Chapter 1236 Mr. Jin’s Waiting for a Rabbit
Qingqiu's face was full of shock, but in an instant, he was already paralyzed to the ground.

At this moment, he couldn't believe the fact that he was completely abused by a person who was at the same level as himself.

This scene was equally shocking to others.

The cultivation of this young man is really terrifying!
And his precise use of combat power left everyone dumbfounded.

Mr. Jin was dumbfounded.

He looked at Ye Yuxian for a long time without moving.

Chang Sun Xun took a deep breath.

Pervert, this guy is definitely a pervert!
It is also the cultivation base of the peak of the Divine Movement Realm, but some people can use one battle power as two points, and some people can only exert less than [-]% of the power with one battle power.

The same level can still reveal the difference in battle.

But for ordinary people, everyone's ability to use combat power is similar, and the difference will not be too big.

The general combat power determines everything.

Partial Ye Yuxian is an exception.

In addition, he also has the natural enemy magic sword Lingyue Shenjian that can sweep away thousands of armies.

The overall strength has already surpassed the average peak cultivation level of the Divine Movement Realm.

Just when everyone was staring at Ye Yuxian dumbfounded.

Old man Jin suddenly ran up to Ye Yuxian, and pointed his sword at Ye Yuxian.

"Father! What are you doing?!" The aunt of the Jin family was shocked by her father's actions.

Are they not on the same side?

Su Wanyi also looked at the old man of the Jin family in wonder.

Why is the old man making such a sudden move at this moment?

Mr. Jin pointed at Ye Yuxian and said, "You, fight with me. If you don't have a good fight with me today, don't leave."

Ye Yuxian asked: "Why? I have no grievances or conflicts with you, why should I fight with you?"

Mr. Jin said: "Don't worry about it so much! Anyway, today you will beat me to the ground, or I will beat you to the ground!"


It's okay for the old man to find a fight.

Chu Xingyun helped the forehead, Mr. Jin had seen this situation many years ago.

It was like this when the old man called his master to fight.

No grievances, no enmity, simply want to challenge powerful people.

The old man is a martial idiot!

This old man simply wants to find someone to compete with!

Old man Jin wanted to fight Ye Yuxian, but Ye Yuxian didn't want to fight old man Jin.

Su Wanyi stepped forward and said, "Mr. Jin wants to challenge, I have no objection, but I don't think the timing is very good, we are still in the endless desert, and there are still many things to do. Aren't we here to hunt for treasure? Don't wait until the matter is over?"

Mr. Jin snorted, "Who says I'm here to hunt for treasure? I'm here to sit on the sidelines!"

"Wait and wait?" Su Wanyi squinted her eyes, and suddenly understood something, "Old man, you came to the Endless Desert to wait for someone who robbed the treasure. Find the most powerful one and fight him?"

"Is there any problem?" Mr. Jin said, "I was still thinking that there might be someone alive in the Ye family, and their own treasures must not be left alone. I will guard the treasures, and maybe I can stay with the descendants of the Ye family." Come and get it! I have been waiting for so many years just to have a good fight with the people from their Ye family!"


I have to say that Mr. Jin's trick of waiting for the rabbit is still very useful!
Because the descendants of the Ye family really came!

This litter of Ye family's rabbits was really caught by him!
It's just that the old man still doesn't know that the rabbit he caught is the one from the Ye family!

(End of this chapter)

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