Chapter 1094 Pull him into the water
Yu Qingqing also came out, facing this person who broke into her house and had nothing to do with the Ye family, Yu Qingqing decidedly had no good face.

"Sign up."

"Junior Elder Sun Xun has met senior." Elder Sun Xun bowed his hands when he saw senior.

"Changsun Xun? Surnamed Changsun, is that from Suyue City?"


"That man's lackey, damn it."

After finishing speaking, Yu Qingqing revealed her murderous aura, and with a flick of her sleeve, the door of the house automatically closed.

Seeing this, the two masters of Changsun's family immediately stood in front of Changsun Xun.

And Ye Yuxian blocked Yu Qingqing at this time.

Yu Qingqing looked at Ye Yuxian coldly: "Get out of the way, if you stop me from killing the person who deserves to be killed, I will execute you too!"

Ye Yuxian said: "What's the use of killing him? The culprit you want to kill has a good relationship with him. It's better to use him to get close to that person than to kill him."

Hearing Ye Yuxian's words, Yu Qingqing immediately calmed down.

"Tell me, how do you use him? He doesn't seem like someone who will be obedient." Rather than killing a junior, Yu Qingqing certainly wanted to kill that person.

"Once you get involved in some things, you will become an accomplice." Ye Yuxian said with a smile, "For example, letting go of many former officials of the Ye family."

"What nonsense are you talking about? When did my young master let go of the old officials of the Ye family?"

Ye Yuxian's words made Chang Sun Xun's followers anxious.

"Now." Ye Yuxian smiled.

Now?What's the meaning?The two follower masters were still at a loss.

Changsun Xun himself has figured it out.

"Mr. Han is plotting against me?" Chang Sun Xun shook his head and chuckled.

"Please forgive me, grandson. If it wasn't for this, I couldn't help them completely break away from their previous life." That was a slave-like life.

"Do I have a choice?" Zhang Sun Xun asked.

"No." Ye Yuxian replied, "If you object, Senior Yu will not let you go."

"Then I can only promise you." Changsun Xun replied with a self-deprecating smile on his face.

He was dragged into the water by Ye Yuxian.

Although it was forced, Changsun Xun was not that sad.

In a way, he also didn't like watching innocent people being treated like slaves.

And Ye Yuxian also seemed to see that Changsun Xun was not such a bad person, so he proposed such a method.

Following Ye Yuxian, he told Yu Qingqing his plan.

Yu Qingqing agreed, because she also wanted to save the old ministers of the Ye family, because these people were all loyal to the person she loved deeply.

At the same time, Ye Yuxian's proposal also aroused hope in Yu Qingqing.

As long as there is a chance to get close to that person and kill that person, he will come back!
That's right, as long as this step is completed, he will come back!

At this time, everyone who was trapped in the organ trap was struggling for death.

Death is approaching them.

Almost every one of them has been bitten by a poisonous scorpion, and the toxin is eroding each of them.

Or be poisoned to death, or sink into the sand and suffocate to death.

At this moment, the sound of a flute suddenly sounded, and the poisonous scorpions suddenly stopped moving after hearing this sound, and then all burrowed back into the sand.

And their bodies stopped sinking.

Everyone was very surprised, they didn't dare to relax in the slightest, who knew what kind of danger would be waiting for them next.

At this moment, Yu Qingqing came out.

A beautiful woman in her forties.

Behind the beautiful woman were Chang Sun Xun and his two followers, as well as Ye Yuxian and Su Wanyi.

(End of this chapter)

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