Chapter 1338 You actually set us up?
"Meow, woo woo... woo..."

Tuantuan tried his best to refute, and kept whimpering and whimpering.

It's just that it doesn't speak human language, and the blood-handed Arhat can't understand it.

Kui Niu could understand, and Tuantuan in turn mocked it for being skinned by Xuannv.

A fierce light burst out from Kui Niu's eyes.

"Lord Kui Niu, do you know this little guy?"

Isn't this little dumpling a pet that Master Han and Mrs. Han carry around?

The black and white panda is soft and cute. He saw it, but he didn't pay much attention to it. He has no interest in this kind of soft and fat animal. Although it is a species he has never seen before, he doesn't think it is worthwhile. He pays attention.

But now, Lord Kui Niu is actually talking to it, and the two seem to be old acquaintances.

Could it be...could it be said that this soft and cute little beast has a lot of background?

Kui Niu summoned thunder and lightning, which fell towards Tuantuan.

Tuantuan ran fast on the ground, dodging the thunder and lightning that constantly attacked it.

But the thunder and lightning became more and more dense, and seeing that he couldn't avoid it, Tuantuan suddenly transformed into a huge monster.


A gust of wind roared out, blowing so hard that the blood-handed Arhat couldn't open his eyes.

After the blast passed, the blood-handed Arhat could clearly see the appearance of Tuantuan after the transformation.

Although it is still a bear in black and white, its aura has completely changed.

Just now, it was soft and cute and harmless to humans and animals, but now it has become scary, a powerful deterrent that ordinary people can't stand.

Now Bloody Arhat is completely convinced that this is not an ordinary pet.

But when he discovered this fact, Bloody Arhat also felt shocked.

What happened to the family of three?
Not to mention having two Heaven and Earth Divine Weapons in hand, even the pets he raises now are of this level!

The Bloody Arhat was thinking about Ye Yuxian's family, when Ye Yuxian appeared in front of the Bloody Arhat.

He stood by Tuantuan's side, with a half-smile, evil eyes reflected in his eyes, and the moonlight illuminated his enviable beauty.

The blood-handed Arhat sensed that something was wrong in the whole thing at this moment.

Master Kui Niu also said that there is no evil in the house, but someone is pretending to be a ghost.

"What's going on here?" Bloody Arhat asked Ye Yuxian, his eyes filled with dissatisfaction.

"Blood-handed Arhat has worked hard." Ye Yuxian said, "Please bring Kui Niu here."

"What do you mean? Mr. Xun kindly wants to introduce you and your wife to the fairy lord, but you are here to set us up?" The blood-handed Arhat pursed his lips tightly, the muscles on his face were tense, and the veins on his neck were already stretched. sideways.

Ye Yuxian laughed, "Blood-handed Arhat doesn't think I don't know what you really think? Do you think that after I follow you to Linxiantai, is it more likely that I will be your guest at Linxiantai, or will I become a Is it more likely that the prisoners of Linxiantai will be imprisoned?"

Bloody Luohan paused, the answer to Ye Yuxian's question was already in his heart.

Although the result of the discussion between him and Gu Qingyu Xie Fuzang Changsun Xun was to invite the family surnamed Han to Linxiantai as guests.

But when it comes to Linxiantai, it still depends on what the Immortal Lord wants.

If the Immortal Lord wants the natural enemy weapon in their hands, then other people's opinions are not important.

There is only one dead end waiting for this family.

Because once the divine soldier recognizes the master, it is impossible to carry out a new round of recognition if the previous master is not dead.

"Since you know, why didn't you refuse?" Bloody Arhat asked.

(End of this chapter)

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