Chapter 1150 The thrilling night is over
The daughter who was also watching the battle said: "Brother Daibao, Dabao's father and mother are amazing!"

Dai Bao scratched his head and smiled: "It's okay, it's okay, dad and mother have always been so good."

I was praised by my sister, hee hee (#^.^#)
The fierce battle in the air lasted for an entire hour, and the magic dragon was gradually consumed by Ye Yuxian and Su Wanyi.

Like a frog boiled in warm water, it gradually weakened.

At this time, Zilong said to Ye Yuxian and Su Wanyi, "Girl, leave the rest to me, auntie, smash it, let it see what a real dragon is!"

Zilong has long wanted to do this.

"Handsome, sit still!" Zilong did not forget to remind Ye Yuxian on her head.

Followed by a blow to the dragon, it swung its tail and hit the dragon dragon directly.

Su Wan wanted to stop Zilong. She was injured and was not suitable for such an action, but Zilong was obviously very angry and didn't listen to persuasion.

Zilong concentrated the anger he had held back for a long time on this blow, using [-]% of his strength.

At this time, the magic dragon simply didn't have enough strength to resist this fatal blow.


After a loud noise like the collapse of mountains and rivers, the dragon broke into two pieces.

It was originally a combination of dragon scales, without bones, flesh and bones, and without the protection of demonic power, it was difficult to even maintain the dragon shape.

The two broken pieces fell to the ground.

Su Wanyi seized the opportunity and released countless arrows with one move, Falling Stars.

The arrow hit the broken dragon body.

Constantly counteract the yin and resentment above.

One after another, the dragon scales revealed the true face of Mount Lu and fell to the ground.

The magic dragon disappeared completely, bringing an end to this thrilling night.

At this moment, the eastern sky has turned white, and a round of red sun is slowly rising.

Sunlight hits the scales.

The scales reflect a blue light.

Seeing the piles of dragon scales, Zilong was dumbfounded.

"How did this happen? Where did so many dragon scales come from?"

There are too many pieces!
This is not normal!

This is all the dragon scales of a dragon!

And these dragon scales are familiar to her!It's that guy's scales!

why? !

Why is that guy covered in scales? !

Zilong rushed to the ground, and a dragon claw caressed a piece of dragon scale.

"Why? What's going on here? What's going on with these dragon scales?" Zilong wanted an answer, but no one could give her an answer.

Zilong fell into deep worry.

Even if that bastard never liked her.

Even if that bastard finally pushed her into the abyss with his own hands.

Even if he executed the sentence himself in the end and made her suffer for thousands of years.

Even if she never wanted to see him again.

But she still didn't want to get information about him in this way.

She knew exactly what it meant for a dragon to lose all of its scales.

That means he's at least in for a catastrophe.

It's even possible to have...already...

Sadness welled up in his heart, and Zilong turned over and fell down.

She was already injured, and she didn't listen to Su Wanyi's dissuasion just now, and gave the magic dragon the last blow, which consumed almost all of her strength.

Now he finally broke down, fell to the ground, and fell into a coma.

Su Wanyi hurriedly ran to Zilong's side.

Seeing the wound on Zilong's body, she didn't know how to deal with it.

"What should I do with the dragon's wound? Can hemostatic medicine be used? Yunshan gave me a lot of hemostatic medicine."

Ye Yuxian couldn't answer Su Wanyi's question, and he had no experience in treating Shenlong.

(End of this chapter)

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