Chapter 1220 The Tsundere Little Kid

Daibao said: "But mother said, Daibao can sleep."

Jin Haotian said: "How can a man listen to a woman? He must have his own opinion!"

Dai Bao retorted: "No, no, a man should listen to his mother, and when he marries a daughter-in-law, he should listen to his wife."

Jin Haotian became anxious: "Nonsense, that's not what my grandfather said!"

Daibao said: "Then you listen to your grandfather, Daibao listens to Daibao's mother, it's no problem."

Daibao pouted, and logically refuted Jin Haotian.

He didn't want this little brother to listen to his mother, why is the little brother so anxious?

Jin Haotian scratched his head, "You seem to be right..."

Daibao said in a milky voice and earnestly: "It's right, little brother, if you don't sleep, Daibao and sister Nannan are going to sleep."

"Hey... No, no, no..." Jin Haotian hurriedly called to Daibao and Nannan who were about to lie down on the spot.

"What's swollen again?" Daibao looked at Jin Haotian with a puzzled expression.

" can't sleep yet!" Jin Haotian tried to find a reason for himself.

"Why?" Daibao asked in bewilderment.

"Because...because..." Jin Haotian looked around, his little head turned quickly, and then he said with a flash of inspiration, "Because the desert is very dangerous at night, if you fall asleep casually, you will be eaten by wild wolves!"

Children are more afraid of wolves, Jin Haotian thought for granted.

"But Daibao is not afraid of wolves." Daibao replied, "If the wolf comes, just fight him."

Daibao thought to himself, what is there to be afraid of wolves, he has fought with wolves a long time ago.

"You..." Jin Haotian was depressed, thinking that this little guy is not afraid at all, it is different from what he thought, he made a mistake!
Seeing that he couldn't find an excuse to approach, Jin Haotian should have turned his head and left.

But he couldn't help but look down at the cute and soft girl and the same soft and furry ball.

I really want to touch it, what should I do, I really want to touch it.

But he couldn't say it directly, that would make him look very immature.

"Ahem." After thinking for a while, Jin Haotian coughed a few times, "Where did you buy this pet you raised? It looks pretty good to me, and I asked my grandpa to buy one for me later." , kept in my backyard, although I usually keep fierce pets like tigers and lions."

"But Tuantuan only has one, and you can't buy it anywhere else, and this one from Daibao won't be sold either. Tuantuan is a good friend of Daibao." Daibao replied.

Hearing this, Jin Haotian showed a disappointed expression.

He really likes this soft and cute thing.

But in order to maintain his image, and in line with his status as the young city lord of the Seven Killing City, he keeps a distance from these soft and cute things.

The more Jin Haotian thought about it now, the more itchy his hands became.

Finally I couldn't bear it anymore.

He cautiously looked around, the people in Qisha City were resting at the moment, not many people noticed him.

Very good, just touch, touch.

Jin Haotian whispered to Daibao, "Let me touch it, and I'll give you a piece of silver."

As he said that, Jin Haotian secretly stuffed the silver into Daibao's hand.

There is actually money to take!

And as long as he touches the ball, it's all right!

It seems so simple!

Dai Bao thought for a while, and said to Jin Haotian: "Okay, I'll touch it for you, but you can only touch it."

(End of this chapter)

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