Chapter 1000 This Is My Fiance
As everyone was talking, they saw a handsome man walk into the back garden of Ninghou Mansion.

The man was dressed in a black brocade robe, a black jade belt, and a jade crown with his hair tied up.

Everyone was shocked when they saw it.

Who is this person?

When did such a man with the posture of heaven and man appear in the capital?
The man's appearance was too eye-catching, which made all the women of trial marriage age unable to look away.

Ye Yuxian, who was watched by everyone, didn't notice the others, he only saw Su Wanyi in the crowd.

Ye Yuxian came to pick up Su Wanyi.

When he came to him, Su Wanyi asked, "Why are you here?"

"By the way." Ye Yuxian replied.

When Ye Yuxian looked at Su Wanyi, his gaze was soft, with a smile on his face, and he looked more and more charming.

The group of women behind Su Wanyi were all girls in her boudoir, so they couldn't help but stare dumbfounded.

He wished that he was the one who was being watched wholeheartedly.

For a while, some people blushed, and some people blushed.

"Su Zongzhu, who is this son?"

Someone couldn't help asking.

Su Wanyi said that she was going to marry the Ghost Realm, so why are she still flirting with other men?

"My fiance." Su Wanyi replied.

"No, fiancé? But didn't the suzerain just say that your fiancé is the Ghost Realm."

"Yeah, there's nothing wrong with it." Su Wanyi replied, blinking her eyes, "He's the Ghost Realm."

After Su Wanyi finished speaking, everyone was shocked.

Looking at Ye Yuxian, there was no way he could tell that the man in front of him who looked like a god was the devil-like Holy Lord of the Ghost Realm in the legend.

Ye Yuxian sneered, using his toes to figure out why these people were surprised.

He has heard similar words many times from the population of Qingyangmen.

Ye Yuxian took everyone's astonishment into his eyes and smiled brightly.

With his smile, everyone was completely infatuated.

This guy is too handsome!

It's like an adult who drank a whole jug of wine and became dizzy.

Su Wanyi smiled and said, "Your Majesty, stop laughing like that. Others think you want to eat people."

"When did I want to eat people? Human flesh doesn't taste good, but my wife looks delicious." Ye Yuxian replied.

Speaking of deliciousness, Su Wanyi seemed to smell something delicious.

"Did you bring something delicious with you? I can smell the fragrance."

Su Wanyi is indeed more sensitive to food than others.

Ye Yuxian picked up the paper bag in his hand, "Beggar Chicken."

Su Wanyi was immediately happy, as expected, food was her true love.

Seeing him is not as happy as seeing a beggar chicken.

"Didn't you say you were on the way?" Su Wanyi caught the contradiction in Ye Yuxian's words and asked.

He said he was on the way, so why was he still holding the beggar chicken specially bought for her?

This...was dismantled on the spot.

Ye Yuxian looked away, pretending to be cold and replied: "I bought it for Daibao."

Su Wanyi asked: "Really? Is it not for me?"

Ye Yuxian hurriedly stuffed the beggar chicken into Su Wanyi's hands, "If you like it, it's yours, if you don't like it, give it to Daibao."

It doesn't matter whether the son has to eat or not, the important thing is that he can make the daughter-in-law happy.

After getting the beggar's chicken, Su Wan smiled happily.

So Su Wanyi hastily bid farewell to Mrs. Ninghou, and took Ye Yuxian to eat beggar chicken in a distant pavilion.

(End of this chapter)

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