Chapter 1128
Song Ming and Lu Yuanyong were completely dumbfounded.

Their persuasion was of no avail.

Su Wanyi and the others decided to go to the city.

While talking, the carriage has slowly passed the gate of Shuangliang City.

The gates of the city are not guarded, so you can enter if you want, and get out if you want.

Entering the city, the breath of decadence and death came to the face.

The original official road has long been in disrepair, full of potholes.

Su Wanyi lifted the curtain, looked outside, and saw corpses wrapped in straw mats beside the road, and some didn't even have a straw mat.

There are still living people, but the living people as far as the eye can see are all "grotesque".

Some are missing legs, some are missing arms, and some are full of sores.

Relatively better are those old men and old ladies, they seem to be the most normal looking.But they were all skinny and obviously malnourished.

The whole city is filled with the breath of death horror.

The long-lost sound of horseshoes caught the attention of the few people on both sides of the road.

They looked up at the carriage.

But their eyes were lifeless, and there was no hope of life in their eyes.

"I told you not to come in!" Lu Yuanyong said nervously.

Huangfu Liang couldn't bear to look directly, and said with regretful eyes: "If the Ye family was here, such a thing would never have happened."

The Ye family never regarded themselves as the ruler of the Lingxu Continent, but they never hesitated to lend a helping hand to those in need.

According to the character of the old master, a city like Shuangliang City will never be allowed to exist, and it will exist for ten years.

But now the one in Linxiantai cares about his own dominance.

He only thought about how to eradicate the remnants of the Ye family, how to track down Ye Zhen who has not been caught so far, and how to open the treasure of the Ye family.

He never cared about the life and death of these people.

Because this desolate city will not affect his notification to Lingxu Continent.

Huangfuliang's emotion drew Lu Yuanyong's ridicule: "If the Ye family is really as powerful as you say, why is it still destroyed?"

Huangfu Liang retorted: "The other party used despicable means! Otherwise, the old master would never lose to him! With his ability, he can't even compare with the old master's finger!"

"Just brag about it, no matter how fantastic you brag about the Ye family, it won't change the fact that they will lose their children and grandchildren! Just live the rest of your life miserable with nostalgia for your old master!" Lu Yuanyong mocked.

Huangfu Liang couldn't refute Lu Yuanyong's words, because what he said was the truth, the Ye family was gone.

The former king has completely fallen and will not return.

Zilong was snickering.

Her laughter is now only heard by Su Wanyi.

Su Wanyi communicated with Zilong in her heart: "What are you laughing at?"

Zilong replied: "Grandma, I'm laughing at your man, how pitiful."

Su Wanyi asked, "Why is he so pitiful?"

Zilong said: "In the past, when he didn't recognize Daibao and his son, he was always talked about and died by you; later, when his identity as the ghost master was not disclosed, he was always called a jerk. Now it's even worse. He was directly said to have no children and grandchildren. Hahahahaha... no sons and no grandchildren! I don’t know how to count the little idiot and the one that hasn’t popped out of your stomach, hahahahaha..."

Zilong let out a ruthless laugh.

Anyway, Ye Yuxian couldn't hear it right now, so she could laugh to her heart's content.

 Ye Yuxian: It's too difficult for me!
  A while ago, the failure to post comments was a system problem, not a ban.

(End of this chapter)

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