Chapter 1328 Could it be a haunted house?

Speaking of the blood-handed Arhat, he ordered a few men, "You, you, and the rest of you, go in and arrest the people inside, and open the door."

After being ordered, several subordinates crossed the high wall of the house and entered the house.

They thought it would only take a few minutes to solve the problem, but after waiting for more than ten minutes, no one opened the door for them.

"What's going on? Why hasn't there been any movement for a long time? It's just asking them to open the door, why did it take so long?" The blood-handed Arhat showed displeasure, dissatisfied with the efficiency of his subordinates.

So the Bloody Arhat sent a few more people in.

But these few people and the few people who went in front seemed to have disappeared, and there was no news.

This... what's going on?

There was still a sound when the stone was thrown into the water, but after these people entered, there was no sound at all.

"Come on! Break the door!" The blood-handed Arhat looked solemn, with sparks in his eyes.

Today they Linxiantai's three major protectors are all present, if a mere small house is stumped, how can they let the people of the world bow their heads and bow their heads in Linxiantai?
Su Wanyi persuaded: "Isn't that good? Just now, my grandson was reckless and bumped into that girl. I just took him to make an apology. The owner of the house really wouldn't know how to make such a big fight." Forgive us."

The blood-handed Arhat didn't take it seriously, and his expression was very disdainful: "It's just a small house in the mountains, and the owner of the house will not be a powerful character, so there is nothing to be afraid of. Taking ten thousand steps back, even if you are a reclusive expert, In front of Linxiantai, he is just a villager, nothing to be afraid of."

It seems that the arrogance and self-confidence of Venerable Terzo are not the only ones, and the same is true of this blood-handed arhat.

Linxiantai has always been like this. After staying in Linxiantai for a long time, naturally he doesn't pay attention to people outside.

Su Wanyi's persuasion did not have any effect, the door of the house was easily destroyed by Linxiantai disciples.

Bloody Arhat directly ordered to rush in.

After breaking through the door, the blood-handed Arhat found that the courtyard was empty, neither the people in the house nor the people he sent in were seen.

It was empty and deserted, as if no one had been here for a long time.

This phenomenon is extremely strange.

This made many Linxiantai disciples get goosebumps.

"My lord Luohan, should... it's not really haunted, right?"

The weird environment and atmosphere, coupled with this weird thing, makes people have to think in the direction of haunting.

"What are you thinking about? Where did the ghost come from? Even if it is really haunted, you are all cultivators, so you are afraid of mere ghosts?"

The blood-handed Arhat didn't believe in ghosts at all. He said firmly to everyone: "I have killed countless people, and I have hundreds of dead souls under my command. If there are ghosts in the world, I am afraid that I will die a thousand or eight hundred times earlier. Already!"

Under the scolding of the blood-handed arhat, everyone gradually became more courageous.

There was a faint smile on the corner of Ye Yuxian's mouth, and his tone was playful, as if he was concerned, but also as if he was watching a good show, "Then what does Lord Bloody Arhat plan to do? Whether it's a human or a ghost, this place is someone else's territory , rushing in rashly, I'm afraid I will be plotted against by others."

Facing Ye Yuxian's question, Blood-handed Arhat's answer was very straightforward, "I, Blood-handed Arhat, have never been afraid of other people's tricks since I debuted for so long. I shouldn't be afraid of my disciples who are facing Xiantai, I am afraid that I am not worthy of being me. People from Linxiantai."

(End of this chapter)

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