Chapter 1327 Became a hooligan for the sake of my teacher
The three agreed.

This made the Bloody Arhat helpless, three votes to one vote, he lost clearly.

"Okay then, since you've all decided so, then I won't say anything." The blood-handed Arhat thought, the three of them obviously deserved the most credit, and it was the three of them who made the mistake this time. I am not in a hurry or worried, what is he busy here?
In fact, being able to bring people back is also considered a credit.

Thinking about it this way, the Bloody Arhat felt relieved.

After resting in the inn for a day, everyone followed the blood-handed Arhat on the road to Linxiantai.

Along the way, the blood-handed Arhat did not have any doubts about Gu Qingyu, Xie Fuzang and Changsun Xun.

If it's just one person, he may also become suspicious.

Now that the three of them have the same caliber, then he has nothing to doubt.

He never dreamed that Gu Qingyu, Xie Fuzang and Changsun Xun would betray Linxiantai at the same time.

On the third day, they came to a desolate suburb, surrounded by desolate people.

Everyone originally planned to sleep in the mountains, but they found a house deep in the forest.

So the blood-handed Arhat immediately decided to take everyone to live in that house.

They are people from Linxiantai, no matter who they are staying with, the other party has no reason to disagree.

The blood-handed Arhat sent someone to knock on the door, and the door opened, and it was a girl who opened the door.

The girl was expressionless, her eyes were cloudy, and she was holding a candle for lighting in her hand.

It was already a little bit late at this time, and it was understandable which candle was lit.

It's just that the candle is matched with the girl's every move, which vaguely reveals a kind of weirdness.

Plus the gloomy house behind her.

The whole renders an atmosphere of a ghost movie.

This made Su Wanyi feel bad.

Su Wanyi hurriedly asked Xiong Yu to confirm: "My dear disciple, go and see if this is a human or a ghost."

Xiong Yu was a little reluctant, but he could only nod.

Master's order must be obeyed.

Just let him, a big man, confirm whether a girl's house is a ghost, he is afraid of being regarded as a hooligan!
Finally, Xiong Yu strode forward and grabbed the girl's hand.

She was so surprised that the candles in the girl's hand fell out.

Xiong Yu turned his head and reported to Su Wanyi: "Master, don't worry, there is temperature, and if you touch it, it is alive."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiong Yu was kicked hard in the crotch by the girl.

"Stinking rogue!"

With a bang, the girl closed the door.


Xiong Yu clutched his injured part, crying like ghosts and wolves.

This heart-piercing pain can only be understood by those who have experienced it.

The men looked at each other in blank dismay, sympathizing with Xiong Yu's experience.

Daibao covered his mouth, which had grown out of surprise, with his small hand.

"Aww...apprentice, you...are you alright?"

Daibao felt pain just looking at it.

It's a pain that every man can relate to, and boys are no exception.

"'s okay, master...don't worry...I...I'm fine..."

Xiong Yu replied while taking a breath.

Su Wanyi felt a little guilty: "I owe you this time, and I will make it up to you."

Chang Sun Xun asked while suppressing a smile: "The girl ran away in anger, and the door was closed, what shall we do tonight?"

The blood-handed Arhat is confident: "Young Master Xun, don't worry, she has to let us stay overnight if she doesn't want to. I'll send someone in right away."

(End of this chapter)

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