Chapter 999 My Fiance Is the Lord of Ghost Domain
Today, there are three golden bachelors in Daqi capital.

One of them is Emperor Xuanyuan Ye. The emperor has not long since succeeded to the throne. He is young, promising, and handsome. He has already lost the hearts of all the women.

The second is Han Yuanfeng, the eldest son of Duke Ding's mansion. Although he is of a high seniority, he is still young, and he inherits the good looks of the Han family.

The third is Ning Yi, the eldest son of the Ninghou Mansion, the only Miao Miao of the Ninghou Mansion, no matter in terms of wealth, background or appearance, he is very outstanding among all the princes in the capital.

And these three people are all related to Su Wanyi without exception.

The emperor and Su Wanyi are close friends, and Su Wanyi has made great contributions to the emperor's ascension to the throne.

Han Yuanfeng is Su Wanyi's biological uncle.

Ning Yi is Su Wanyi's godbrother.

So when the girls saw Su Wanyi, they not only approached her to make friends with her.

"I didn't expect to see such a busy Sect Master Su today. It's a great honor."

"Yes, yes, Sect Master Su is becoming more and more beautiful."

"If only I could have one-tenth of Su Zongzhu's demeanor."

"I heard that Su Zong is mainly married, but which son is the other party?"

"Which son is so honored to be able to marry a beautiful woman with both talents and looks like Su Zongzhu!"

Su Wanyi was also flattered, she never thought that one day, she would become the favorite of women.

Su Wanyi returned a distant yet polite smile.

At the same time, she glanced nonchalantly at the attic where Han Yuanfeng was hiding. She wondered what her uncle was doing. She sacrificed her appearance to deal with this group of women who might become her aunts.

The others didn't let Su Wanyi go so quickly.

All of them carefully inquired with her about the high-quality men around her.

Mrs. Ning Hou felt a little embarrassed.

Su Wanyi didn't mind, so she answered them one by one.

"By the way, I don't know who Su Zongzhu's fiancé is?"

Everyone is very curious, who is Su Wanyi planning to marry.

With Su Wanyi's current status, it doesn't matter if she marries anyone.

She herself wants to have a status, a background to have a background, a cultivation to have a cultivation, and she has a magic weapon by her side, and she is already invincible.

After the news of Su Wanyi's wedding came out yesterday, some people speculated that Su Wanyi might want to raise another boy.

As long as she is in charge of being beautiful and beautiful, Su Wanyi will take care of the rest.

"You have also heard of it." Su Wanyi replied.

"Really? Is that the son of the famous family?" Someone hurriedly asked.

With Su Wanyi's current status, it is normal for her to marry a famous son.

I just don't know why, I haven't heard from the man yet.

"Sacred Master of Ghost Domain." Su Wanyi replied lightly.

Ghost, Ghost Realm Saint?

Hearing this, everyone's face changed suddenly.

"Well, Su... Sect Master Su, are you kidding us?"

Several people smiled awkwardly.

"No, I'm serious." Su Wanyi said.


Everyone looked at Su Wanyi in unison.

That is not true, is it?

But the rumored Ghost Realm Saint...

Old, ugly, bloody, and brutal.

Except for a little higher cultivation base, there is really no other point.

Is Su Wanyi blind?Why would you fall in love with that kind of person?Wouldn't it be scary to be in a room at night?

It is said that the Ghost Realm Lord is bloodthirsty and will swallow living human flesh!

Everyone's expressions were weird, but it was hard to say it in front of Su Wanyi.

(End of this chapter)

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