Chapter 1016 Iron Man
Feng Qingyu was speechless, so she had to go back into the carriage.

When she got to the place, Feng Qingyu got off the carriage, but found that she was not in the post house, but in the Su residence.

As soon as I got off the carriage, I saw Su Wanyi.

Feng Qingyu's eyes turned red all of a sudden.

"I'll go, Zhan Tianhen, why are you bullying her?" Su Wanyi hurriedly asked Zhan Tianhen.

"How can I bully her? Don't talk nonsense."

"You didn't bully her, why does she look like this?"

Feng Qingyu hurriedly explained: "I'm happy to see Sister Su. General, she didn't bully me and treated me very well. I'm a cook, and he even let me come in a carriage."

Su Wanyi's mouth twitched after hearing this.

It's no problem to come by carriage, but why is it a cook?

Feng Qingyu couldn't really be a cook in the general's mansion for half a year, could she?
It really looks like this...


Su Wanyi let out a long sigh: "General Zhan really is a hero, I admire, admire!"

Hearing Su Wanyi's praise, Zhan Tianhen always felt that she was not praising him, but hurting him.

"Qingyu, if I ever get tired of being a cook, just tell me and I'll arrange a marriage for you." Su Wanyi took Feng Qingyu's hand and said to her.

Zhan Tianhen was not happy when he heard this.

"People from my general's mansion, if you want to arrange a marriage, you don't need to bother you." Zhan Tianhen said with a straight face.

When Feng Qingyu heard the words, she lowered her head slightly.

Then he declined Su Wanyi's kindness: "Thank you, Sister Su, but I don't have any other plans for the time being, it's fine as it is now."

Feng Qingyu likes Zhan Tianhen, even if Zhan Tianhen only wants her to be his cook, she is willing to stay where she can see him.

She doesn't expect to be his wife.

Following Feng Qingyu, she asked to help in the kitchen of Su's mansion, completely treating herself as a cook.

Although Su Wanyi really missed Feng Qingyu's home cooking, she didn't really intend to treat her as a cook.

Zhan Tianhen's ability is also possible.

At noon, Feng Qingyu cooked a table of home-cooked dishes for Su Wanyi.

Everyone sat at a big round table, Su Wanyi pulled Feng Qingyu to sit down together,
Feng Ling praised: "The little girl is really good at cooking. The food you cook is full of your heart, which can make people feel warm. If anyone can marry you as a wife, it will be a great blessing."

Su Cheng also praised: "Miss Feng's craftsmanship is really good. If you have the opportunity, please ask me for some advice. Wanyi and Daibao like your work very much."

Everyone spoke highly of Feng Qingyu's cooking skills.

At this moment, Daibao suddenly spoke, and said to Feng Qingyu, "Sister Qingyu, can you be Daibao's aunt?"

As soon as Daibao said this, everyone stopped and looked at him in surprise.

Dai Bao didn't realize it, and continued to say: "Because uncle is looking for aunt, and Dai Bao likes Sister Qingyu very much, then let Sister Qingyu be Daibao's aunt, so Sister Qingyu can be with Daibao Yes, uncle also found aunt."

I have to say that Daibao's logic is still very clear.

Let Feng Qingyu be Han Yuanfeng's daughter-in-law, kill two birds with one stone, and solve the two problems together.

Of course, the most important thing is, so that he can continue to eat the delicious and heart-warming meals made by Feng Qingyu.

What a clever little ghost.

Zhan Tianhen hurriedly said: "Don't talk nonsense, Daibao, how can Qingyu be Daibao's aunt? She is a little younger than your mother."

(End of this chapter)

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