Chapter 1325 I did pick it up

He already knew that Changsun Xun was the one who actually killed the ghost hand Arhat Qingqiu.

But he couldn't tell the truth to other people in Linxiantai.

So he can only choose to remain silent.

Gu Qingyu replied without changing his face: "The murderer was not found, and the treasure was buried deep in the desert. This time we returned without success, and we shall receive the punishment when we return."

Hearing the words, the blood-handed Arhat's face immediately sank.

"This is not good. Things go wrong, and soldiers and generals are lost. I'm afraid this punishment will not be light." The blood-handed Arhat swept across the crowd with a worried expression.

Gu Qingyu replied: "The matter has come to this point, it's useless to worry too much, just suffer as you want."

The blood-handed Arhat thought for a moment, "That's right, this is the end of the matter, let's go back to Linxiantai with me first."

He was originally sent by the fairy master to meet them.

"By the way, who are these people?" Bloody Arhat had seen Ye Yuxian, Su Wanyi and others having dinner with Changsun Xun and others early in the morning.

Chang Sun Xun took a look at Ye Yuxian and Su Wanyi, and then solemnly introduced them to Bloody Arhat: "These two are Mr. Han Yuxian, his wife, and their young master."

The blood-handed Arhat looked at the family, his eyes full of inquiry.

Those who can come together with Mr. Xun and the two venerables must have something extraordinary.

Chang Sun Xun answered the doubts for the blood-handed Arhat: "Mrs. Han holds the Sunset Bow in her hand, and the young master holds the Hidden Dragon Sword in her hand. They are two rare talents."

When this incident was in the endless desert, many forces had witnessed it with their own eyes, and they couldn't hide it if they wanted to.

And Changsun Xun had already discussed with Ye Yuxian and Su Wanyi how to explain the whole thing to Linxiantai.

"What?!" Hearing the words, the blood-handed Arhat was shocked, "You mean the Sunset Bow and the Hidden Dragon Sword in the Gods of Heaven and Earth?"

Changsun Xun nodded, "It is these two heaven and earth magic weapons."

"This... this... is actually theirs..." The blood-handed Arhat's eyes once again fell on Su Wanyi and Daibao.

An ugly young woman, and a little doll whose hair hasn't even grown.

If these words hadn't come from Changsun Xun's mouth, the blood-handed Arhat would not have believed such a thing even if he was beaten to death.

After a long while, the blood-handed Arhat gradually came to his senses.

Followed him to ask the specific situation: "Young master, madam, where did you find these two divine weapons of heaven and earth?"

This is the question anyone wants to ask.

"I picked it up." Su Wanyi replied truthfully.

"I picked it up?" The blood-handed Arhat was full of disbelief, "Madam, please don't tease me, how could this be picked up."

"It was indeed picked up." Su Wanyi replied with certainty.

The blood-handed Arhat still didn't believe it, his eyes were full of doubts.

He firmly believes that Su Wanyi is either fooling him or playing tricks on him.

Chang Sun Xun also knew that this answer was difficult for the blood-handed Arhat to accept, even for normal people.

But looking at Su Wanyi like this, it seems that she really picked it up.

Now Changsun Xun has gradually been able to accept what happened to this family that ordinary people cannot understand.

The more you are stimulated, the more resistance you will develop.

Blood-handed Arhat has to accept such a statement if he doesn't want to accept it. People really don't want to say it, and he has nothing to do with it.

So the blood-handed Arhat asked Changsun Xun again: "Then now... what Mr. Xun means..."

(End of this chapter)

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