, but an old housekeeper. He followed He Hongye more than ten years ago, so he naturally knows that the person who can blurt out the title "Fourth Master" must be related to several other people in the ranking.

"Wait a moment." As he spoke, he slightly nodded at Shen Hou, and quickly stepped inside.

About 2 minutes later, the light figure of the old butler reappeared, "Please follow me."

Shen Hou followed behind him and walked into the He family's villa.

"Wu Wan!" When passing through the garden, a surprise voice suddenly sounded.

Shen Yu turned her head and met a pair of beautiful peach blossom eyes. A man's lips are red and his teeth are white, three points brighter than a woman's, especially at this moment with a smile on his lips and excitement in his eyes. ——He Huai, He Ershao.

"Why are you here?!" Walking quickly in front of Shen Yu, the man's enthusiasm was undisguised, "Are you here to find me?"

Shen Yu shook her head: "Look for your father."

"Old man? What do you want him to do? Talk about business? Talk about cooperation? I can do it too!"

He Huai wasn't joking, nor was he bragging. If it was just about money, then looking for him would be no different than looking for He Hongye.

As the young owner of Valin Electronics, although He Huai does not intervene in the operation of the group and does not hold important positions in the company, he holds shares in his hands, and the dividends he receives every year are already unimaginable figures for ordinary people.

In addition, there is also an e-sports club under his name, Seek, which has now become a first-class professional e-sports team in China. It has successively won the KOC City Finals and won the KPL Spring Championships last year and the year before.

Second Young Master He really has no shortage of money, if he can help Shen Wei, he will be very happy.


What is Shen Wei lacking now, it is impossible to be short of money.

"It's not fair for me to find fourth master."

"Not for the public..." He Huai felt that it was for the sake of selfishness.

But in my impression, apart from the connection between Quan Hanting and Shen Yu, the old man in his family rarely interacts with each other, so where is the "privacy" coming from?
"Second young master, sir is still waiting in the study." The old housekeeper reminded in a low voice.

"I don't need you anymore, I'll take her there." After speaking, without waiting for the other party's consent, he picked up Shen Yu and walked in.

After walking a certain distance, Shen Yu calmly took his wrist away from his palm.

"I'm sorry..." He Huai's ears turned red, and the delicate touch seemed to remain on his fingertips, which he couldn't get rid of.

He is obviously a seasoned veteran who rolls in flowers, and the girlfriends he has had can make the headlines of gossip magazines count, but when he is in front of Shen Hou, those skills of chasing women and tricks of flirting with girls are all ineffective.

Like a hairy boy, stupefied.

Even though he had made up his mind to give up a long time ago, didn't dare to ask for extravagance, and quit the battlefield without even fighting, but this did not prevent him from admiring Shen Yu, because she was happy, and his heart was moved by her.

If He Hongye knew that the bastard at home still had this kind of thinking, he would probably roll his eyes and spare no effort to fight——

"It sounds high-sounding and full of affection. To put it bluntly, it means that you have that evil heart, but you don't have that evil courage - so much love!"

They were all scared by Quan Hanting.

He Huai's impression of those days when he was busy like a dog, tired like a cow, and not as good as a pig was too deep, so deep that it has turned into a shadow.

Over time, when seeing Shen Yu and wanting to get closer, Quan Hanting's face unconsciously appeared in his mind, and in the end he just dared to stand in the distance and stare helplessly.

So for a long time, He Huai tried his best to avoid appearing in front of Shen Yu.Only then did he realize that if he really wanted to avoid a person, it was actually very simple.

At first, he didn't have any hope, and gradually learned not to worry about it, but when Shen Yu stood in front of him, talked to him, and smiled at him, He Huai realized that there are some things that you can't control if you want to, or rational if you want to .

"Well... May I know what is the specific private matter?" He couldn't rest his fingertips on the bridge of his nose, touched it, hesitant and shy.

Shen Yu paused, turned her head, her eyes were calm: "Quan Hanting is gone."


"The study is in front, thank you." He put his hand on the doorknob and twisted it lightly.

When He Huai woke up from his daze, the door was already closed.

What do you mean... Quan Hanting is gone? !

Inside the study.

"Fourth Master." Shen Yu met his eyes across a desk.

"Old Zhang said that a young lady was looking for me, and I was still wondering, if you look for Ah Huai, you can't look for me?" He Hongye's eyes crease like light waves.

Shen Yu didn't smile.

"Why do younger brothers and sisters suddenly think of me here?" Seeing that she didn't intend to exchange pleasantries, He Hongye didn't say anything, and got straight to the point.

The reason why "rare customers" are called "rare" is that they never come to the door for anything, and there must be something to do when they come to the door.

Shen Yu: "If fourth master knows, please tell Quan Hanting whereabouts."

"The sixth?" He Hongye raised his eyebrows, his eyes showed surprise, and he was uncertain: "You ask me, his whereabouts?"

Shen Yu's serious expression told him that what he said was not a joke.

"What happened to the sixth child?"

"Overnight, it disappeared."

He Hongye was shaken all over.


Ten minutes later, Shen Yu left the study with the same expression as when he came, without any extra emotion.

He Huai was sitting in the living room, absently holding the remote control to change channels, but all his attention was focused on the door of the study.

During the waiting time, he thought about Shen Yu's "disappeared" countless times in his mind, and a guess that was so bold that it was almost impossible appeared vaguely.


The door is open!
He stood up from the sofa abruptly, and almost knocked over the remote control because he got up too hastily.

"Wu Wan..." He stepped forward, hesitated to speak.

Shen Yu raised her eyes and said in a calm voice, "Thank you for leading the way."

"Should be..."

"I'm leaving."

"and many more!"


"You said just now... what do you mean that Uncle Six is ​​missing?" He Huai stared at her closely with peachy eyes.

Shen Wei: "Literally."


In other words, Quan Hanting really disappeared?
leave without saying goodbye?

When He Huai thought to himself, Shen Wei had already walked a certain distance.

He chased after her, and subconsciously raised his hand to grab her shoulder from behind, but hesitated for half a second when he was about to fall.

In this half-second gap, Shen Yu stopped and turned to face him: "Is there anything else?"

He Huai withdrew his froze hands in midair, his tone couldn't be softer: "Did Sixth Uncle leave you..."

"Yes." She answered frankly.

But He Huai couldn't calm down: "How could he do this?!" mixed with a touch of uneasiness, hidden distress, and indignation for her injustice.

At the beginning, he chose to quit because his opponent was too strong. Quan Hanting, that man who existed like a king, He Huai thought he could give Shen Yu the most precious love in the world. .

But now, Quan Hanting can't even meet the most basic requirements!
Such a good Shen Wei, the woman he couldn't ask for, was abandoned by another man?

"Why sixth uncle?" He Huai frowned.

Shen Yu hooked her lips coolly: "I also want to know why."

Why treat her like a fool, throw her away like garbage, and spend money on her like a mistress... Even in the name of doing her best, Shen Yu won't, accept, accept!

He Huai: "What did my dad say? Does he know?"

Shen Yu shook his head, He Hongye's shocked expression didn't look like acting, so he really didn't know.

The conversation between the two in the study just now seems to be still echoing in my ears——

He Hongye: "I don't know, but someone must know, it's just a question of whether to say more or less."

Shen Wei: "Who?"

"Second Song."

"Why him?"

"You have to believe that the person who knows a person best in this world is his enemy and opponent."

The relationship between Song Jing and Quan Hanting said that "the enemy" is too much, but the "opponent" is just right.

(End of this chapter)

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