Chapter 1242 Is there anything to talk about after dinner

Having said this, Daibao's stomach grumbled.


I just had a fight and consumed too much energy.

My stomach is now empty.

"Mother, Daibao is going to eat." Daibao turned around and said to Su Wanyi.

The financial power of the family is still in his mother's hands.

Of course, the food has to be taken care of by his mother.

"Then let's eat, we'll talk about it after we finish eating." Su Wanyi was also hungry.

When Jin Haotian heard it, he hurriedly said: "Then you eat first, and we will fight after eating!"

Anyway, Jin Haotian just didn't give up fighting.

"Why do you like fighting so much?" Daibao pouted and asked Jin Haotian sullenly.

What's so good about fighting? It's fun to eat delicious food, but it's not fun to fight.

"A man, of course, wants to pursue the highest level of cultivation." Jin Haotian replied.

"No, no, a man should pursue delicious and good-looking food." Daibao retorted.

The attributes of foodie and face control are fully exposed.

"What kind of nonsense are you talking about? How can a man pursue delicious and good-looking things?" Of course Jin Haotian disagreed.

All the adults had black lines all over their heads.

One is four years old, the other is eight years old, not even a man!Let's start talking about men.

The argument between the two little kids is still going on, but it doesn't stop everyone from eating.

The people in Qisha City found that Han Yuxian's family didn't bring much, but they brought a lot of food.

Going into the desert, you still bring fresh food and want to start a fire to cook?

This kind of food that is easy to spoil under high temperature is generally not liked by people who go into the desert.

The first two days were fine, but it will definitely be bad later.

It's too extravagant to light a fire and cook!

"Do you bring enough food like this?" Aunt Jin came to Su Wanyi's side and asked with concern.

The total amount of food that can be brought is limited, Su Wanyi and the things they bring take up a lot of weight.

"It's okay, if it's not enough, let's think of a way." Su Wanyi replied.

In theory, it should be enough, they still have food reserves.

If it's really not enough... then discuss it with Aunt Zilong.

Now let's eat these few meals first.

Foodies have pursuits.

The aunt of the Jin family pointed to the two children who were still arguing, and said to Su Wanyi with a smile: "Actually, my nephew is rarely as happy as today. He was taught too dull by my father and brother. He is obviously still a child, so he insists on pretending to be an adult, just like my brother when he was a child."

The aunt of the Jin family said enviously again: "Your Daibao is still cute, soft and cute, looking at it, I really want to be kissed."

Su Wanyi smiled, "Your nephew should be sad when you say that."

The aunt of the Jin family snorted and said, "Why do you feel sad? I'm still sad. A family of wooden men makes me feel tired just looking at them."

As she spoke, she let out a long sigh.

Su Wanyi was busy with the work in hand while listening to Aunt Jin's complaints and complaints.

The aunt of the Jin family saw Su Wanyi clumsily handling the ingredients in her hands, so she said, "If you don't mind, let me help you get it?"

Su Wanyi looked up at her: "You will?"

"A little bit." Aunt Jin replied with a smile.

So Su Wanyi handed over the things in her hands to Su Wanyi.


Su Wanyi was dumbfounded.

This is actually called "a little bit"?
This person is too modest, right?

(End of this chapter)

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