Chapter 1028 Wedding (1)

Finally came the day of the seventh day.

In the capital city of Daqi, the entrance of Su Mansion is particularly lively.

This grand wedding has shocked the whole capital long before it started.

Everyone in the capital is proud of being eligible to attend the wedding scene, which is a symbol of status, and they can also meet many top existences on the Shenxing Continent.

Just don't be too condescending.

All the guests came to the Su Mansion that day, and those who were not invited to the wedding could not help but come to the gate of the Su Mansion to watch and join in the fun.

So it was a grand scene that was empty for thousands of people.

The welcoming team set off from the temporary residence of the Ghost Realm Lord in the capital, and headed towards Su's mansion in a mighty way.

The one in the lead is Black Mirror, who has a red ribbon on his head, which is quite festively decorated, and looks less scary and more cute.

Black Mirror shook his head and tail, also looking very happy.

The master is getting married, so it must behave well!

The one on top of the black lens is today's official groom, Ye Yuxian.

Dressed in the wedding dress of the groom's official, with a slender figure, it perfectly interprets what it means to have legs below the chest.

Yuguan has her hair tied up, and she has a charming smile on her face.

It was originally a captivating appearance, but now he is in a bright mood, and it is even more pleasing to the eye and intoxicating to look at.

Others came to greet their relatives on horseback, Ye Yuxian rode a snake to greet their relatives.

This battle is absolutely unique, there is no semicolon.

There are people beating gongs and drums around the black mirror, and the sound of the drums is melodious and festive.

This scene was amazing enough, who would have thought that a few big birds would fly in the sky, with people sitting on top of the birds.

These people are none other than the masters of Ghost Domain.

What kind of bird is that? !
Everyone looked up to the sky in shock.

This is a huge bird that you have never seen before.

This is a kind of giant bird that is only found in Huangquan. People outside are afraid that Huangquan has never been close to it, so naturally they don't know it.

These birds hovered in the air, posing in a beautiful formation, which attracted a lot of attention.

Follow the petals sprinkled in the air, and the romantic petal rain will accompany you all the way.

When they arrived at the gate of Su Mansion, Ye Yuxian received his bride under the crowd watching.

The bride in full attire is so beautiful that she rides Zilong and slowly crosses the gate of Su Mansion.

Like the black mirror, Zilong's head was also decorated with red silk, making it less majestic.

This is the task that I agreed with Zilong before and arranged for her at the wedding.

Su Wanyi focused on Zilong's head, and with Zilong's movement, slowly approached Ye Yuxian.

Ye Yuxian looked at his bride with affection in his eyes.

At this moment Su Wanyi looked back at Ye Yuxian, at this moment, she seemed to be able to look into the depths of his soul through his eyes.

A smile appeared on his face unconsciously.

They are married.

After going through so many things together.

Hei Jing and Zi Long's heads were close together, allowing Ye Yuxian and Su Wanyi on their heads to also get close.

Ye Yuxian handed the end of the red silk hand to Su Wanyi.

Holding the red silk, the two walked hand in hand, and walked away amidst the blessing eyes of family and friends.

Su Cheng watched his daughter leave the Su residence with tears in his eyes.

Mu Ming, have you seen that our daughter has grown up and married.

I saw her put on a beautiful wedding dress and get married with a smile on her face.

The same happy smile as when you married me.

Fengling looked at Su Cheng beside him with tears in his eyes, she knew that for this man, his dead wife, daughter and grandson were all he had.

Han Yuanfeng wiped his tears beside him, his niece got married, woo woo woo...

Han Yuanfeng wanted to cry for no reason at the same time he settled his mind.

A man who bleeds, sweats and does not shed tears on the battlefield, cried when he watched his niece get married.

Han Qingcang next to him scolded his son when he saw this: "You trash, why are you crying? You are so happy to be married, but you are so spineless crying! You have completely embarrassed our Han family!"

Han Yuanfeng replied: "Father, aren't there tears in your own eyes?"

Han Qingcang quickly retorted: "Your father, I have sand in my eyes!"

Hmph, dad is so stubborn, obviously he was crying too!

(End of this chapter)

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