Chapter 1330 No matter if it is a human or a ghost, catch it first and then talk
Emotions of fear are contagious.

The blood-handed Arhat was already chilled in his heart, but Su Wanyi made him feel even more horrified.

Gu Qingyu said at this time: "It seems that we really encountered a ghost house today, and there is still time to leave now. If we insist on it, I am afraid that the whole army will be wiped out."

Changsun Xun touched his chin, and said meaningfully: "I am so old, I have seen all kinds of strange people, but I have never seen what a ghost looks like. If this is really a haunted house, it is really haunted. , I want to see you."

Listening to the tone of the two, it seems that they have tacitly agreed that this place is really haunted.

The rest of Linxiantai's disciples didn't look very good, and fear was more or less revealed in their eyes.

The battle has not yet been fought, and the morale of the army is in chaos.

The blood-handed Arhat suddenly felt bad when he saw this, so he explained: "No, what are you talking about? Haven't you seen the girl just now? Didn't the guy named Xiong touch the girl's hand? Are you sure about the girl's hand?" The hand is really touchable, and it is still warm, so it is definitely not a ghost."

He said these words not only to others, but also to himself.

Ye Yuxian said calmly with a clear and cold voice: "I didn't say that all the people living in a haunted house must be ghosts, and there may be one or two who are possessed by ghosts."

When he speaks calmly, the listener will not be calm.

When I think of the girl I saw just now, there is a weirdness on her body, it really seems to be possessed by a ghost.

The blood-handed Arhat murmured in his heart: Does this bastard speak without looking at the occasion?Didn't you see that everyone was already scared?He still said such a thing?

Black, really black, this person's heart must be black!

Xiong Yu raised his voice, "Let me tell you, you guys are a little timid, right? How can you say that three of you here are all guardians of Linxiantai, and they are all famous names in the world. I gathered here and was frightened by a house that looks a bit gloomy, if it spreads, is it plausible? Aren’t you afraid of being laughed out of the mouth by people in the Jianghu?”

After hearing this, the blood-handed Arhat was enlightened.

This made him wake up a lot, and the fear that had just arisen immediately faded away.

That's right, they are from Linxiantai, and they will never be frightened by things of this level.

"Okay, it doesn't matter if it's a human or a ghost today, let's catch it. Since sending subordinates doesn't work, I'll do it myself."

The blood-handed Arhat finally couldn't bear it anymore, and he planned to solve the problem in front of him himself.

"This is not good." Xie Fuzang looked tangled, his brows were furrowed, as if he was afraid of something, "You should still think about it, don't be impulsive."

"I'm not impulsive, it's you who are afraid." The blood-handed Arhat looked at Xie Fuzang with a hint of disappointment in his eyes.

"I'm not... I'm just..." Xie Fuzang said and lowered his head again.

His performance today was really awkward, which made the blood-handed Arhat very disappointed in him.

Chang Sun Xun said: "How about this? If you want to find out, you can follow the blood-handed Arhat. If you don't want to go, you can stay where you are and wait for the news. But you can only divide into two groups at most, and you can't disperse. , and things will easily happen if you disperse."

The blood-handed Arhat nodded, completely agreeing with Zhang Sun Xun's opinion, "Young Master Xun is right, so let's do this."

(End of this chapter)

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