Chapter 1221 Mother is so beautiful, why don't you listen to mother?

"Deal." Jin Haotian hurriedly started, taking advantage of no one's attention, grabbed the soft and cute dumpling in front of him and masturbated for a while.

Tuantuan fell asleep right now, no matter how much Jin Haotian rubbed it, he would not resist.

What's more, he didn't know that his little master sold his right to touch for a piece of silver.

Nannan looked at Jin Haotian with big ignorant eyes, and said after a while, "Little brother likes Tuantuan very much!"

"Who likes it!" Jin Haotian immediately retorted, "I just...just touched it..."

Giving the silver just to touch these a few times, and saying that he was just doing it smoothly?
This smooth hand is really strange!
Nannan covered her mouth and snickered: "Little brother, if you tell lies, your nose will become longer."

"Nonsense! Who told you that." Jin Hao touched his nose consciously while speaking.

"Mother Daddy said so." Nannan said.

"How old are you, why do you still listen to your mother's words? I don't listen to you!" Jin Haotian said domineeringly.

He hadn't seen his mother anyway.

Dai Bao shook his head: "Mother is so beautiful, why don't you listen to Mother?"


Dai Bao's reason made Jin Haotian speechless.

So he asked, "Who is Daibao's mother?"

He wanted to see how beautiful his mother was.

"That's it." Daibao pointed to Su Wanyi who was two steps away.

"Her?" Jin Haotian had a question mark on his face.

what's the situation?Isn't it beautiful?
Why is she an ugly girl?
Jin Haotian looked at Daibao's serious look again, and after hesitating for a while, he held back the words that came to his lips.

"Okay, it's quite...pretty." Jin Haotian thought that he couldn't hurt other people's children.

Su Wanyi and Ye Yuxian watched from the side, and felt that although this little boy named Jin Haotian looked domineering, he was still quite a good person.

Dai Bao is not very satisfied with the adverb "quite", "It's the most beautiful, not pretty."

The corner of Jin Haotian's mouth twitched.

Jin Haotian thought that no matter how he looked at it, his aunt was prettier.

But he is a mother, if he has a mother, maybe he will also say that his mother is beautiful.

These are the behaviors of immature children, and he doesn't care about them like children.

"Well, your mother is the most beautiful." When he said this, Jin Haotian took the opportunity to pat Daibao's head again.

Because the other party was praising his mother, Dai Bao didn't realize that his head was touched.

Then he patted Nannan's head with his hand.

Nannan is a girl, and Jin Haotian thinks it is very cute and well-behaved.

He has always wanted to have such a cute and soft sister.

It's a pity that he can't have a sister.

Nannan is very obedient, thinking that this little brother has no bad intentions, so she let him touch her head.

Jin Haotian laughed, and couldn't help pinching Nannan's little cheek.

"You're so cute." Jin Haotian couldn't help but praise him sincerely.

This time she was so ashamed, her little face was flushed, and she looked even more pleasing.

At this time, Jin Haotian's aunt came over.

"Haotian, Haotian, why did you come here?"

My aunt looked anxious.

"I'm just looking around." Jin Haotian hurriedly took his gaze away from Daibao and the three of them, as if he didn't care.

The aunt saw that he was fine, so she didn't blame him, and then glanced at the adults next to the children, namely Ye Yuxian and Su Wanyi.

(End of this chapter)

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