Chapter 998
In order to prevent the old lady from continuing to ask about the details, Su Wanyi took the initiative to change the subject and explained to the old lady another important reason for her visit this time.

"Grandmother, I want to find a wife for my uncle. As you know, there is no hostess in Dingguo's mansion, and there is no female elder on my uncle's head who can handle his marriage. I took this job over. But this girl in the capital, how can I have a godmother, you know! The godmother has sharp eyes, not only has more experience than me, but also has a better vision than me. "

"Stop flattering me, the old woman!" The old lady said with a glance, "I have eyesight, old woman, otherwise how could I fall in love with you? But you don't listen to me! Eyes are good for nothing!"

Su Wanyi could only smile apologetically.

The old lady said again: "But your uncle really should find someone else. Duke Ding is the only one like him, and the father and son have been leading soldiers all year round. It's really not good that there is no mistress in the house."

"How about this, I'll make arrangements for you. I'll let Aunt Jing select the people for you, and invite them to my Ninghou Mansion tomorrow, and you will come and see each other in person tomorrow."

"Thank you, grandma." Su Wanyi smiled.

"You girl!" the old lady said, "It's settled, the old woman, I can help you on conditional terms, you should bring Daibao to see the old woman, otherwise I will quit the old woman."

"Okay, okay." Su Wanyi agreed with a smile.

Han Yuanfeng didn't expect that what he had done to Su Wanyi before, now Su Wanyi returned it to him exactly the same.

He was called to the back garden of Ninghou Mansion, and his niece asked him to hide, and many girls would come to the yard in a while.

"Wanyi, I don't think it's possible?" Han Yuanfeng begged for mercy.

"No." Su Wanyi resolutely refused.

Su Wanyi was authorized by her grandfather, if Han Yuanfeng doesn't cooperate, he will wait to be whipped by his father when he returns to Duke Dingguo's mansion.

"Wanyi, you see that you are getting married soon, and uncle also wants to help."

Han Yuanfeng changed his mind, trying to persuade Su Wanyi with other reasons.

"No need, Ye Yuxian has already taken care of everything, and my father is the rest, there is nothing that needs uncle's help."

"My sweetheart, my sweetheart, do you have the heart to marry a woman I don't love and spend the rest of my life lonely?"

"I don't force you to marry if you don't like it, I just force you to go on a blind date." Su Wanyi replied.

"Is there a difference?"

"Yes, forcing you to go on a blind date is to create possibilities for you, but the final decision is still yours. If you don't like it, I will definitely not force you to marry."

It sounds pretty humane.

Han Yuanfeng thought about it for a while, and it might work. After all, it was his niece's wish, so he looked at each other obediently.

Not long after, a lot of young ladies came to the back garden of Ninghou Mansion.

Each one is like a flower in bud, delicate and charming.

Su Wanyi also took the opportunity to get in among the girls entertained by Madam Ninghou in order to observe them better.

Although Mrs. Ning did not say that she was for Han Yuanfeng when she released the news, there were still quite a few girls who came.

Su Wanyi also came along, intending to personally choose for her uncle.

When Su Wanyi appeared, all the girls greeted her with enthusiasm.

Their enthusiasm is not all for Su Wanyi himself, but also for the golden bachelors around Su Wanyi.

(End of this chapter)

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