Chapter 1127 No one in a family of three is normal
Hearing this, Song Ming and Lu Yuanyong became anxious.

"You don't want to live anymore?" Lu Yuanyong said loudly, "Do you know how terrifying that pervert is?"

Su Wanyi said, "I want to see how terrifying this pervert is."

Dai Bao said: "Let's fight the pervert! The pervert should be beaten up!"

Dumbledore was already pumping his fists.

As my mother said, ordinary bad guys just need to be beaten painfully, but the worse bad guys will be disabled!

As for the pervert, he must be beaten so that he will never be able to bully and harm others again.

Song Ming said in a deep voice: "It's not just about the abnormality, Shuangliang City is also haunted by ghosts. Too many people died unjustly here, and the deaths were too miserable, which led to the accumulation of resentment in this city, which is weird. Many people who entered Shuangliang City never came out again."

Song Ming thought that after he said that, Su Wanyi and the others would be able to give up their plan to go to the city.

Who would have thought that Dai Bao would say excitedly: "Then let's fight ghosts!"

Song Ming and Lu Yuanyong looked at this childish little guy and didn't know what to say.

Following Daibao, he turned his head and asked Su Wanyi: "Mother, are ghosts easy to fight?"

Su Wanyi rubbed her nose: "I don't know what kind of ghost it is, I need to research it first."

Song Ming and Lu Yuanyong were both drunk, and it turns out that his son's abnormal thinking has an inseparable relationship with his mother!The old lady is not normal either!
Song Ming hurriedly called Ye Yuxian who was driving in front: "Mr. Han, you are trying to persuade your wife, this is too dangerous."

Ye Yuxian replied: "Our wife has the final say."

Song Ming: "..."

I didn't expect that such a powerful, young and promising man would have bronchitis!
If his wife wants to mess around, he won't stop her!

What about sanity?Have you been eaten by a dog?
Zilong is already eager to try: "You want to catch ghosts? How dare you! Auntie, I also want to see what the ghosts in the city look like!"

Fortunately, Song Ming and the others couldn't hear what Zilong said, otherwise they would probably pass out.

Anyway, there is no normal one in this family!

"Brother Daibao, my daughter is afraid of ghosts." She whispered, with a trace of timidity written in her big watery eyes.

Finally got a normal one!
Hearing this, Lu Yuanyong hurriedly said: "This little girl is right, ghosts are very scary!"

Lu Yuanyong looked forward to persuading others not to enter Shuangliang City through the little girl's fear.

Daibao comforted her, "Don't be afraid, my brother will protect you! My brother will beat all the ghosts to the ground, so that they won't bully your little girl, so you don't have to be afraid of them!"

After listening to Daibao's words, Nannan nodded seriously: "With Brother Daibao protecting Nannan, Nannan will not be afraid!"

In Nannan's world, Daibao is a super powerful existence, with him around, there is nothing to be afraid of.

Song Ming and Lu Yuanyong were in despair.

Lu Yuanyong looked at Huangfu Liang, the old man seemed to be the only one who still maintained his sense.

"You are persuading them! They want to take your little granddaughter to such a dangerous place. Your little granddaughter is still so young, do you have the heart to take her to die?"

Huangfu Liang replied: "I do think that Shuangliang City is very dangerous, but I absolutely believe that Mr. Han and Mrs. Han are the safest with my daughter by their side. Besides, even if I never return, I have nothing to complain about. Originally, the lives of my daughter and I were saved by Mr. Han and Mrs. Han."

(End of this chapter)

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