Chapter 1133 Why are you not in the cage?

"Why don't we take advantage of this monster's sleep and act first, kill it first, solve the threat, and then find a way to escape from the cage."

Zhu Yi thought it made sense.

They shouldn't sit idly by.

"Okay, let's attack together and use our unique moves together, and we will definitely kill each other with one blow!" Zhu Yi said to everyone.

There is only one best opportunity, so be sure to seize it.

Several people got ready and began to cautiously approach the monster in the cage.

They gathered their momentum, and when Zhu Yi gave an order, they all rushed forward.

Seeing the Eight Immortals crossing the sea each showing their magical powers, Su Wanyi also wanted to know how much damage they could do to the monster.

But at the same time, Su Wanyi also noticed that the people imprisoned in the other cage were still blind-eyed, indifferent to the actions of the people they saw.

What kind of despair does a person have to go through to become so lifeless?

Zhu Yi and the others used their lifelong skills, and the huge combat power exploded in the cage with a majestic momentum. Even Su Wanyi, who was hiding in the dark, could feel the impact of this combat power.


After the combat power dissipated, the monster everyone saw was not only intact, it was even still sleeping!

They tried their best, which was like tickling the monster, but they couldn't wake it up from its deep sleep.

At this moment, several people were desperate.

"How could this be... Our cultivation bases are not weak either! We are all at the legendary realm, why can't we cause any damage?"

This is so desperate.

Because it was a blow with all their strength, several people were a little tired now, and retreated as far away from the monster as possible, watching the monster take a rest.

At this time, Ye Yuxian and others came out and appeared in front of everyone.

"Han Yuxian! It's you!" Zhu Yi and the others felt complicated when they saw the target they were chasing and killing appeared in front of them.

"Oh? It looks like you are the ones sent by Lord Lu to hunt us down." Ye Yuxian saw through the identities of these people at a glance.

"Why are you here?" Zhu Yi asked urgently.

"You are here too." Su Wanyi smiled.

Everyone is here, the difference is that they are closed inside the cage, and they are watching outside the cage.

"You...why are you not in the cage?" Zhu Yi asked.

"Why are we in the cage?" Su Wanyi asked.


Zhu Yi was furious.

Instead, Lu Yuanyong saw hope: "Mr. Han, Mrs. Han, please save me! I am your hostage, you must let me live!"

As a hostage, he can survive anyway, and if he stays in this cage, he will only be swallowed by monsters.

Su Wanyi replied: "You are useless as a hostage. You are in our hands, and your pursuers have caught up. I think we should be more generous and hand you over to your pursuers."

Lu Yuanyong shook his head hurriedly: "No! I don't want to go with them, I am willing to be your prisoner!"

Zhu Yi and others looked at Lu Yuanyong helplessly. They were sent to rescue him, but he begged his enemies for mercy in order to survive.

Why did City Lord Lu give birth to such a useless son?

Zhu Yi said: "Do you think they are safe and sound outside? Shuangliang City is full of weirdness. Even if they are not in the cage, they may not be able to leave safely."

(End of this chapter)

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