Chapter 1329 Strange things continue

Followed by the blood-handed Arhat, he ordered: "All the disciples obey the order, divide into four groups, and enter the house from four directions. If you find anything suspicious, report to me immediately."

Xie Fuzang's eyes flickered for a while, and he persuaded him hesitantly: "Blood-handed Arhat, don't get excited, I think this house is really weird, how could the disciple who just came in leave no traces, why don't we study it first, and then do it again." Intend."

The blood-handed Arhat frowned, feeling that Venerable Terzang seemed a little too timid today.

"Aren't you also afraid of ghosts?" Bloody Arhat looked a little annoyed. Mrs. Han is a woman, so it's okay to be afraid of ghosts. He, Venerable Fu Zang, is one of the four great protectors in Immortal Terrace. How could he be afraid of such things? thing?
"No, no, I just..." Xie Fuzang didn't look directly at the blood-handed Arhat, but glanced at Changsun Xun who was beside him several times.

"Just what?" The blood-handed Arhat frowned and asked.

"Nothing." Xie Fuzang finally didn't say anything.

He looked like a bitch, which made the blood-handed Arhat very disgusted.

I didn't bother to ask him any more.

Followed by the Linxiantai disciples, according to the instructions of the blood-handed arhat, they began to divide into four groups, and entered the depths of the house from four directions.

These four groups of people accounted for two-thirds of the people brought by the blood-handed Arhat. After excluding the first batch of people who disappeared into the house, there were less than 20 people who were still beside them.

Ye Yuxian said to Chu Xingyun: "Uncle Yun, we can't be idle, you can take Liangbo to help."

"Yes." After Chu Xingyun answered yes briefly, he and Huangfu Liang followed in the footsteps of the disciples of Linxiantai and entered the house.

There are enough people going this time, and there are masters of Chu Xingyun's level, so they won't be lost by the things hiding in the dark who don't know whether they are people or ghosts, right?
However, weird things still happened.

No matter whether it was the disciples who were not weak in Linxiantai sent by the blood-handed Arhat, or Chu Xingyun and Huangfu Liang sent by Ye Yuxian, there was no response.

This is like a mansion that can eat people. Once you enter, there will be nothing left, not even a bone.

As time passed by, the blood-handed Arhat also began to feel that something was wrong.

Beads of sweat began to form on his forehead.

Could it be that this place is really haunted?

As soon as this idea took root in his heart, even a hot-blooded man began to feel chills down his back.

The blood-handed Arhat thought for a second, someone must be pretending to scare people deliberately.

So he raised his voice and called to the disciples he sent out into the depths of the house: "All disciples obey the order and you can withdraw."

Five seconds, ten seconds, 20 seconds...

One minute passed, and there was no movement in the depths of the house, let alone anyone coming out of the house.

This time, the blood-handed Arhat really felt a little guilty.

A gust of cold wind blew past, making people feel colder and colder all over.

Su Wanyi quickly hugged Ye Yuxian's arm, her voice was weak and helpless: "I'm afraid."

Ye Yuxian took Su Wanyi into her arms and patted her on the back to comfort her: "Don't be afraid, with me here, even if there are monsters and ghosts, they will eat me first and then you."

Su Wanyi: "..."

Ye Yuxian, your way of comforting others is a bit special.

(End of this chapter)

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