Chapter 1046 Do You Love Me Again?

Su Wanyi found Ye Yuxian.

Seeing Ye Yuxian looking into the distance, Su Wanyi stepped forward and hugged him from behind.

"What's wrong?" Ye Yuxian asked Su Wanyi softly behind her.

"He should be a good father." Su Wanyi said.

Who is he, needless to say.

"Maybe, but some things are predestined. If he hadn't died soon, he wouldn't have me." Ye Yuxian replied.

He was born out of that man's compulsion.

"But this does not prevent him from leaving you the Mingfeng Gun, nor does it prevent him from wishing you to grow up well." Su Wanyi comforted.

Ye Yuxian turned around and hugged Su Wanyi in her arms.

"You feel sorry for me again?" Ye Yuxian smiled.

Being exposed, Su Wanyi felt upset. Who cares about him? He's so naughty and mean, what's there to feel sorry for?
The good atmosphere was destroyed by him in a second.

Su Wanyi said angrily, "I don't want to comfort you anymore with your smile."

As he said that, he was about to let go of his arms, but Ye Yuxian hugged him even tighter with his backhand.

"Please comfort me, okay?" Ye Yuxian coaxed.

"Not good." Su Wanyi deliberately contradicted Ye Yuxian.

Ye Yuxian reached out and scratched Su Wanyi's nest, "Are you okay?"

"You...don't scratch...don't scratch..." Su Wanyi was so scratched that she could only change her words, "Okay, okay, my heart hurts, my heart hurts, but my heart loves you."

Ye Yuxian stopped her hands as she wished.

Then I heard Su Wanyi continue to say: "I love you so much, who made you beautiful like a flower, who made you my male favourite!"

After speaking, Su Wanyi immediately ran away.

Ye Yuxian was left dumbfounded.

He also said that he was her boyfriend, and he is famous now!

Everyone who returned to the haunted house from the haunted domain was in trouble.

There is an army of Dayan coming towards the haunted house. They are coming menacingly, and they are afraid that the comers are not good.

Why did Dayan's army suddenly attack the haunted house?

Everyone immediately thought of one person - Xue Luoping.

Xue Luoping likes Ye Yuxian, could it be because of love and hatred?
Su Cheng said: "From what we've learned, Her Royal Highness the Princess is not such a ignorant person. Even if she loves and hates her, she won't make fun of the safety of the entire Great Yan."

All four countries are afraid of Huang Quan and Ye Yuxian.

Dayan is no exception.

As the eldest princess of Dayan, Xue Luoping, why did she want to raise an army in Huangquan.

Su Wanyi said: "Hate because of love is just an inducement, what really made her take this risk may be our magical weapons."

After the Zilong Lake incident, the world knows that Ye Yuxian and Su Wanyi have a total of three natural enemy weapons.

The Lingyue Sword, the Sunset Bow, and the Hidden Dragon Sword.

A family of three and one person.

Since then, many people have been eyeing them.

The reason why no one has done anything to them is mostly because they are not capable enough and know that they have no chance.

But for an ambitious and capable woman like Xue Luoping.

Danger cannot be her stumbling block.

Before Ye Yuxian and others were in Daqi, Xue Luoping couldn't do anything.

Now back to Huangquan, which borders on the border of Dayan.

Dayan already had a huge army stationed here.

She can directly attack the ghost domain by mobilizing the army.

For Xue Luoping, this is indeed an excellent opportunity to wipe out Ye Yuxian, Su Wanyi and others, and seize the three magic weapons.

As for her love for Ye Yuxian, it had already been extinguished by Su Wanyi.

There was no place for her to hesitate.

(End of this chapter)

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