Chapter 1047

Bai Yunshan smiled: "She probably doesn't know the true relationship between Your Majesty and Huang Quan, thinking that if she attacks, we will be attacked by the enemy, and there is no way to retreat."

Zuo Runzhi said: "What she doesn't know is more than that. She probably only knows about Zilong Lake when she knows about Your Majesty and Madam."

Ye Yuxian and Su Wanyi both exposed their cultivation in Zilong Lake.

But then the two went to Shikoku Xujing.

Outsiders don't know what happened in the virtual mirror of the four countries.

Feng Ling commented: "It seems that Her Highness the Eldest Princess has a lot of ambitions."

A Ping said: "Wealth and wealth are sought in danger, the temptation of the three magic weapons of heaven and earth is too great."

There are actually four, and the fourth one is still unowned.

Xue Luoping was able to eradicate a bunch of covetous royal family members and help her younger brother secure the throne, which shows that she is not a timid person and should fight hard.

Ye Yuxian said: "Then satisfy her."

Ghost Domain is ready to fight.

In front of the "Haunted House", the two camps faced each other head-on.

Xue Luoping, who is wearing the commander's armor, looks heroic.

"Your Majesty, we meet again! As I said, we are on the same journey!" Xue Luoping said to Ye Yuxian.

Ye Yuxian had a smile on his lips: "Is that why you want to see me?"

"Your Majesty misunderstood me. I did not mobilize the crowd to grab Your Majesty. I can also see that Your Majesty and Madam have a very good relationship. It is not something I can get involved in. What I want now is the one in your Majesty's hand." sword."

Xue Luoping didn't hide her reason for coming, she just came to snatch the heaven and earth magic weapon.

She was also prepared for a fierce battle today.

Xue Luoping also expected that she might fail.

Failure would break the relationship between Dayan and Huang Quan, but Ye Yuxian should not dare to kill her.

If she was killed, Dayan would raise his troops to overwhelm the country. Dayan's army would have an absolute superiority in numbers, and Huang Quan, who was under attack from both sides, would be powerless to resist.

It was also because of such confidence that Xue Luoping dared to attack Huangquan.

"The tone is not small, I hope your ability can match your tone." Ye Yuxian smiled lightly.

"Then please, Your Majesty, fight with me first!"

Xue Luoping jumped off the horse, walked to the front of the formation, and asked for a fight with the opponent's general.

When the two armies are at war, the main general will fight first.

Ye Yuxian didn't move, but said unhurriedly: "We have a famous general on our side, he hasn't made a move for a long time, I'm afraid his hands won't work, so I'll ask him to meet the princess."


Haven't shot for a long time?

It is not surprising that Ye Yuxian has a master Xue Luoping under his command.

I just don't know who this mysterious master is.

Just when Xue Luoping guessed the identity of the master.

I saw a little dumb baby coming out of the crowd.

Daibao's small arms and legs are soft and cute.

Daibao ran to Xue Luoping.

Xue Luoping's face darkened.

"Your Majesty doesn't want him to fight me, does he?" Xue Luoping asked.

"This is a general from our side. He is very fierce. Please be careful with the Eldest Princess." Ye Yuxian reminded him friendly.

Xue Luoping looked at the little guy in front of her, always feeling that she was humiliated by Ye Yuxian.

She, Xue Luoping, is Dayan's number one master, yet Ye Yuxian only let a four-year-old doll fight with her, and told her to be careful.

"Your Majesty is so contemptuous of others. If that's the case, don't cry when I hurt him." Xue Luoping sneered.

"My general is already capable of being alone." Ye Yuxian replied.

(End of this chapter)

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