Chapter 1239
Dai Bao also leaned over curiously, watching his father playing with that complicated-looking thing.

Jin Haotian also stretched his neck to look around, but what he saw was a strange compass that he had never seen before.

Jin Haotian was very depressed after watching for a long time and couldn't understand anything.

The self-proclaimed little genius has been hit hard in every way.

Hey, the eight-year-old's life is already as lonely as snow.

It didn't take long for Ye Yuxian to stop, and everyone looked at him nervously.

"Finished?" Su Wanyi asked Ye Yuxian.

"I don't understand." Ye Yuxian replied.

Everyone is down!
This is called a one-pass operation as fierce as a tiger, but it turned out to be two hundred and five!
"I'm going, I don't understand why you've been around for so long just now?" It made her think that he had already taken care of it.

"I'm just trying my hand." Ye Yuxian replied confidently.

Just to try your hand, you look confident?Let us look forward to it in vain!
Qingqiu smiled triumphantly, "Now you know how ignorant I am? Do you think this thing can be figured out so easily? If you don't know how to use it, this thing is just a waste product in your hands. If you want to If you know how to use it, you must rely on me."

"Who gave you confidence? Me?" Ye Yuxian asked.

"Are you still stubborn?" Qingqiu said, "Otherwise, you can kill me. Just take this compass that you don't know how to use and continue wandering in the endless desert, and see if you can find the treasure of the Ye family in the Year of the Monkey. !"

Hearing this, Ye Yuxian turned to look at Mr. Jin and Chu Xingyun.

These two are exchanging ideas, fighting very fiercely.

"Mr. Jin, pause for a moment, there is something wrong here." Ye Yuxian shouted.

When Mr. Jin heard this, he became impatient: "Damn, why don't you ask us to stop this kind of thing? Why don't you go to the bride and groom's wedding night to ask the bride and groom to stop?"

"You won't die even if you pause for a while during the wedding night, let alone you. It's not a fight to the death." Ye Yuxian said.

After Ye Yuxian finished talking, Mr. Jin still didn't intend to stop, so Ye Yuxian directly threw the Lingyue Sword out.

The Excalibur fell between the two of them, forcing them to retreat.

They refused to stop, so he could only "persuade a fight".

Mr. Jin was furious: "You bastard, if you tell me to beat you, you won't beat me, but now you beat someone else and you come to disrupt the situation again, what do you mean?"

Before Ye Yuxian could reply, his daughter tried to persuade her first, "Just wait, nothing will happen, there is something important here."

Mr. Jin said bitterly: "You're turning your elbows out! I'm so mad!"

Every time, I would be so angry with my own daughter that I couldn't bear to beat her up when it was over.

Although Mr. Jin stopped his hands, his face smelled worse than the latrine.

Chu Xingyun walked to Ye Yuxian's side.

Seeing that Ye Yuxian had found a helper, Qingqiu even sneered: "What? You can only find a helper if you can't do it yourself? It doesn't matter how many helpers you find! Your brain is not enough at all!"

"I don't think I need to do this kind of trivial matter myself, just leave it to my servants." Ye Yuxian said.

Another servant of his family.

Why does he ask his servants for help with everything?

Chu Xingyun got the compass, turned it skillfully, and then it was done by three times, five times and two divisions.

(End of this chapter)

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