Chapter 1134 How can you save me?Save your life?
What he said is correct, Shuangliang City is indeed full of weirdness.

Su Wanyi noticed that Huangfu Liang had been looking at the other cage.

"What's the matter? Have you seen someone you know?" Su Wanyi asked.

Huangfuliang replied: "I'm not sure, but that person is very similar to Chu Xingyun."

"Chu Xingyun? Do you know him?" Su Wanyi asked in surprise.

"He is the right-hand man of the head of the Ye family. He was known as the No.1 retainer of the Ye family back then, and he was one of the top masters at that time." Huangfu Liang replied.

"Shouldn't everyone who has a close relationship with the Ye family die? Ye Zhen is the only one who was not caught." Su Wanyi asked.

After Huangfuliang explained, he also felt that he might have misread it, "It should be that I misread it, but it looks like it, so it can't be the real Chu Xingyun. He shouldn't be alive."

Huangfuliang had only seen Chu Xingyun from a distance a few times before.

His elder brother is the retainer of the Ye family, he himself is not, so he can survive.

And Chu Xingyun is the right-hand man of the Ye Family Patriarch, a powerful existence other than the Ye Family Patriarch.

It is said that besides the head of the Ye family, Chu Xingyun's cultivation was the most powerful.

Su Wanyi followed Huangfuliang's gaze, and saw a man who looked similar to Chu Xingyun among the many dull-eyed people.

His face was silent, and there was no expression on his face.

But Su Wanyi still keenly noticed the difference between him and others.

Others are ashen-faced and lifeless, but his expression is more calm, and his eyes are not completely empty.

Su Wanyi and Ye Yuxian looked at each other.

If this person is really one of Ye Yuxian's father's generals, they are obliged to rescue him.

Ye Yuxian asked Huangfu Liang to ask.

Huangfu Liang came forward and said to the ragged man locked in the cage: "Excuse me, are you Mr. Chu Xingyun? I am Huangfu Liang. When I visited my brother, I saw him from a distance several times."

Hearing this, the man finally reacted and looked up at Huangfu Liang.

"Are you Huangfu Jin's younger brother?" the man asked.

"Exactly, are you really Mr. Xingyun? Why are you here?"

Huangfu Liang was surprised, he didn't expect this man to be Chu Xingyun who was rumored to have died a long time ago.

"It has nothing to do with you. You can't interfere with things here. Take these juniors and leave quickly." Chu Xingyun said.

Huangfuliang was puzzled, and looked back at Ye Yuxian.

"Rescue this senior first." Ye Yuxian said.

save?The people in the other cage seem to have heard a joke.

"What are you saving? Your life?" Zhu Yi mocked.

They don't need to teach you what to save, anyway, they are not the ones to save.

Ye Yuxian slashed at the iron cage with his sword.

There was only a crisp sound of metal clashing, and the ordinary sword Ye Yuxian was holding broke into two pieces.

This sword was bought casually by Ye Yuxian before, and it was used temporarily. It was used when fighting Song Ming.

I didn't expect the sword to be so fragile that it would break in an instant.

There was a mocking voice from the next cage: "Stupid, if you could cut it off, we would have come out a long time ago."

This is not an ordinary iron, this thing is constantly being played, unless the key is found, otherwise it is impossible to save people.

Zhu Yi smirked: "If you go to that perverted city lord to steal the key, I'll think highly of you. I never thought you would be so stupid, and you won't admit defeat."

(End of this chapter)

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