Chapter 1287 A gift from the ancestors of the Ye family

Ye Yuxian touched his nose.

This matter cannot be agreed casually, the key is to have the cooperation of the daughter-in-law.

At this time, Daibao couldn't bear it anymore and interrupted his wife, wife, and grandfather.

He asked the old man: "Mrs. Mrs. Grandpa, that voice is so loud, can you make it stop?"

Dai Bao pouted and said sullenly.

Everything is fine here.

It was just a little noisy, and it made his head hurt.

"Hahaha." Seeing the distressed look of the cute Daibao, the old man looked so cute and in a good mood no matter how he looked.

Followed the old man and explained: "I can't be the master, everything here is not under my control. I am not the master here, I just estimated that I would not live long, so I hid here and wanted to see more of the Ye family An old man from the future. This space is static relative to the time outside after the palace is closed, so I, who should have died long ago, saw you young people."

This is a space that is only connected to the outside time and space when the desert palace is opened.

And when the space is closed, the time here is almost static relative to the outside.

So the old man didn't really live that long, he just spent the last bit of his time progress in this space where time and this world are inconsistent.

"Ah? How can it be swollen to be quiet? Daibao don't make noise, and my sister doesn't make noise either." Daibao said sullenly.

"Don't worry, it will stop in a while." The old man had a kind face and a smile on his face, "This voice is the voice of the ancestors of the Ye family communicating with your body, and the purpose is to determine whether you can get the voice of my Ye family. Inheritance, that is, the "treasure" that I just said belongs to the Ye family, is a gift left by the ancestors to future generations. However, not every descendant can get this gift, only those who are selected by the ancestors of the Ye family can get it. You There may be someone in the family of three who can get this gift."

"Judging from your tone, the probability of getting this gift doesn't seem to be high?" Su Wanyi read some information from the old man's words.

"of course."

"What about you? Do you have any?" Su Wanyi asked.

"I...Of course I am...I didn't..." The old man's face flashed a bit embarrassed, "I don't blame me for this, the main reason is that I came at the wrong time, and this is a rare event , nothing very normal, you have to be calm."

At this moment, Ye Yuxian felt that something was different in the palm of his right hand.

He looked down at his palm, and after a while, he stretched out his palm: "Is this what you're talking about?"

I saw a golden mark on the palm of Ye Yuxian's right hand.

The imprint was a winged pattern that shone with golden light, but disappeared in a flash.

But Ye Yuxian could clearly feel something extra in his palm, and he could also feel the heat in his palm.

The old man opened his mouth and swallowed, with both surprise and envy in his eyes.

It took a long time before I replied: "Forget your kid is capable!"

Envy is really envy.

Happy is really happy.

Stimulation is really exciting.

"Hey..." Dai Bao yelled, "Dai Bao's hands and hands have grown like this too, it's hot."

Dai Bao spread out his little hand, and saw that Bai Nen's little hand also had a mark exactly like his father's.

(End of this chapter)

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