Chapter 1243 Another day of being rejected by the daughter-in-law

Su Wanyi stared dumbfounded at the aunt of the Jin family who turned a bunch of ingredients that Su Wanyi couldn't get started into attractive finished dishes.

Beggar's chicken, charcoal roasted squab, roasted naan, big plate chicken, and a pot of Su Wanyi's soup. I don't know what it is, but it looks rich in color and attractive in aroma.

"There are no conditions in the desert, so this is the only way to go." Aunt Jin explained.

It was Su Wanyi who could make soup. They brought a pot.

The other aunts of the Jin family could only use local materials and roast them.

Su Wanyi couldn't help but tasted a small sip first, and was immediately convinced, feeling full of happiness.

"You are amazing!" Su Wanyi's eyes lit up instantly, and she showed a look of admiration to Aunt Jin's family.

Uh... Aunt Jin's family felt embarrassed, "It's just a few side dishes, so it's nothing special."

"No, no, this is really powerful. If it were me, I would cook it in one pot. It would be good if it is cooked." Su Wanyi said with emotion,

The eyes full of worship can't be hidden.

Beside Ye Yuxian had a helpless expression.

It seems that if he wants to see his daughter-in-law show such an expression to him in this life, he can only learn cooking skills.

The aunt of the Jin family quickly waved her hands, "What am I, Mr. Han is really powerful just now."

One thing to say, Aunt Jin really felt that her little ability was nothing.

In contrast, Su Wanyi's husband just now was amazing.

Everyone present just now was dumbfounded, even her father, who had always thought highly of himself, was no exception.

In the end, this Mrs. Han was lucky, she didn't respond to her husband's ability, but she praised her own poor cooking skills.

Su Wanyi said: "He's nothing, and he doesn't know how to cook."

Ye Yuxian: "..."

Another day of being rejected by the daughter-in-law.

Another shameless day.

Su Wanyi asked the aunt of the Jin family again: "Miss Jin, what's your name? I must remember the name of such a powerful person."

Originally, Su Wanyi was not interested in people's names at all, but now that she showed off her cooking skills, Su Wanyi completely changed her view of her.

"Jin Yuhui." The aunt of the Jin family replied.

Just as he was talking, Daibao came with a strong smell.

"It smells so good." Daibao's nose is like a dog's nose, and he is extremely sensitive to food.

Now that there is something delicious, I don't care about arguing with Jin Haotian.

When he learned that the food was made by Jin Haotian's aunt, Daibao's reaction was surprisingly consistent with his mother's.

"Beautiful aunt! You are amazing!"

Very good, if you have milk, you are a mother, and everything that can be delicious is beautiful.

Following Daibao, he said to Jin Haotian enviously, "Your aunt is amazing!"

Jin Haotian was delighted when he heard the words, the feeling of being envied by his friends was really great.

Although he was happy in his heart, Jin Haotian still pretended that he didn't care about it: "It's all trivial, and I haven't given my aunt a chance to show it. When I get out, I have a chance. Let my aunt show you two more hands. Guaranteed To your satisfaction."

"Did you eat your aunt's cooking since you were a child?" Dai Bao asked.

"Yes, I was brought up by my aunt." Jin Haotian said.

"I'm so envious of you..." Dai Bao said and glanced at his mother who couldn't cook.

"Hey..." Daibao sighed like an adult.

Su Wanyi's eyes widened, you brat, what does your sigh mean?
Are you despising your mother and me?
Dislike your mother, can I not cook?

(End of this chapter)

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