Chapter 1184 Reward 50 taels of silver

Tie Fengyi stepped forward dissatisfied and reasoned: "Are you trying to arrange a separate room for each of your team members? We are out to run missions, who doesn't know how many people usually squeeze into one room?"

"I'm happy to let my team members share a room with each other. Is the treatment of our Xiong Yun mercenary group good? Are you jealous?" Xiong Yu replied confidently.

"You did it on purpose!" Tie Fengyi looked at Xiong Yu with hatred.

"What's wrong with me doing it on purpose? This is an inn, come first and come first, do you understand? I don't have bad rules, what can you do with me?"

Tie Shengxuan had a sad face, he didn't want to conflict with Xiong Yuqi, but if there was no place to rest...

"Leader, let's camp and rest near the inn." Ye Yuxian said to Tie Shengxuan.

"But, in this case, we..."

"It's normal for those who are away from home to not be able to stay in an inn. When you enter the endless desert, where there are many places where there is no rest, you should get used to it." Ye Yuxian said.

After listening to Ye Yuxian's persuasion, Tie Shengxuan felt that it made sense.

The less trouble, the better.

"Okay. Let's work harder tonight." Tie Shengxuan compromised, so he ordered the members to camp and rest under the shade of a tree nearby.

Su Wanyi looked at Ye Yuxian wonderingly.

Persuading a fight didn't seem like something he would do.

Ye Yuxian lowered his head and whispered in Su Wanyi's ear: "The inn is weird."

No wonder.

At night, the members of the Jagged Mercenary Group camped outside the inn.

Ye Yuxian squinted at the inn for a while and then said to Tie Shengxuan: "Tuan Leader Tie, I'll be on guard tonight."

Tie Shengxuan said: "How can that be done? Mr. Han just needs to watch for an hour, and wake up Longshan after an hour. Each of us will watch for an hour and come in turn. We won't be tired tomorrow."

Ye Yuxian said: "I can't take turns tonight, you can sleep for another hour."

Tie Shengxuan looked at Ye Yuxian in surprise: "Mr. Han, what does this mean?"

Ye Yuxian didn't answer Tie Shengxuan's question, but turned around and fished Daibao out of Su Wanyi's arms.

Because the weather was relatively warm and the night was not bad, Su Wanyi and the others just laid blankets on the floor and slept on the floor.

The two small groups were next to Su Wanyi, one on the left and one on the right, occupying the position that should have belonged to Ye Yuxian.

Now the dumpling on the left was carried out by Ye Yuxian.

"Woo..." Daibao rubbed his sleepy eyes, and opened them reluctantly, "Daddy, what are you doing pulling Daibao up? Daibao doesn't go to the bathroom."

"Go catch ghosts." Ye Yuxian followed Daibao.

"Ghost hunting?" Dai Bao hadn't fully woken up yet, his eyes were blurred, and he stared blankly at his father.

"Reward 50 taels of silver." Ye Yuxian said.

Ye Yuxian already knew that 50 taels of silver was a huge sum of money for his son.

Hearing that there was a reward, still 50 taels of silver, Dai Bao's eyes lit up.

Drowsiness disappears in a second.


"Well, really, if you catch a ghost, you will give Daibao a reward of 50 taels of silver." Ye Yuxian said.

"Where is the ghost! Daibao is going right away!" Daibao took out his small wooden sword from his arms as he said, "It's menacing".

Ye Yuxian pointed in the direction of the inn, "Inside, Daibao wants to catch the ghost alone."

"Okay!" Dai Bao walked towards the inn with the wooden sword in hand.

That resolute back is actually a bit heroic of a strong man going to the battlefield?

The wind is blowing, the water is cold, and the strong men are gone...

(End of this chapter)

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