Chapter 1240 Opening the Compass
A light spot appears above the compass, no matter how the compass moves, the direction of the light spot remains the same.

There is no doubt that the direction of the light spot is the direction of Ye Family's treasure.

This treasure-hunting compass that Ghost-faced Arhat was proud of was easily solved in this way.

Now Qingqiu's face is ugly.

This is his last bargaining chip, his last chance to survive.

Everyone was very surprised and thought Ye Yuxian was doing something foolish, but they didn't expect him to be serious!
His minions can really untie!

This is not nonsense, this servant is Chu Xingyun!Ye Yuxian's father's top leader back then!

Ye Yuxian's father taught him back then!How could he not know!

Chang Sun Xun squinted his eyes at Ye Yuxian.

A random servant can open the mysterious compass left by the Ye family?

Chang Sun Xun didn't quite believe it.

And this so-called servant doesn't look like an ordinary follower, no matter in terms of cultivation or demeanor.

Chang Sun Xun couldn't help but sigh in his heart, even if he became an ally, Chang Sun Xun still couldn't see through Han Yuxian at all.

And the more contact, the more mysteries.

After completing the task, Chu Xingyun went back to find Mr. Jin to continue their unfinished fight.

Mr. Jin still didn't forget to howl: "Is there something to be done at once, don't fuck me, I was having fun and then interrupted by me! Have you ever seen someone who pissed halfway and was held back?!"

Aunt Jin's family doesn't want to hate her father any more. Really, her father's metaphors are more and more difficult to look directly at.

Qingqiu was very anxious, and before Ye Yuxian could open his mouth, he begged for mercy: "My lord, spare my life, if you can spare my life today, I can be called your lord's use, lurking in Linxiantai to do things for you."

Su Wanyi smiled: "You have a good brain, this turn is a bit fast. Let me tell you how you obtained the method to open the compass?"

Qingqiu replied: "I figured it out by myself."

Su Wanyi said: "I haven't seen from you that you have such potential."

When Ye Yuxian was studying just now, Su Wanyi also watched.

This thing is like a coded lock, it must be turned in a completely correct way, and it can only be opened with a fine scale.

Just by guessing and trying, you can guess that you will grow old forever.

Qingqiu looked guilty, he really didn't research it by himself.

"I... It's true that I didn't come up with it, but I don't know who that person is." Qingqiu explained.

"You don't know very well either? What does this mean?"

"It's a dark shadow. I didn't see anyone, he just taught me how to open the compass, and then disappeared."

It's all come to this point, Qingqiu has nothing to hide.

Qingqiu said that he came up with it on his own, of course it is selfish, so that he can record a credit in front of the fairy lord, don't waste the credit for nothing.

A mysterious person who knew how to open the Ye family's compass, and told the secret to the person sent by Linxiantai to find the Ye family's treasure?
It's a bit intriguing.

Followed by Qingqiu, he said: "It is still helpful for you to save my life. Linxiantai not only sent me to the endless desert alone, but also led the other four guardians. If you keep me, I can give it to you." Being an internal response will be of great help to you in capturing the treasure of the Ye family."

"But we already have an internal response." Ye Yuxian pointed to Changsun Xun and said.

Chang Sun Xun smiled, "Are you trying to steal my job?"

 I drank several weddings in October, which resulted in my limited time for typing. In order to finish the short story, Chongchong sacrificed the amount of updates for this article.

  Now that the short story is over, the number of updates for this article will increase, and if there are no accidents, there should be an explosive update in the near future.

(End of this chapter)

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