Chapter 1095
Lu Yuanyong stared blankly at Ye Yuxian's elder Sun Xun.

The two people he thought were bound to die were now standing in front of him intact.

But he was seriously injured and embarrassed.

"Why..." Lu Yuanyong asked blankly.

The others were as surprised as Lu Yuanyong.

How come the people who went through the barrier in front were fine, but those who planned to go back suffered heavy injuries?

"Thanks to the extraordinary ability of the eldest grandson, I led my husband and I to pass through this trap and found Senior Yu." Ye Yuxian said.

When Chang Sun Xun heard this, he quickly replied: "No matter where, I actually didn't do anything. After I caught up with Mr. Han, I followed Mr. Han's footsteps all the way through the barrier. The main reason is Mr. Han's contribution."

The two take credit for each other.

Ye Yuxian said: "If the eldest grandson hadn't come to the rescue, my wife and I might have been played to death by this mechanism just like the few former Ye family officials who died. The eldest grandson has saved my husband and wife. Grace and reinvention."

Inexplicably, Sun Xun, who was saved by a life-saving benefactor, hurriedly said: "If Mr. Han and Mrs. Han hadn't cultivated so well, how could they be unscathed when everyone else died in the trap? Most of the broken traps are caused by Mr. Han." The credit, it can be seen that Mr. Han's credit is even greater."

Ye Yuxian said: "My grandson is the young master of Suyue City. Not only is he born noble, but he is also young and promising. He has cultivated extraordinary skills at a young age. He is handsome and unrestrained and has attracted the admiration of countless women."

Chang Sun Xun hurriedly replied: "How can I compare with you, Mr. Han! Although Mr. Han was born in an ordinary place, his cultivation level is not bad at all, and now he is accompanied by a lovely wife and beautiful family, and he has a cute, smart and well-behaved son. It's enviable!"

After finishing speaking, Changsun Xun and Ye Yuxian looked at each other again, and their eyes competed.

Others are competing for blame, but they are competing for credit.

Su Wanyi supported her forehead, this credit is really hot.

Others listened to these two people taking credit for each other, only thinking that these two people were bragging about business.

Hu Ruicai couldn't bear it any longer: "Can you bother to brag and wait until you brag? Didn't you see that each of us was seriously injured and our lives were hanging by a thread?!"

I really can't help it!

They are all going to die!

They are still there saying such mutual flattery!
Is there anything you can't say after you go out!
Not long after Lu Yuanyong fell into the sand, he was not spared either. Not to mention a few broken bones, he was also poisoned by scorpions, his face turned pale, and his lips turned black.

Yu Qingqing said calmly: "The poison of these scorpions will not kill you so quickly. In my trap, it is impossible to die quickly."

"Your organ trap? Are these organ traps designed by you?"

Hearing Yu Qingqing's words, the wounded and dying people showed shocked expressions.

Yu Qingqing didn't respond, and directly opened the mechanism to move many rocks away, making way for a path.

After a while, people from outside rushed in.

City Lord Changsun ran at the forefront, seeing that his son was intact, the stone in his heart finally fell to the ground.

Some people rushed to their family members and disciples, while others looked at Yu Qingqing with surprise.

City Lord Changsun looked at Yu Qingqing, "Are you Miss Yu?"

Yu Qingqing nodded her head.

Qu Jingjiang looked at the beautiful woman in front of him, with amazement and admiration in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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