Chapter 888


A small fleshy hand grabbed the hem of her blouse.

Shen Yu lowered her head and smiled slightly: "What's the matter, Qingqing?"

"Going's not fun here..." the little milk voice stuttered, but the meaning was clear.

Shen Yu touched the small hair on her head: "But we will live here for a long time, what should we do?"

Hearing this, the little girl pursed her mouth, a little aggrieved, sucked her nose, and quickly laughed: "Mom...together..."

Shen Yu nodded: "Yes, we are together."

She smiled even more happily, and her two black grape-like eyes seemed to be shining: "And Didi..."

Shen Yu took a look and sat beside him quietly, lowered her head and did not speak, only seeing a son with a forehead and two rows of long eyelashes, humming slowly and gently.

Six o'clock in the evening.

The servant knocked on the door: "Miss Shen, the husband and wife are back, please go to the main hall."

no response.

"...Miss Shen?" Knock again.

Still no response.

The servant directly took the key to open the door, and then froze in place for a second: "Where is the person?"

The room is so big, you can see the whole picture at a glance, and you can't even hide things, let alone three big living people?

"Miss Shen?!" The servant panicked.

"Are you looking for me?" The voice came from behind, the servant turned around in shock, and met a pair of cool eyes.

"" Tongue tied, "Where did you go?"

"The room is too stuffy and the air is not good. I took my two children out for a walk."

The servant took a closer look and saw that Shen Hou was holding a child with one hand. The little girl tilted her head and blinked her eyes, full of innocence and curiosity.

The servant breathed a sigh of relief, and anger followed, and for a moment she almost blurted out——

How can you walk around randomly, do you understand the rules when you come to someone else's house as a guest? !

But facing the woman's clear eyes, she didn't even have the courage to open her mouth.

What a hell...

The servant walked in front and led the way, while Shen Yu led the two children and followed behind.

It seems inaccurate to say "follow", because the woman's demeanor and actions are more like strolling in the garden.

The servant could still hear the voices of the mother and daughter talking at a distance——

"Mom! Huahua..."

"That's called Begonia flower."

"Catch sugar flowers!"


"Catch candy!"



Shen Wei: "..."


Little girl: "Hehe..."

All the way to the main hall, the servant stood by the door and no longer went in, but turned sideways and made a gesture of invitation.

Shen Yu entered.

In an instant, several eyes looked at her in unison.

The old man with gray temples and a pair of sharp eyes are majestic, and Shen Wei clearly feels the oppression of the superiors on her.

The eyebrows were slightly frowned, and he raised his eyes to meet his four eyes.

Song Kaifeng was stunned for a moment, and the old wife beside him couldn't hold back her airs anymore, she looked at this little Douding and then at that one, her surprise was beyond words.

"" Zhong Yuhong smiled wryly, her tone was unfamiliar to strangers who met for the first time, but she tried her best to express her friendliness.


"This..." She lingered between the two little dolls, "I'm just asking directly, don't think too much, I don't have any malicious intentions! Are they all Ah Yu's children?"

Shen Wei raised her eyebrows.

"Ah Yu left... too hastily," Zhong Yuhong cried a little, but quickly restrained herself, "I didn't explain a lot of things clearly, we all thought there was only one child..."

The survey data did not say that they were twins.

"Originally, we were thankful that Ah Yu could leave a little blood, but I didn't expect... to have both sons and daughters, it's really great!"

Song Kaifeng's warning eyes fell on the old wife, implying that she should control her emotions and stop rushing to do business so as not to make those restless people sit on the floor and raise prices.

It's a pity that Zhong Yuhong is immersed in the joy of having two grandchildren (daughters), and refuses to receive any external signals.

Song Kaifeng: "..."

"Are they brothers and sisters, or sisters?"

Shen Wei: "Sister and brother."

Zhong Yuhong nodded, and the love in her eyes seemed to be overflowing in the next second: "Hi brother and sister, my sister takes her brother with me, and my brother protects my sister. Then... what's your name?"

Before Shen Yu could speak, the little girl replied in a childish voice: ""

Only then did Zhong Yuhong dare to take two steps forward, and the creases on her face became more and more piled up: "Is the name of the little baby Qingqing?"

"Hmm!" Ruan Ruan Nuo Nuo.

The old lady's heart was about to melt: "You are so good...Song Qingqing..."


Zhong Yuhong: "What's not? Can I tell grandma?"

"No... it's Shen... Qingqing..."

Shen Yu answered with a flat tone: "They all have my surname, my elder sister is called Shen Qing, and my younger brother is called Shen Zhan."

The old lady was stunned for a moment: "My surname is Shen..."

Then the conversation changed: "Anything is good for a surname, Qingzhan... Flower history repairs flowers, stone people stack stones, water and trees are clear, spring is everywhere."

Even Song Kaifeng couldn't help nodding secretly, they were indeed two good names.

However, it didn't show at all on the face, on the contrary, it was even more serious.

Shen Yu lightly squeezed her daughter's little hand.

The little girl looked up at her, her eyes blinking, she was incredibly well-behaved.

Shen Yu glanced at Zhong Yuhong: "Call me grandma."

"Come on……"

"It's grandma." She corrected.

"Come on……"

Shen Yu was about to speak, but Zhong Yuhong took the conversation away: "It's all the same! It's all the same! Qingqing is good, grandma's cutie..." As she spoke, she gestured to embrace the two children in her arms.

The little girl was fine, she had a lively personality, and she had a good impression of Zhong Yuhong, but she couldn't praise her. The moment she was about to be touched, she quickly moved away, hid to the other side, and then grabbed Shen Yu's trouser leg and held on.

The old lady's hands were frozen in the air, her expression was astonished, her eyes were blank: "Zhan Zhan... what's wrong?"

Not far away, Song Kaifeng frowned.

Song Zhen and Song Qi looked at each other with doubts.

As early as on the road, they discovered that the child was a little too silent. Now it seems that it is not just because of his personality...

Shen Wei raised her hand to caress her son's back, with a hint of comfort: "His nickname is Zan Zan, praise Zan, he doesn't like to meet strangers."

Others, never mention it.

Zhong Yuhong reacted from the daze, and didn't ask any questions on the spot, but just looked at Zan Zan with obvious regret.

Although Qingqing is very obedient, it is a daughter's family after all. When they all thought that the direct line of the Song family would be completely cut off in this generation, God not only allowed Ah Yu to have a daughter, but also a son!
That means that there are successors in the direct line, and the Song family can pass on.

They were ecstatic, but the little guy's situation was...

"This will be your home from now on, let's eat first!"

This "you" includes not only the two children, but also Shen Wei.

However, she acted very calmly about this, which made Zhong Yuhong think highly of her.

During the dinner, Song Kaifeng did not speak, and the atmosphere was a bit depressed.

Zhong Yuhong winked at him more than once, telling him not to frighten the children by putting on a bad face.

It doesn't matter to Shen Wei, the main reason is that she is too busy taking care of the two children and has no time to take care of other things. For Mr. Song, and even everyone in the Song family, she doesn't want to waste her time on trying to be cute.

Because, it is not necessary.

Also disdain.

After the meal, they arranged a place to stay. What Zhong Yuhong meant was for the three of them to live in Song Yu's former East Courtyard.

Shen Yu refused because she didn't want to see things and think about others.

In fact, it is considered that the place where the deceased lived before his death is unlucky.

Of course, it is impossible to arrange her in the inverted room like before, with a bunch of servants.

In the end, Shen Wei chose the West Courtyard by herself.

Song Zhen frowned.

Song Qi reacted even more, "You live in the west courtyard, so where will brother Zhen and I live?!"

"You live here too?" Shen Yu was slightly surprised.

"Of course!"

"But how do I hear... Ah Yu said that his family has only one son in this generation, you two..." Where did it come from?
Song Qi's face turned blue and red, "You!"

"Sorry, you guys seem to have forgotten to introduce yourself when you came to pick me up." So, it's no wonder I don't know who you are.

"They are Ah Yu's cousins, Song Zhen and Song Qi, because they often go in and out of the house due to business, most of the time they stay overnight, so I simply let them live in the west courtyard."


Shen Yu's brows and eyes darkened, that is the offspring of the Song family, and they are so close to the direct line...

After a long time, it is hard to guarantee that other ideas will not come up.

After all, Song Yu is the only seedling in the direct line of the Song family, and there are no children under his knees.

After solving him, the future heir must be selected from the collateral line.

and so……

These two people have enough motives to kill Song Yu!
 Shen Qing, Shen Zhan, the names of the two babies have come out~
  Qing Huang Junzai's "Jinhu Qimo·Salt Merchant": "The history of flowers repairs flowers, stone people stack stones, water and trees are clear, and spring is everywhere in all seasons."

(End of this chapter)

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