Chapter 889 Living in the West Courtyard, I'm Worried (Part [-])
In ancient times, the main house of the three-entry courtyard house was for the elders of the family, the eldest son lived in the east chamber, the second son lived in the west chamber, and the daughter's wives lived in the backyard.

The implication is that the male dominates the outside and the female dominates the inside.

Now that Shen Yu proposed to live in the West Courtyard, Song Zhen and Song Qi could only let it out with gritted teeth.

Zhong Yuhong: "Then you brothers... move to the East Courtyard?"

East Courtyard, Song Yu's former residence.

Song Qi frowned subconsciously after hearing this, but soon let go, but this small movement was still in full view.

On the other hand, Song Zhen, with the same expression as before, calmly replied "Yes".

In this way, Shen Yu, mother and son (female) lived in the west courtyard.

That night.

Song Kaifeng finished his business and returned to the master bedroom from the study.

The old lady was already covered with a quilt, leaning on the bedside to read a book, with a pair of reading glasses on the bridge of her nose, with peaceful eyebrows and elegant book breath.

"Why haven't you slept yet? What are you looking at again?" Song Kaifeng lifted the quilt and lay down.

"Old calendar."

"Turn it over for what?"

Zhong Yuhong glanced at him: "Of course it depends on the date. Now that Qingqing and Zanzan have been picked up, we must find a time for them to officially recognize their ancestors and return to their ancestors? I have seen it all. The eighth day of the next month is the best day. Let's Hold a dinner party in Chang Fu Palace, and invite all your family friends, relatives and relatives to watch the ceremony."


The old lady was stunned by his howling, and it took a while to react, with a puzzled expression on her face: "How can this be called nonsense? That's Ah Yu's child, our own grandson, don't you even mean this little bit of pomp? Older and more stingy..."

Song Kaifeng's face turned dark.

The old lady looked fearless: "Isn't it?"

"...After this period of delay, it's time to figure it out, and it's not too late to hold the ceremony."

"Hold on, what do you mean by 'should be cleared up'? Is there anything unclear now?"

Song Kaifeng's brows tightened, and the folds sank deeply: "I plan to arrange another paternity test..."

"Didn't you do it before? Why..."

Song Kaifeng waved his hand and interrupted her: "I don't feel at ease, just to be on the safe side, it's safer to check again."

Zhong Yuhong disagreed: "Why did you go so early? Now that the person has been brought back and lives under the same roof, if we continue to put on such a suspicious attitude, no one will look good!"

This is also where the old man is worried.

I want to check, but it's hard to check.

"In this way, let the maid pay attention to collecting the hair of the two children when cleaning."

"Then what if the servant makes a mistake? They all have the same hair, do you believe the final test result?"


"I think you're worrying too much. Qingqing's eyes are exactly the same as our Ah Yu's. They all say that her daughter, father Xiao, is not your own."

Song Kaifeng concentrated, trying to recall, but found that he was standing too far away at that time, and he never got close to him, and he didn't even see what the child looked like.

"Are you sure it's not a psychological effect?"

Zhong Yuhong: "If you don't believe me, just dig out the photos of Ah Yu when he was a child, and compare them in person in front of people tomorrow."

Song Kaifeng didn't answer.

The old lady directly took out the photo from the drawer and handed it to him. Tears flashed in her eyes for a moment: "Here, take it and see..."

Song Kaifeng's hands were trembling when he took it, and after a while, "It's getting late, let's rest."

"The matter of the banquet..."

"You can figure it out. However, as long as the goal is achieved, don't be too public."

"For a family like ours, as long as they don't break the law, what's the point of making it public? Besides, those are the only two seedlings of the Song family's direct lineage, so it's not too much to be overly lively."

"Don't forget Xiaojing, this is slapping her in the face!"

This time, the old lady did not speak.

After a long silence, her eyes were weak, and she also felt helpless: "...Okay, I will pay attention to propriety."

Under the same moonlight, the west courtyard.

"Didi! vain..." The little girl who was wrapped in a small bath towel and hadn't dried off the water clapped her hands towards Zanzan.

The latter only looked up at her, and then continued to play with the Lego in his hand.

Not interested, unimpressed.

But the little girl seems to be used to this way of getting along with each other, chattering, "Didi" for a while, "Zan Zan" for a while, and doesn't care whether the person she calls ignores her, anyway, she is very happy.

Shen Hou came out of the bathroom, picked her up and put her on the bed, then wiped off the water on her body with a bath towel, and finally changed into clean pajamas.

The little girl consciously got into the bed and lay down, she didn't need to be reminded by Shen Wei at all, she was incredibly well-behaved.

"Zan Zan..." Shen Wei walked over.

He put down the Lego, raised his head, and those dark pupils met Shen Hou's eyes.

Focused, concentrated, spotless.

Such eyes and such eyes successfully reminded Shen Yu of that person...

That bastard who left without saying goodbye and never heard from again!

"It's time for us to shower," she said softly.

Zan Zan didn't speak, but nodded, put Lego in the previous position, and stood next to the open suitcase, staring, as if looking for something.

"Is the baby looking for this?" Shen Hou held a small box in his hand, shook it, and then it rustled.

Zan Zan ran over. In fact, his steps were more steady than the little girl's.

Stretching out his hand towards Shen Yu, his eyes were clear.

 The chapter is chaotic, it has been repaired, and the second update will be made soon

(End of this chapter)

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