Chapter 1185
Tie Shengxuan was dumbfounded, this... this... what is this situation?

Is this child your own?

"Mr. Han, what did you ask the young master to do in the inn this evening?" Tie Shengxuan was really curious.

"Ghostbusters." Ye Yuxian replied.

"No, that's what you told the young master." Of course Tie Shengxuan didn't think it was a real trip to catch ghosts, the so-called ghost hunting was just words to coax children.

"Tuan Zhang thinks I'm lying to my son?" Ye Yuxian smiled.

"Uh..." Isn't it?

Su Wanyi didn't fall asleep at all, so she squinted her sleepy eyes and said to Tie Shengxuan: "My husband is training the child. Daibao is a boy, and he is already four years old. He needs to cultivate the ability to deal with problems independently."

Four... four years old...

Ganqing couple still remember that your son is only four years old!

You let a four-year-old child run into the inn alone with a small wooden sword at night? !

Fortunately, it's not really haunted, otherwise Tie Shengxuan would really wonder if Dai Bao picked it up.

Dai Bao came to the door of the inn with a small wooden sword and scratched his head.

Daddy said to catch ghosts, but where are the ghosts?
Sure enough, a huge sum of 50 taels of silver is not so easy to earn, and the ghost has to find it out by himself.

Hmm, he wants to work hard, for the money!

Dai Bao was wondering where to start looking for it, when he suddenly heard a scream.

If there is a cry, there must be a ghost!

Dai Bao hurriedly ran towards the direction of the sound.

Inside the inn, all the members of the Xiongyun Mercenary Corps fell to the ground.

Xiong Yu's face was pale.

He never expected that such a thing would happen when he stayed in an inn.

He has been in the rivers and lakes for many years, and he has seen many black shops. He will never give the black shops a chance to succeed.

But this shop was not the kind of black shop he had known in the past.

How could he have thought that someone was raising monsters in the inn!

And those of them who stayed in the inn were treated as nourishment for monsters!

It's not that Xiong Yu doesn't know about raising monsters. Everyone knows that raising monsters is not a good thing, but some people just can't help it.

I have heard people talk about raising monsters before.

But he never thought that one day this matter would fall on his own head.

This monster is a giant spider with a black and red body, very scary.

Eight spider feet taller than a person can penetrate a person's chest in one stroke. Just now a member of the regiment died under its feet.

At this moment, it was approaching Xiong Yu.

There was a wall behind Xiong Yu, and there was no way to retreat.

He had tried to fight this monster just now, but his sword couldn't hurt the monster's body.

Even though he had used [-]% of his strength, he still couldn't hurt it in the slightest.

This was a situation Xiong Yu had never encountered before, which made him panic.


A member of the regiment rushed to Xiong Yu, "Leader, I will hold it, you go, the people of the iron-blooded mercenary regiment are outside, go ask them for help."

"Go away! I don't need you to save me! I can handle this thing, but you are dragging me down here! I can't stretch my arms and legs! Quickly get the hell out of here!" Xiong Yu pushed the member away, sternly scolded.

"Leader!" The members who were pushed away looked at their leader in pain.

Xiong Yu scolded: "Hurry up and get the hell out of me! Are you trying to kill me? Useless things are in the way here! If I lose, you will be in my way!"

(End of this chapter)

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