Chapter 1326 Introduction to the Immortal Lord

Changsun Xun replied: "I want to take them to Linxiantai and recommend them to the Immortal Lord. I also ask the blood-handed Arhat to send a letter to the Immortal Lord and ask the Immortal Lord for instructions in advance."

"Should be, should be." Bloody Arhat nodded quickly, agreeing with Changsun Xun's decision in his heart.

Whether it is to introduce them to the Immortal Lord as a talent, or to have other plans, they should be notified first and brought back to Linxiantai.

Because the Divine Soldiers of Heaven and Earth must stay in their Linxiantai, and they must not let outsiders possess this terrifyingly powerful combat power.

Ye Yuxian opened his mouth at this time, with a lazy tone, "If the blood-handed Arhat has nothing else to do, my wife and I will go to the upstairs room to rest first. After driving in the endless desert for several days, we have not had a good rest Pass."

"Mr. Han, please go ahead. Don't hurry. Let's start after Mr. Han and Mrs. Han have had enough rest." The blood-handed Arhat smiled and had a very good attitude.

Knowing that the other party has two heaven and earth magic weapons in his hands, the blood-handed Arhat's attitude towards the other party also became respectful.

He rarely showed such a respectful expression towards people outside of Linxiantai.

Ye Yuxian and Su Wanyi went upstairs.

Changsun Xun asked Bloody Arhat, "Why did you kill that woman as soon as you entered the door?"

"Isn't this woman doing something wrong to you? I saw you from outside the door, and I probably heard what this woman said. Women who dare to make trouble with you must be damned. I think you are annoying her, so why don't you help her?" You solved her a hundred times, and you are usually too soft-hearted, which caused a lot of trouble, sometimes killing is the most simple, direct and effective way to solve the problem."

Killing people is commonplace for Bloody Arhat.

Chang Sun Xun touched his nose, "You are right."

As he spoke, Chang Sun Xun glanced at Tie Shengxuan who was kneeling on the ground holding his daughter's body and weeping.

After Changsun Xun, Xie Fuzang and Gu Qingyu were pulled aside by the blood-handed Arhat, they spoke privately.

"Young Master Xun, Venerable Qingyu, Venerable Fu Zang, what are you thinking now?" Curiosity and calculation coexisted on the face of the blood-handed Arhat.

"What are you talking about?" Zhang Sun Xun asked.

"I'm talking about the magical weapons of heaven and earth in the hands of that woman and that child! Are you planning to use them for Linxiantai, or..."

As he said that, the blood-handed Arhat made a gesture of wiping his neck.

Chang Sun Xun frowned, Gu Qingyu said nothing, Xie Fuzang bowed his head.

The three reacted differently.

Blood-handed Arhat couldn't understand the expressions of these three people, and the silence of the three made him very anxious.

"You guys just say it directly, so that I can prepare accordingly." The blood-handed Arhat couldn't see them playing charades like this.

Chang Sun Xun said: "Our plan is to introduce people to the Immortal Lord and let them be used by the Immortal Lord, but if the Immortal Lord has other ideas, then we can't intervene."

The blood-handed Arhat frowned, and had different opinions, "But Mr. Xun, if you can kill people directly, wouldn't it be better to bring back both heaven and earth magic weapons and hand them over to the fairy master? Can you bring back two heaven and earth magic weapons?" But for one great achievement, it can not only make up for your failure in this mission, but also receive additional rewards."

Changsun Xun shook his head: "I'm not interested in awards."

Gu Qingyu said: "The reward I want is not in Linxiantai."

Xie Fuzang replied in a low voice: "I listened to Mr. Xun."

(End of this chapter)

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