Chapter 1027

According to the news from Shikoku Xujing, Tassel also wants to attend the wedding.

And Liusu himself also came to the capital the day before the wedding. It seemed that he was busy with travel and dust, and he hurried here along the way.

Ye Yuxian didn't inform her in advance, and he didn't plan to let her sit in the high hall when the newcomers paid their respects.

In Ye Yuxian's wedding, she only prayed to heaven and earth, and there was no high hall.

So when Liusu got the news, it was only a few days before the wedding, so she had to rush here day and night without stopping.

Seeing the obviously embarrassed Tassel, Feng Ling hesitated for a moment, but still didn't say anything.

"This is not my home. I am also a guest. If you want to come in, you should ask the owner's permission." Fengling replied.

Liusu nodded, but did not break in.

The once supreme saint has now been stripped of her holy shell after all, and has become an ordinary, ordinary person of the world.

A mother, a mother who has done something wrong and longs to be forgiven by her children.

Liusu stood outside the door for a long time, but it was Su Cheng who asked her to enter the gate of Su Mansion.

After entering the Su Mansion, Liusu did not see Ye Yuxian.

Ye Yuxian is not in the Su residence, he has been busy with the wedding these few days.

Because Huangquan is too far away from the capital of Daqi, it is impossible to directly pick up the bride from the Su Mansion and send her relatives to Huangquan.

So Ye Yuxian bought a mansion in the capital and used it as a temporary wedding venue.

Ye Yuxian has been tossing and turning between the two houses for the past few days.

Su Wanyi came to see Liusu.

Liusu looked at Su Wanyi, and seemed to have thousands of words in his throat.

He opened his mouth, but didn't say a word.

She didn't know what to say.

Su Wanyi shook her head helplessly: "You can attend the wedding, but only as a guest, just like Feng Ling."

Su Wanyi knew the reason for Liusu's visit, her son was going to get married, and she wanted to attend the wedding as a biological mother.

But Ye Yuxian did not acknowledge her, and would not worship Tassel as his high school.

She also doesn't want to drink Su Wanyi's daughter-in-law tea.

Hearing this, Liusu's heart felt bitter, but there was nothing he could do.

"Thank you." Liusu thanked Su Wanyi bitterly.

Probably not being kicked out directly is already a good result for her.

Su Wanyi turned around and wanted to leave, but Liusu quickly stopped her.

"wait wait wait……"

Su Wanyi turned her head to look at Liusu, does she have anything else to say?
"I...I..." Liusu reached out and took out the gift she had prepared for Su Wanyi, "I know I can't give you this gift as his mother or your mother-in-law, but... I still hope If you can accept this gift, just... treat it as...a gift from a distant relative."

When Liusu said these words, he felt very uncomfortable.

But she also knew that this was the result of her own doing.

Now she can only taste the evil fruit by herself.

Su Wanyi accepted the gift, but she didn't say thank you to Liusu, but said to her: "I accept your gift, if you still want to see him, you can go see him, but if he doesn't want to see you, you can still Please stay away from him, don't make him unhappy, and don't make it difficult for our husband and wife to have a happy life."

Su Wanyi didn't want the appearance of Tassel to spoil Ye Yuxian's mood, she still wanted him to be happy.

Although Su Wanyi didn't think tassels could affect Ye Yuxian's mood.

Liusu nodded in response: "I know, I will only watch him from a distance, and will not approach him."

(End of this chapter)

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