Chapter 1132

The horror on their faces hadn't receded, and they looked around blankly.

When they saw the figure in the dark, the panic just now made them instinctively want to back away.

Then they found themselves locked in a huge iron cage.

There was another ferocious monster in front of them.

The appearance of this monster is very terrifying. It seems that the skin of its body has been peeled off, and the flesh and blood can be seen directly.

"Ah! Ah!"

Under the effect of psychedelic smoke, everyone has already suffered from mental torture.

Seeing this monster now, I was even more panicked.

"Don't make noise, don't make noise, this monster hasn't woken up, don't wake it up!"

A more sensible person discovered the situation and hurriedly prevented the others from making too much noise.

After hearing this, everyone calmed down a lot.

"Hahahahaha..." The perverted city lord's laughter came from outside the cage, "That's right, this monster is still sleeping, you're right not to wake it up, but as soon as it wakes up, it will start eating. Then you will all be its food."

Everyone looked at the perverted city lord in unison.

This man is not very old, he was only in his 20s when he took over the position of city lord ten years ago, and he is not yet 40 years old now.

He enjoys watching people terrified.

This excited him more than the killing itself.

This is a complete pervert!

"You are He Bifang?" The person who asked the question was Zhu Yi, a powerful mercenary sent by City Lord Lu to hunt down and kill Ye Yuxian, Su Wanyi and the others.

"It's me." He Bifang replied, "It seems that you all still remember me!"

Why Bifang was full of pride.

"Let us go out quickly, we are here to handle business under the orders of the Lord of Huolian City!"

"The Lord of Huolian City? Hahahaha, that old man, you let him save you!" He Bifang was not afraid at all, "I want to put him in this cage too!"

"Damn it!" Zhu Yi gritted his teeth.

It doesn't make sense with this pervert!

So Zhu Yi began to look for a way out. They tried to open the iron cage, but found that the cage was made of special materials, and ordinary swords couldn't cut it open at all.

He Bifang was very excited to see everyone struggling to survive, trying hard to escape from the cage but to no avail.

"That's right, it's like this! It's like this! Hahahaha!"

He Bifang likes to see these people struggling hard.

The more I watched, the more excited I became.

After a while, Zhu Yi and the others stopped.

They need to conserve energy, and beating aimlessly like this will only waste their energy in vain.

When the monsters wake up, they won't even have the strength to fight.

"Why is the son here?"

After that, Zhu Yi discovered the existence of Lu Yuanyong.

Several people were immersed in panic just now, and they failed to notice Lu Yuanyong who was with them immediately.

Lu Yuanyong was so frightened that his eyes glazed over and he couldn't speak.

"My son is here, where are those people?"

Someone asked curiously.

Shouldn't the son be in the hands of the Han family?
Why is the young master here, but not the family surnamed Han?

Because Lu Yuanyong was already stupid, Zhu Yi and others couldn't come to a conclusion after asking.

"Forget it, let's find a way to get out of here first. If you can't get out from here, why are you talking about doing things for Director Lu?"

There are priorities. It is true that they came to rescue Mr. Lu and hunt down Han Yuxian's family, but life and death are at stake right now, and they must save their own lives first.

(End of this chapter)

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