Chapter 1235 Feiye Seizing Soul Enhanced Version

Soon the combat power lingered around his body.

Immediately afterwards, combat power merged into the surroundings.

What is he doing?Qingqiu looked around in surprise.

Just when he was wondering what Ye Yuxian did, the sand on the ground suddenly began to suspend, floating into the air one by one.

Control objects with combat power?
This requires extremely strong control over combat power to do it!
It's hard to control one thing at a time.

But now, countless grains of sand are suspended in the air at the same time.

"" Qingqiu turned around and found himself surrounded by sand grains.

How is it possible... How is it possible?

He manipulated so much sand at once?

The sand is very fine and difficult to manipulate!

Not to mention the huge number!
Flying leaf seizing soul, Ye Yuxian's famous skill, but it doesn't have to use leaf.

Of course, in Lingxu Continent, Ye Yuxian is still a nobody, no one knows about his Flying Ye Duohun.

Sensing danger, there is no way to hide.

Ye Yuxian hooked his fingers slightly.

An inconspicuous grain of sand flew towards Qingqiu with a "swish", passing across Qingqiu's face, drawing a bloodstain.

Sand grains may be small and light, but as long as the speed is fast enough, the impact force will be great.

Before Qingqiu could react, Ye Yuxian's fingers moved again, and another grain of sand brushed against Qingqiu's body.

This time it was the back of his hand.

This time it didn't slide across the skin, but directly embedded in his palm.

Qingqiu felt the pain, raised his hand, and looked at his palm oozing blood.

The palm was pierced with a tiny hole.

The grain of sand actually penetrated through his palm!

What a terrifying force?

What a terrible skill?
Qingqiu really panicked this time.

Qingqiu hurriedly said: "You can't kill me!"

"Oh? Can't you? What's the reason?" Ye Yuxian said unhurriedly.

He is not in a hurry at all, he doesn't need to be in a hurry, what is in a hurry now is the ghost-faced arhat.

"I... I have a compass in my hand! It is the key to finding the treasure!" Qingqiu hurriedly said.

"Isn't it the same after killing you?" Ye Yuxian smiled.

"No! You don't know how to use the compass!" Qingqiu explained.

"I don't believe it. I think the method you can find with your IQ should not be a big problem with my IQ." Ye Yuxian is still very sure about his IQ.

"How do you know that I came up with this myself?" Qingqiu said.

"It wasn't yours, it was the Ye family's stuff that was found from Linxiantai. You didn't come up with it yourself. Could it be that the ghost of the Ye family told you in a dream at night?" Ye Yuxian raised his eyebrows.

If the Ye family's ghost could conjure up a dream, it must have conjured up a dream for Ye Yuxian.

Qingqiu was stunned.

At this time, Su Wanyi came over, "Master, please be merciful, just beat him half to death, and leave me a life, and I still have something to ask."

Slave... Slave family...

The people who followed were chilled.

Can this woman be any more disgusting?

Ye Yuxian replied: "What Madam said is true, I will do it for my husband."

After speaking, Ye Yuxian stopped dawdling, and waved his palm, countless grains of sand rushed towards Qingqiu.

For a while, the ghost-faced Arhat Qingqiu tasted the feeling of being "ridden with holes".

Although he was attacked by countless sand grains, Ye Yuxian avoided the vital points, but his hands, feet and cultivation were crippled, so that he no longer had the ability to resist, and he had no chance to do any more tricks.

(End of this chapter)

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