Chapter 1149 Too much damage to the beauty
The dragon and the monster rushed towards each other as if they had reached a tacit understanding.

"Fuck! What is this for?!" Because Zilong was injured, Zilong had no time to stop when the magic dragon suddenly moved quickly.

Su Wanyi looked at the disgusting monster that looked like it had been skinned, and suddenly remembered something.

"Longlin wants to get a body! This monster is a body for Longlin! It wants to use this method to strengthen itself!" Su Wanyi hurriedly told Ye Yuxian and Zilong what she had discovered.

The dragon scales were ripped off from Qinglong's body, only the scales had no body.

So it wants a body to attach to!
This monster was prepared for it by realization. After being strengthened by demonization, it merged with the dragon scale.

Hearing this, Zilong became anxious.

"Damn it, it's fine if the dragon scales become a demon, but you still have to combine it with such a disgusting thing? Auntie, I don't agree!"

Too Nima destroys the beauty!

Just thinking about it makes me sick!
This is simply the greatest insult to Qinglong Longlin!
Zilong seemed to have been stimulated by something, regardless of his injury, he went after the dragon with all his strength.

Su Wanyi had a flash of inspiration, and opened her bow while calling Ye Yuxian's name: "Yuxian!"

Ye Yuxian saw where Su Wanyi's bow and arrow was pointing at, and understood her intention in just a moment.

Ye Yuxian raised his hand, and the Lingyue Divine Sword in his hand stabbed at the monster's wound.

The moment the tip of Lingyue Divine Sword pierced through, Su Wanyi's sharp arrow also arrived.

The arrow and the sword pierced into the monster's body at the same time, into the same position.

Both the arrows of the Sunset Bow and the Lingyue Sword are absorbing the surrounding aura, and when the two meet, the absorbed power is superimposed and magnified.

This is a reaction where one plus one is greater than two.

In an instant, a large amount of spiritual energy was absorbed into a point in front of Ye Yuxian.

The monster's body was filled with powerful magic energy that was instantly counteracted by the same powerful aura.

Losing the magic energy, the original body turned into dust in an instant, scattered all over the ground.

The magic dragon rushing over flew into the air.

Having lost his prepared body and part of his magic energy, the dragon neighed angrily.

The sound resounded throughout Shuangliang City, Huangfu Liang hurriedly covered her nannie's ears.

And he himself was overwhelmed by the sound.

Fortunately, Dai Bao ran over in time and protected everyone with Phoenix blood.

Zhu Yi, Lu Yuanyong and others who were about to escape from the City Lord's Mansion were shaken by the sound and lay on the ground, feeling that their internal organs were about to be torn apart.

Zilong roared angrily: "What's the name? It's so ugly, it's an insult to the dragon!"

In fact, Zilong's voice is not much better to other people's ears.

For ordinary people, her cry is simply worse.

Ye Yuxian jumped onto Zilong's head.

"I need your assistance." Ye Yuxian said to Zilong.

"No problem." Zilong was very cooperative, carrying Ye Yuxian and turned around to rush towards the magic dragon.

Even if she risked her life as a dragon today, she would still let this disgusting guy spit out the dragon scales for her!

Having had a successful experience, what Ye Yuxian and Su Wanyi have to do now is to maintain their tacit understanding, and then remove its demonization little by little.

As long as it can't find too much magic energy in a short period of time, it will definitely return to its original state in the end.

The moment Ye Yuxian drew out his sword, Su Wanyi's arrow followed, and the two had a perfect understanding.

Huangfuliang and Chu Xingyun looked at the scene in front of them, too surprised to speak.

(End of this chapter)

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