Chapter 887 Entering the Song Family for the First Time, Humiliation of the Servants (Second Update)

which wan?

Song Qi was puzzled, but he didn't ask further questions.

Who is this woman showing a "mother-in-law's face" for?Still talking to him in that tone, huh...

What is it? !

Without a word all the way, Bentley drove into Song's house.

Old Xu: "Here we are."

Song Qi got out of the car first, and then slammed the door.

Song Zhen, who was following behind, parked the car and came over to meet him.

And Shen Wan, who had to take care of the two children and pick up the luggage, naturally fell behind.

Song Qi did it on purpose.

Isn't she very calm?Then he will see her in a hurry and unable to take care of herself.

It's a pity that when he walked a certain distance and turned back with the victor's lofty attitude, the embarrassing scene of a woman who had to take care of the child and take things did not appear as he imagined.

Shen Yu held the little girl with one hand, and the little boy with the other. She didn't seem to be struggling at all. She wanted to do it thousands of times, and she was used to it.

And Lao Xu opened the trunk and helped her take out her luggage.

Everything is in order.

Song Qi: "..."

The Song family's villa occupies a large area, and the area is not small.

From the gate, there are golden hollows and carved patterns, iron bars are also placed around the wall, and there is an artificial fountain in the middle of the inside, with two golden toads spitting water, surrounded by flowers and green plants.

Due to seasonal reasons, some flower varieties have not reached the flowering period, and only sporadic ones are blooming. However, due to the large number, they are not colorful, but they are also full of vitality.

At first glance, everyone would think that this is a purely Western style of architectural layout.

But in fact, after passing through the garden, it is a courtyard house inside. To be precise, it should be called "imitation courtyard house".

Three entrances to the courtyard - the first entrance is the narrow courtyard of the inverted seat room and the hanging flower gate; the second entrance is the wing room, the main room and the veranda; the third entrance is the rear cover room, which was called "backyard" in ancient times.

There is a door on the east side of the main building, which connects the second and third courtyards.

Although it is an antique building, it has exquisite details, especially in terms of orientation and feng shui layout. The background of the Jingping family is overwhelming.

It's a pity that Shen Yu, mother and son (female) couldn't even step into the main hall, and were temporarily arranged in the inverted room at the front.

In ancient times, the inverted house was the southernmost row of houses in the courtyard. Its eaves and walls faced the alley, and generally no windows were opened. Because the doors and windows faced north, the lighting was not good, and servants usually lived there.


Shen Yu accepted without any objection, and with the two children, her expression was neither humble nor overbearing.

After the people left, Song Zhen and Song Qi entered the main hall, and the heat was blowing in their faces. They took off their coats and handed them to the servants.

"Who arranged for her to go to the front?"

Usually, the only one who would ask such a stupid question is Song Qi, who is out of his wits.

"In this family, children from collateral lines like you and I can only be 'guests'..."

And the "guest" has no way to call the shots.

"So, who do you think arranged it? Who has the power to arrange it?"

"Hiss... you mean the old man?" Song Qi gasped, "No, no matter what, it was his granddaughter who brought him back, oh, now there is an extra grandson, it shouldn't be so embarrassing... "

Otherwise, there is no need to take it back; after taking it back, it is a bit... unreasonable to still put on this posture.

It's not like the old man's usual style of acting.

"However, I don't think that woman has much experience. She probably hasn't even seen a courtyard house before, so she probably doesn't know the key to it." Speaking of this, Song Qi couldn't help but show a trace of contempt on his face, "I think she's just a fool." Guys, I don't know what Brother Yu likes about her, but she's the one who sells her..."

Song Zhen unbuttoned his shirt cuff buttons as he walked: "What we brought back is the granddaughter of the old Song family, the only direct descendant of the old man, but this granddaughter crawled out of the belly of such a woman, and it was you ,what will you do?"

Song Qi suddenly realized: "I understand! This woman is arrogant and domineering just because she gave birth to the Song family's child, and she must be disarmed before entering the door to dampen her spirit!"

Song Zhen sat on the sofa, took the tea from the servant, and took a sip: "This is also the old man's statement."

"What's your statement?"

"Did you forget sister-in-law?"

Song Qi's face changed slightly, and he fell silent for a moment.


The servant brought Shen Yu into a room, lowered his eyebrows, but was quite polite: "Please make it up for a while, rest here, and when the husband and wife come back, I will take you to the main hall to talk." past."

Shen Wei put the little girl by the bed, told her to sit down, turned her head and said to the servant: "Please give me three glasses of warm water."

"...Huh? Okay, please wait a moment."

Soon, the water came, and Shen Yu asked her to put it down.

The servant did so in a daze, and before leaving, he didn't forget to close the door for the three of them.

By the time she realized it, she had already gone out into the yard, holding the water tray in her hand, and when she glanced back, the back of her neck suddenly felt cold: "What a hell!"

inside the room.

The lighting is not good, the air is not circulated, the lights are even more dim, and the overall environment is somewhat depressing.

Shen Wei knew what Mr. Song was thinking, and she knew very well what the other party's purpose was, but she was not wronged at all, and there was nothing to be alarmed about.

Originally, she didn't really come to the Song family to be a mistress to a dead man, and she didn't care much about the title "Mrs. Song"...

 Don’t feel very jumpy, because what you are seeing now is Houhou two years later, and the veil on her body needs to be slowly lifted layer by layer
(End of this chapter)

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