Chapter 1286
Speaking of Lingyue Shenjian, show him Lingyue Shenjian.

This operation is so annoying that people are caught off guard.

Thinking can't keep up.

Looking at the gleaming silver sword in front of him, the old man confirmed that it was the Lingyue Divine Sword that he said was missing.

"Eh? It's not the Mingfeng Sword? Your magic weapon is not the Mingfeng Sword?" The old man was startled, "You even found the Lingyue Sword! How did you do it? After so many years of searching, only The Mingfeng Divine Spear has always been in the Ye family, and the others have never been found!"

Ye Yuxian replied: "Because the other three are not on the Lingxu Continent, you can't find them."

"Not in the Spirit Void Continent? Where is it?"

"Through the ghost domain, the other side of Suo Ling Mountain, we came from there."

"The other side of the Suoling Mountain Range?" The old man looked at the three of them in surprise, and after a long while, he laughed again, "So, so it is! So there is another world on the other side of the Suoling Mountain Range."

After he was happy, the old man said: "So, the four gods of heaven and earth are all together?"

Ye Yuxian said: "Yes, it's all set."

The old man happily said to himself: "I didn't expect it! I didn't expect it! I was able to see all four heaven and earth magic soldiers born! It's really great to be alive! It seems that God really blessed our family."

Ye Yuxian asked: "Then what exactly is that treasure you mentioned?"

The old man said frankly: "I haven't seen the specific thing. I only know that it was temporarily deposited by someone in the world. He said that when the time came, someone would come to take it away. I asked the Ye family to take care of it."

Then the old man warned again: "But you must be careful, the organs outside are not just for fun, and the people who set up those organs are not ordinary people."

Both Ye Yuxian and Su Wanyi understood the old man's advice.

It is definitely not an ordinary person who can leave such an important thing in the world and let the ancestors of the Ye family take care of it.

Then the old man said: "If you dare to play yourself to death, my Ye family will have no children and grandchildren! So if it really doesn't work, you take your heaven and earth soldiers and run away, don't you just know it?"

The three in front of them are all the hopes of their Ye family, and they will have a big problem if they don't play.

It's more embarrassing than not being able to get the treasure.

Cutting off children and grandchildren is even more terrifying.

Dai Bao hurriedly said: "Mrs. Wife, Grandpa, you don't have to worry. Mother, if she can't do it, she will definitely be the first to run away. She will admit it very well."

Hearing this, the corners of Su Wanyi's mouth twitched, although what her son said was the truth, she usually said so and did so.

But when these words came out of Daibao's mouth, why did it sound like they were hurting her?

"Hahahaha, it's good to admit it, it's good to admit it!" the old man said, "She still has the flesh and blood of my Ye family in her stomach, so she must be as cowardly as possible."

Su Wanyi: "..."

The old man then said to Su Wanyi: "Granddaughter-in-law of four times, after this child is born, I will work harder with my grandson of four times, and try to give birth to ten or eight of him, so as to spread the branches and leaves for my Ye family."

"Don't do it." Su Wanyi refused, "I'm not a sow, who gave birth to ten or eight for you? These two are all accidents!"

Daibao was an accident, and so was the one in his stomach.

Seeing Su Wanyi's refusal, the old man leaned closer to Ye Yuxian's ear again, and whispered to him: "It's okay for your wife to refuse, as long as you work hard, you can only give birth if you really conceive her. The burden of branches and leaves is all on you."

(End of this chapter)

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