Chapter 1015 Seeing Zhan Tianhen and Feng Qingyu Again

A mighty operation of catching monsters in the royal tomb finally turned into a large-scale show of affection.

Not only did everyone act as a foil for Ye Yuxian and Su Wanyi, but they were also forced to watch their show of affection.

Physically and mentally exhausted.

People are more popular than people!
The most pitiful thing is Dayan's eldest princess, Her Royal Highness, who is also a very good person, but the opponent she meets is Su Wanyi, and she is forced to be compared.

All the things she did before became the foil for the couple in the end.

In the palace, Jing Ye, who knew that it was Su Wanyi and Ye Yuxian who settled the matter of the giant scorpion in the imperial mausoleum, just smiled and didn't say anything.

She was still the same as before, knowing that he was in trouble and would help him desperately.

Then a minister reported another matter to Jing Ye: "My Majesty, both Da Chu and Da Qin have sent envoys to visit Da Qi, and the time is almost exactly the same. .”

"Who is the difference between Da Chu and Da Qin?" Jing Ye asked.

"The one who came from Da Chu was Zhan Tianhen, the current general of Da Chu, and the one who came from Da Qin was Sikong Yan, the prince of Da Qin. The people who came here were all heavyweights from the two countries. People have to be vigilant, for fear of something ulterior motives. the goal of!"

Jing Ye smiled lightly: "It's nothing, they came together for a reason, but it's not a bad thing, so don't be on guard."

Jing Ye's answer made people very puzzled.

Da Chu and Da Qin sent important ministers at the same time, plus Princess Dayan who was already in the capital of Da Qi at the moment, the important ministers of the Three Kingdoms gathered in the capital of Da Qi at the same time!
This is something that has never happened before!
In the past, even if the new emperor ascended the throne, other countries would not send such a heavyweight to congratulate him.

But looking at the emperor's appearance, he seemed very sure that this would not pose any threat to Daqi.

What is going on here?
As Jing Ye expected, Zhan Tianhen's visit to Daqi this time has no ulterior purpose.

They're just here for the wedding.

Feng Qingyu sat in the sedan chair, looking out from time to time.

She has already arrived in the capital of Daqi, and this is the first time she has traveled so far.

Last time, she only followed Sister Su to the border between the two countries, and did not cross the border.

Feng Qingyu poked her head out of the carriage, looked at Zhan Tianhen who was riding a horse in front, and said softly: "General, I have entered the city, let me come down and go, it's against the rules for me to sit in the carriage like a cook."

Feng Qingyu planned to go with the team from the beginning, but it was Zhan Tianhen who said that she would delay the trip and stuffed her into the carriage.

Now that they have arrived in Daqi, people from Daqi will come to meet them in a while, if people see them, they will lose their dignity.

Hearing this, Zhan Tianhen vetoed it: "You walk slowly, so I don't know how long it will take you to walk to the posthouse."

Feng Qingyu bit her lip, and retorted in a low voice: "It's not easy for the general to gallop his horse when he enters the city. I won't be able to catch up."

Zhan Tianhen is depressed. He didn't want her to suffer less, so he let her take the carriage. Why doesn't she appreciate it at all?He kept clamoring to get down and go by himself.

If she was tough enough, he would let her ride with him.

Who made her so useless, her butt hurts when she rides a horse.

Zhan Tianhen thought of a reason and said: "If you don't get out of the carriage, how will others know that you are a cook, and how will they know whether you are in compliance with the rules or not?"

(End of this chapter)

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